The Archer- New Killer Idea!

Gender: Male
Speed: 110%

The Archer is a ranged killer, able to shoot arrows at survivors from long distances with his deadly bow. The Archer will start a trial with 5 arrows and can reload at any time by placing an arrow on the bow; this is similar to shooting an arrow, however this action is much slower, taking a time of 4 seconds.

Successfully hitting a healthy survivor will put them into the injured state. Another successful hit will put them into the dying state. The Archers weapon is a bloody rapier. When the Archer has 1 arrow remaining players can either use that arrow on a survivor (healthy or injured), or can shoot at a pallet that has not been broken, instantly breaking it.

Yes, this killer is kind of similar to Huntress but this is just a basic, rough idea I had. I think a bow and arrow killer would be cool. I bet there’s probably much better ideas than this that can be thought of for this killer. I would love to hear your guys’ thoughts on this.


  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,271
    edited December 2018

    The first difference could be the trajectory of the projectile, its speed and so on, slowdown on aiming, how long it takes to aim, or even zoom while doing so.

    Theoretically the devs could add alternate killers that are only slightly different than existing ones.
    (Somewhat comparable to HB and LF for example)

    Alternativley they could give huntress a second killer ability to chose in her inventory, either use the hatchets or the bow, which is similiar, but still different to use. ( meaning thre huntress could swap 'items' before the trial starts)

  • redsopine01
    redsopine01 Member Posts: 1,269

    The first difference could be the trajectory of the projectile, its speed and so on, slowdown on aiming, how long it takes to aim, or even zoom while doing so.

    Theoretically the devs could add alternate killers that are only slightly different than existing ones.
    (Somewhat comparable to HB and LF for example)

    Alternativley they could give huntress a second killer ability to chose in her inventory, either use the hatchets or the bow, which is similiar, but still different to use. ( meaning thre huntress could swap 'items' before the trial starts)

    Don't forget she has a archers outfit as well
  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Give the Archer a precise hitbox but a way to aim with your bow.