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Eruption is an "issiue" but circle of healing and dead hard is fine.... sure.



  • Member Posts: 810
  • Member Posts: 8,243

    Appreciate it sir. No rush, y'all take as much time as you need!

  • Member Posts: 658
    edited November 2022

    As someone who loves eruption, I do believe it needs some changes. I personally think nerfing the incap timer and removing the CD or buffing the regression is the best way to balance it. I don't really want what some ppl saying and having it blocked the gen. I don't really like perks that regress and block gens since the regression doesn't continue happing till after the gen is unblocked. One reason I don't run DMS and Pain Res all that often.

    As for DH and CoH, I still hate DH and still think it's one of the most annoying perks to go against. Some ppl say it requires skill now to use and I disagree. There are times when DH is used when there no skill require. Those are the times when the person just camps or gets to a pallet and the killer is now in a lose/lose situation. You as the killer either have to swing and eat the DH or dont swing and eat a stun from the drop pallet(sometimes you eat a DH and get stunned by the pallet). The only time I say DH is a skillful perk is when it is used in the open to bait a swing and use the speed boost to get to another loop. That is the only time I say it's a skillful perk since you do have to time it well and bait the killer. But I rarely see ppl use the perk like this, most of the time it is used at pallets and windows.

    As for CoH I still hate it for the most part but mostly because it stacks with Medkits. I think medkits and CoH shouldn't work together to get super fast heals. It's annoying to the killer who depends on hit-and-runs. The only saving grace about CoH is that it can sometimes cost a team a match if they have 2 or more ppl with it and they decide to spend most the time in the match booning instead of doing gen. Even then tho its a super strong perk in the hands of an SWF who knows how to use it and stomp the killer's face in.

    Post edited by BlueRose on
  • Member Posts: 2,444

    CoH is the 3rd most used perk in my games. In solo it allows people a place to reset without wandering aimlessly, in a swf the team can reset in the time it takes a killer to hook. Just because it's effect has been halved doesn't mean it's not extremely strong just by nature, it's one of those things where the only way it's not op is by gutting into the ground and by then no one will use it. It simply needs a rework so it can have a strong effect.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    Actually, i dont belive you. We have seen this pattern before, and it turned out to be untrue.

    Even if CoH would be nerfed, people would tunnel even more, because they can be more sure the survivor is not healed up already.

    Or they would just ask for the medkit-nerf, because those damn medkits completley kill the Hit & Run playstyle, but if they were nerfed, the tunneling would go down.

    Its just not true, as we all have learned.

  • Member Posts: 2,412

    I can't believe people are still complaining about DH

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    Do you want me to bring you threads for DH and CoH for the past month? I didn't say they're nerfed to the ground.

  • Member Posts: 1,959

    Yay so fun having to constantly wait for Dead Hard. Wow I'm a scary killer I can't swing at the survivor until he presses E. Such a fun and exciting game mechanic

  • Member Posts: 2,013

    The forums will be filled with players who are at higher skill levels. And those are meta perks. So yes they will see a lot of use, because they are good. And killer mains will whine about it because they always want a 4k every single game.

    I don't have an issue with either perk if used legitimately. Dead hard hackers are an issue, subtle cheat that's pretty easy to get away with but it's not a big wnough issue to killswitch the perk.

    Dead hard is so easy to bait out if they killer knows what they are doing. I was playing with a friend who was a brand new player in a custom to help him get used to killer. After describing the tactic to him he was able to efficiently bait out a deadhard on his first try. That perk requires good skill and timing to use. 0.5 seconds is a tiny window and you have to predict the killers swing or be very fast on the reaction time when you see the lunge animation.

    CoH is likewise useful but it's not the broken mess these killer sweats say it is. The self healing is slow and if you run sloppy butcher it's practically a slowdown perk. The only time I have reall issues with it in a killer game is when I'm trying to hold down a 3 gen situation. And being honest? Survs NEED a counterplay in that situation because it's really not fair to make that an auto win for killer.

    I play survivor and killer roughly equally so I want to see the balance work for both sides. With my swf we have a reasonable survival rate. Like maybe 40-50% averaged over the 4 players. And CoH gives us breathing space,it feels like we'd die an awful lot more without it. Which would make the game extremely unenjoyable. I don't use DH as much as I used to but it's still a handy perk and I do get some good value out of it but likewise I also miss a lot of triggers too. Neither perk is broken.

    The main issue is killers who can't counterplay these perks ramp their mmr up by clubbing new players and then end up against sweaty prestige 30 swfs. They get owned once or twice then come on here complaining about the perks they see the most. A game shouldn't be balanced based on the top 5% or even 10% of the mmr bracket. Because this game is intolerable enough for newer players on the survivor side. CoH is an essential perk for players like that. DH less so, but it's so easy to counter. I much prefer coming up against DH to sprint burst or balanced landing as exhaustion perks. Because I cannot counterplay those in any way, i am relying on the surv to mess up by running into a wall or something.

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    I don't disagree with you, I simply answered the player who said why people are complaining about eruption and not those perks and brought examples. In another post he was complainign about new DH being a lose-lose situation. I use DH and I've come across killers who after getting DH the first time they know to wait it out and even if you can say I'm bad or average there are good players who still fail DH by misreading when the killer will attack.

    DH on reaction is very hard to do with latency and maybe input delay. I think the devs themselves have said that it can be affected by latency and they're going for a prediction perk.

    And from my personal experience if it means anything, it's true that it doesn't work on reaction because everytime I've hit it when they hit started I've always failed it. I'm also playing via GeForce so that may not be doing my latency any favors.

    As for your other points about people being high skill levels I would not be so sure, because there's no visible way to see that and people misjudge a lot of things. i could also make the claim that I'm probably mid to high MMR cause I get a lot of killers going for 3-4 slowdown Eruption perks and as people say here, that's the only way to win high MMR. And from all the troll or bait posts of people claiming survivor/killer is easy no one has ever taken anyone on a challenge to prove their point. So I personally wouldn't really put much weight. I've personally never made any claims about MMR because it doesn't even make sense to me and most of the time it feels as if the game doesn't even account for it when matchmaking takes long.

    All we can go about is the stats they released and they're not clear enough, because they can actually do a lot more and give as a better picture. Like what is the kill/escape rate at low MMR, mid, with DCs, which killer DCs the most, against which killer do survivors DC the most, the escape rate by solo, duo SWF etc. and most importantly the perk groups that have the highest killrate or escape rate etc. At this moment we simply know that killers are doing a lot better than they had been doing previously and maybe one can even claim many die hard killer mains are still in denial here. But that's about what we can really consider reliable.

    Many people still posting don't even play the game anymore but you wouldn't know that at first glance or reading a post in which they require a change or whine about a game mechanic.

  • Member Posts: 317

    Coming from a player who started 2017 before Devotions and the End game collapse. CoH’s free heals for EVERYONE is cheap/ez OP perk for survivors. Only 1 person need to brings a self-care totem perk for everyone that hides aura’s and speeds up heals as a group. These boon perks are crazy powerful. When they first came out I thought this seems game breaking.

    I am annoyed by CoH players on my side a survivor as well. Healing is great but most these players can’t do gens till there healed and/or blessing a totem. So much time is wasted. Sadly w/o it these players will hide in a corner or run around the edge of the map injured till everyone else dies or they finally come across someone. Most injured players are a frantic mess. They’re useless injured and/or SUPER time wasters w/ CoH

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