Why do survivors lose exhaustion when hooked?

Jay_K Member Posts: 429

I'm guessing this has been asked here before but i've always wondered why survivors get there exhaustion back the momenty there hooked. I mean its not like there just chill sitting on a hook being able to recover.

I think its kinda unfair that it is instantly back so the moment they are unhooked they can re-use the exhaustion perk like sprint burst or overcome (combind with base kit BT or Off the Record).

Does anyone know if there was ever an official statement as to why this happened or maybe is it just a bug never addressed because it seems stupid as a mechanic.

Its especially stupid when you consider that being downed doesnt instantly recover your exhaustion where your character is just laying there but being impaled on a hook...now thats a relaxing time.


  • Terion
    Terion Member Posts: 810

    Logicly wise, yeah id dont make any sense.

    But balance wise it does. Tunneling is a good strat, it would be even more busted when survivors would not have exhaustion back when they are just unhooked.

    however there are scenarios where a survivor just could get up by themself and instantly have Exhaustion perks back again. Like they used DH alredy, got down , but someone else is there with the flashlight. Or 2 people. The survivor who got downed can recover, get up and use DH again immediatly, this would be a big problem.

    If it has specificly mentioned by any dev, no idea. But thats the reasons i could come up with why it is as it is.

  • Lekitzul
    Lekitzul Member Posts: 495

    I'm telling you what, I'm glad we lose it, cuz as a solo q I've had WAY too many people get me off hook in front of killer and I have no way of getting away.

  • Jay_K
    Jay_K Member Posts: 429

    oh don't get me wrong im not saying exhaustion should come back if they are downed. i'm very glad it doesnt due to the exact example you gave. but equally i don't think it should come back off the hook. I'm not going to go into the tunneling debate on this post (ive had the debate to many times and bottom line survivors need to get over it. u get tunneled let go and go next) but now there is base kit BT which comes with a speed boost not to mention the massive rework of OTR. do survivors really need there exhaustion back right off hook.

    One big issue i have come across recently is the groups of head on squads that kinda abuse this mechanic. they get off hook. hop in locker, head on stun, back in locker, DS, back in locker, flashlight saved out of locker.

    Thankfully that last bit is being addressed and i think the flashlight change to locker saves is incredible but the fact that a survivor can instantly be unhooked in your face and have a free out with either sprint burst or overcome is a bit over the top. At that point its not killer tunneling its survivor enduced tunneling.

  • Jay_K
    Jay_K Member Posts: 429

    But how does that make it balanced for both survivor and killer. If a survivor unhooks in the killers face thats on the survivor. the killer shouldn't be punished for that (this is a reason im against the base kit BT but thats gonna forever be in the game)

  • Terion
    Terion Member Posts: 810

    Oh believe me, i think tunneling is fine, im also a killer main. Or well, i play killer a slight more than survivor. 100% agree on survivors needing to get over tunneling alredy.

    I havent had the Head on problem. I mean i have issiues with head on some rare occasions but not like they specificly use it after getting unhooked, more so DS by that. i mostly just chase someone else if they happen to go into a locker, hit them for endurance and chase someone else if that other person is to catch easyer at the moment. OTR and basekit BT get canceled out by conspicious actions though, so if they linger around or use their endurance then you can punish them fairly easy i think. In my games it has been like this at least.

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024
    edited November 2022

    If we use logic I dont think you upper part and ur lower part to keep together after Bubba chainsaw you.

    Dont get me wrong I highly doubt you can spring with a hole like a ball on your chest. 🤣

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Mainly to discourage tunneling because before some survivors wouldn't hang long enough to get their exhaustion perks back.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    I'm assuming because of tunneling it would be really annoying to not be able to get anywhere if you didn't have your exhaustion back

  • hastarkis
    hastarkis Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 580

    The only way they can get overcome right after unhook... there's no way to get it. Overcome doesn't work for injured people. So it's sprintburst only (which makes basekit BT useless anyway). And only in case of tunneling. What exactly is over top here and how exactly survivor who sprints away from you induce your tunneling? If it was in your face then you should probably have injured unhooker around, no?

    Also, those escapes aren't free. Do you really need to discount and devalue survivors to make your point?

    We all understand those are game mechanics implemented to make game playable, they aren't logical in real world terms but they address some game situations. You said you aren't going to go into the tunneling debate but it seems like your problem is you can't tunnel someone off hook because of sprintburst.

    What's your REAL question (and problem) here, may I ask you?

    You know, person who was unhooked right in your face without their will shouldn't be punished also.

    Plus, in most cases of unhooks-in-a-face you have free hit and free downs on unhookers. Sometimes - even grabs.

    I don't even say about the fact those bully squads are SWF and WON'T unhook each other before exaustion is gone anyway. Or will change their tactic/builds a little to be sure they aren't exausted when they try to bully you. They are annoying, yes, but even if we need additional measures to fight them back that's definetely not changing of exaustion mechanic, it won't hurt them that hard but will hurt average survivors who have to deal with soloq and/or campers/tunnelers.

    Maybe I missed your point?

    People can make crazy things while in shock and/or in fear of death :P

  • versacefeng
    versacefeng Member Posts: 1,140

    I don't know why, but before the exhaustion change you could still be exhausted while on a hook so it's probably related to that.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Oh yeah, there's nothing like having a meat hook going through your heart or a collapsed lung for an adrenaline boost

  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,267

    It's to make ruthlessly tunneling people off hook less effective

  • Lekitzul
    Lekitzul Member Posts: 495

    Honestly, I think it's just to protect Solo Q players. Sometimes you get stuck with really inexperienced killers, and I think it TOTALLY makes sense for the killer to attack them if they are stupid enough to do that in front of the killer. But at least it gives the helpless hooked person a chance. XD

  • Tizzle
    Tizzle Member Posts: 696

    Do you really need it to be easier to tunnel someone off a hook?

    There's a reason why it's removed when the Survivor is hooked.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Neither should the unhooked survivor be punished for it. Basekit BT is only as good as its duration, and 10 seconds doesnt combat tunneling.

    If basekit BT was all survivors had, I would be proxycamping hard with DeadLock, Grim Embrace, Pain Resonance and Dead Mans Switch. The first time, they are going to be unaware of the pain resonance, DeadLock slows down the game and I just have to patrol a 3 gen.

    If we're going to compare mechanics, in this scenario, the killer shouldnt be able to break a pallet when they have just been stunned, or very current, they shouldnt be immune from locker based blinds. Yet they are.

    And how is the killer punished for that? You literally have another survivor who unhooked in your face, you can hit them, you can down them and replace them on the hook. Thats not a punishment, thats a free hook.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016

    Anti tunneling

    DEMONANCE Member Posts: 800

    dude really asking for an easier way to tunnel and has problems with basekit bt hmmmm yeah i wonder why exhaustion goes away on hooks!

  • Jay_K
    Jay_K Member Posts: 429

    no ones asking for an easier way to tunnel and if thats all you took from my original question i feel sorry for you. but the idea of a survivor no longer being exhausted just because they are hook is bad game mechanics imo. This has NOTHING to do with tunneling at all as the base kit successfully entices killers to tunnel enough :)

    But hey if u wanna give your 2 cents just accusing of wanting an easier way to tunnel you do you.

  • Jay_K
    Jay_K Member Posts: 429

    Did i say i want an easy way to tunnel someone???

    Did i even say that i'm pissed at this mechanic and rage about it???

    No i didnt.

    I'm gonna go out on a lim here and assume that your the type of survivor that believes that all tunneling is bad and killers should not do it. If thats the case then you are very very wrong im afraid. Tunneling hardcore is a ######### thing to do. Sure ill agree with that which is why i never do it. But when as a killer you activly go for the person who hasn't been on the hook and the one who is just unhooked comes into take a hit then thats just Bull and should be looked at because in my eyes if you take a hit for the unhooker then you are begging the killer to chase and tunnel you.

    I don't activly tunnel anyone but if a survivor puts them in a position where they are forcing a protection hit they why on earth wouldnt i change target and get the easy down???

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,295

     I'm not going to go into the tunneling debate on this post (ive had the debate to many times and bottom line survivors need to get over it. u get tunneled let go and go next) but now there is base kit BT which comes with a speed boost not to mention the massive rework of OTR. do survivors really need there exhaustion back right off hook.

    You wanna tell survivors to 'get over it' in regards to tunnelling, be prepared for everyone else to tell you to 'get over it' that you can't hard-tunnel someone off hook as easily if they have an exhaustion perk.

    Did i say i want an easy way to tunnel someone???

    Yes. You did.

    Because the only way that exhaustion recovery upon getting hooked can be a problem to you is if you are hardcore tunnelling. So asking for it to be removed directly translates to asking for tunnelling to be easier.

  • Tizzle
    Tizzle Member Posts: 696

    Doesn't sound like an easy down to me if you're here complaining about the player that you just recently hit straight off the hook not being exhausted.

  • AJStyIez
    AJStyIez Member Posts: 419
    edited November 2022

    In a game where exhausted on the ground exists and has existed to a worse extent in the past, I would literally quit the game if I had to take a hook due to somebody else's bad internet AND still be exhausted while they come back to tunnel me. I'm very big on not coddling Survivors and bailing them out with silly mechanics, but that specifically would make no sense to exist in the current climate

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    Lithe, Balanced Landing and Smash Hit are already lower tier exhaustion perks. If survivors kept exhaustion off the hook it would just make those perks worse without really affecting Dead Hard or Sprint Burst if the killer tunnels off the hook.

    Survivors should at least have a chance to have more than 1 good chase in a match of DbD.

  • Jay_K
    Jay_K Member Posts: 429

    Actually i never directly asked for it to be removed. nor did i directly say im annoyed because i can't tunnel anyone. But i kinda give up because if any killer main every sais anything against a survivor ability on this forum its always the same response. Its just assuming we want to hardcore tunnel every survivor and we complain when we can't. Well this has NOTHING to do with tunneling this has to do with the countless games where I have a team of swf that unhooks in your face, they tank a hit (when your trying not to tunnel) with base kit BT then uses there free exhaustion to jump in a locker to start off the head on stun chain.

    I'm fed up with the constant complaining about tunneling every time a question is asked about a mechanic in this game. Aparently we can't ask questions and even if we don't directly say anything about tunneling in the post its always just assumed that we are being salty because we can't tunnel.

    So im guessing this is just a mechanic in the game that is intended so lets just leave it at that shall we....

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,722

    Because that’s not the point of exhaustion.

    Exhaustion exists so you can’t use the same exhaustion perk multiple times in one chase or chain multiple exhaustion perks together.

    If you’ve been hooked, you’re not doing either of those things, and it’s good balance-wise because tunneling would become easier if it wasn’t reset on hook. Not a fan of how pyramid head cages don’t actually reset exhaustion at all.

  • Entitled_survivor
    Entitled_survivor Member Posts: 828

    Yeah i think survivors should come off hook suffering from all status effects so killers can tunnel more efficiently since even with stacking 3/4regression perks they manage to get 3 outed lmao

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 1,995

    To me, exhaustion should even be lost when the survivor is downed

  • Jay_K
    Jay_K Member Posts: 429

    Thats a fair point tbh. and this is the sort of responces i was looking for lol. you give a fair and resonable answer to why it happens instead of just accusing me of being a hard core tunneling trying to cry about it XD

    But yeah i can see what u mean. However i guess what could work is if exhaustion is gained back at double the rate so instead of instantly back and usable its gained back at double the normal rate. This would mean survivors have it back most of the time unless they are instantly unhooked.

  • hastarkis
    hastarkis Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 580
    edited November 2022

    But yeah i can see what u mean. However i guess what could work is if exhaustion is gained back at double the rate so instead of instantly back and usable its gained back at double the normal rate. This would mean survivors have it back most of the time unless they are instantly unhooked.

    Interesting enough this still doesn't solve your problem with head-on-SWF-squads but still hurt all other people you apparently have no problem with.

  • furret534
    furret534 Member Posts: 77

    Most likely mentioned by other people, but two reasons: Adrenaline, and how it’s a game and not real life. It’s the same reason why after being downed and unhooked you’re injured instead of downed again. If you were to survive being hooked and someone saved you from said hook before you died, and you felt hope that you could still possibly survive the horror, your body would pump full of adrenaline, helping numb the pain and giving you a second wind.

  • Tizzle
    Tizzle Member Posts: 696

    You're complaining about a Survivor tanking a hit off the hook then jumping into a locker WHILE HAVING THE ENDURANCE EFFECT to head on you?

    They'll literally fall out of the locker, you can't be serious.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,295

    To be fair, it also took me a moment to realise they'd just... Bleed out.