The skill ceiling in DBD is at all time low, how would you make it higher?

Rise432 Member Posts: 162
edited November 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

The game just feel to easy right now and it seems like its just getting easier and easier, people being handheld on both sides.

the Bloodlust buffs

new flashlight save buffer

overall perks just carrying players (while this has been a thing for years now, we have more perks then ever that can carry players with 0 effort)

The game can be casual friendly, but that dosent mean it cannot have skillfull mechanics or gameplay, I just think the more new players gets catered towards, the easier the game becomes for veterans/players with good understanding of the game which in result can lead to easy stomp matches.


  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    I play survivor and I play solo, so for me the game is hard enough. Maybe not as mechanically intensive as other games (fighting games come to mind). I wouldn't mind if they decided to add more mechanics. Maybe make gens harder but I personally would hate it cause I feel it is very latency dependent from my experience but that can be one way.

    I would like it if they added more mechanics to survivors for chases as that is the most exciting part imo and playing against M1 after they Bloodlust you, you either have to hope the fall for the spin or something. So I personally would like a mechanic that can be universal but that mostly skilled survivors can make use of it (like say DH, or countering certain killer powers) as I feel the game really is designed in a way that you are supposed to go down as a survivor at some point and not talking about cases where you can run a new killer for 5 gens. I think really good survivors at chases should be able to have this ability imo.

    As for killers, removing scratchmarks when injured and having to follow the blood or your game sense and making simple killers more skill intensive like having skillshots or good timings (say huntress etc.) I would also keep camping and tunneling but make it more skillful if it's possible to do that, so that bad killers cannot benefit from it but good killers can still use it. I generally don't know how you can make M1 killers mechanically more intensive, maybe it's good that simple options like this exist, although perhaps I'd add skillchecks to them for say, Pig putting a trap on you, or Trapper putting traps down as well as Hag. Stuff like that.

    Just a few (probably unpopular) ideas.

  • Aceislife
    Aceislife Member Posts: 259

    Maybe some new tiles? Or a new mechanic in a chase? New objects to interact with that could help you/not help you if you make a mistake in a chase? How about a plank or something like that for the survivors to carry, and to either smack or throw it at a killer to stun them, and also maybe make it so the killer has to swing or dodge to counter the "plank"? Or a new movement mechanic?

    -Definetly revert the recent flashlight save buff. (Saves are super easy now)

    -Revert Billy rework. Maybe change him somehow so he can't just camp as effectively. (Good Billy curvers were some of the most skilled players in the game)

    -Make every killer able to sabotage the gen somehow. Lets say, some part of the gen disappears, or the killer hides it him/herself. Then the survs have to go look for it to be able to do the sabotaged gen again. And/or make the survivors be able to find items to reward them with faster gen speed/more progression. (Depending on how these changes would affect game balance)

    -Make killers lose bp for facecamping. Facecamping requires no skill, but you shouldn't have to nerf killers completely because some players camp, maybe just a mechanic that prevents it.

  • I think you mean the skill floor. The skill ceiling is still where it's always been. Relying on Bloodlust is a crutch playstyle for bad killers that can't mindgame, and relying on it exclusively will almost always lose you the game. Good players can get the timing down for flashlight saves in no time, adding a buffer just makes it slightly easier for newer players to learn.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Even Survivors have a fairly high skill ceiling when we consider chaining tiles, aligning your position for a fast vault and all the other stuff around proper positioning... When you look at how comp or 1v1 players loop you cannot compare that to most people... Even people with higher amount of hours above 2-3 k hours play comparibly worse in huge way... Just because you survive easily many times does not mean you've reached the skill ceiling... You can have many thousands of hours in this game and still not be close to have reached the skill ceiling.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,163

    high skill-ceiling? you mean low skill-ceiling. survivor have high skill-floor. they have to learn how to play against all 30 killers in the chase and learn the maps but once they learn the maps and how to approach the killer powers, their gameplay is just rush gens and perform well in chases. The stuff your describing is compare to killer following scratch marks, seeing the birds fly, knowing their max distance for an m1 attack, knowing what positions to reverse moonwalk their red glow. your describing basic survivor gameplay.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I would say the skill floor as survivor consists of using pallets and windows, nothing more... Everything that goes beyond that is somewhere between floor and ceiling...

    What I meant with aligning for a fast vault was for example in a 4 wall or on Saloon the upper window from the inside... When you are able to align a fast vault with little space...

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,163

    fast vaulting windows is pretty basic imo. Ayrun had a video recently where he was vaulting suffocation pit window. i think it would be cool if survivor could do a critical-fast window vault where pressing the button at the correct time does a fast vault instead of a medium vault. I kinda wish there was a greater skill-cap to fast vaulting and medium vaulting windows rather then x distance means you cannot fast vault and y distance means you can. something comparable to headshots in fps games. in general, i wish window vaulting was more rewarding and safe pallet looping was less strong.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I mean... you do have to press it at a critical point? When you have reached enough distance so basically right when you are colliding with the wall... That's not a basic skill... These kind of windows are really rough to fast vault, and that's exactly what I meant.... When you have a lot of space you can fast vault them rather early and not care much about timing, but when the space is narrow you need to execute it properly... And that's pretty skillfull I think...

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,163

    dead dog saloon inside window is pretty easy to fast vault though. I can't think of any window that is hard to fast vault. As I said, basic survivor skill imo.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    A 4 lane in between the walls on the right side (And since most of those 4 lanes have a narrower side in the right lane, in this case, you cannot even fast vault it from both directions):

    I think that one is rather rough to fast vault... It will take quite a lot of work to get that done consitantly... Same goes for any other window with same narrow space...

    I don't know if the window at rancid abatooir can be fast vaulted, I don't think so.. Cow tree from the other direction... The dump truck on Azarovs, the window in iron works mainbuilding bottom floor from the outside, short wall jungle gym windows from the outside on azarovs,

    There are quite a lot of windows with narrow spaces that make it hard to fast vault them and require some practise to do consistantly...

    I don't want to say it is the hardest thing to do, but it needs some practise and that's something I consider you need to accomplish to reach the survivor skill cap.

    Also how can you say: " I can't think of any window that is hard to fast vault. As I said, basic survivor skill imo." But before that you mentioned Ayruns video on a really tricky to pull off fast vault xD How does this fit together man xD