"Wiggle" on ps4
Wiggling is baby easy on console. It has a threshold, don't tornado the freakin joystick, just turn it at grandma speed.
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Well, in that case the threshold would be harder to meet. For the joystick just needs to be MOVED for it to register.
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Jack11803 said:
Well, in that case the threshold would be harder to meet. For the joystick just needs to be MOVED for it to register.
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Dont focus on speed AT ALL. Focus on moving the joystick as far from center as possible, then learn to do that casually. Your controller will never break after that. Cheers.
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I think the wiggle on the left stick is just fine. I love the PS4 controls overall. They are well done.
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If that's true at all and not just utter BS speculation, then maybe a better in game indication of what is /isn't working would be the thing that's missing. Sure seems to me like my progression does not proceed quickly enough at all if I move the stick anything less than dozens of times per second