Knight sucks

clunkier than my first car after the oil had leaked out. His power is way too loud. You cannot hear ######### while it’s active. Wanna see a survivor run straight? Play knight. His little lackeys can’t hit ######### even if they do catch someone. Watched someone unhook a another survivor while captain dipshit watched laughed and whiffed.
His footsteps and power are loud but so is blight for example and I have no problem hearing survivors during his screeching etc.
his plystyle is very pig ambush/ artist esque. Just run to the next loop.
and a guard ending a hunt when a survivor unhooks is intended. The hunt will end if you unhook someone this has been a thing since PTB.
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Like I said. Knight sucks. Everything ends his power. I couldn’t hear hatch standing next to it with a guard activated. Much worse than plague used to be with her red puke activated.
I usually like the original killers more but this one is not a positive thing