The DC button

So, arguments have been made that if it’s “in the game” it’s a viable strat. Body blocking, face camping, tea bagging, whatever. So with the quit game button, does that make it a viable strat? Say, leaving a game to let a teammate get hatch, prevent the completion of that final Gen. Why is that button there? Say your game is all wonky or glitchy and that’s why it’s there, so you can leave, but you still get a penalty for any reason you push that button. Why not just remove the button?
The ban penalty you get for it is a clue that should be clear enough.
That being said, closing the game properly is a standard feature.
One may have to leave for a legitimate reason and not want the risk to corrupt the game files.
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It's for leaving games that are literally unplayable. That means hackers holding you hostage, or bugs that prevent you from progressing the game, or RL emergencies that mean you literally cannot play. It does not mean getting a map that you claim is "unplayable" or going against a killer you deem "overpowered".
If a game is literally unplayable, then a DC penalty is a small price to pay.
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I think you posted on the wrong comment because what you said really has no relevance to what I said
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You already answered your own question.
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lmao yeah what i thought. "you dont fit my narrative, so i deem your argument unworthy!"
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1 side or the other will progress the game in your absence, and if faced with such a dilemma, you can restart the game, alt tab close, or on console it’s even easier (if it’s buggy you’re going to restart anyway) The point of my post is that with that button, it’s incredibly easy to just quit the game your not happy with. Start/Y leave game, and whatever it is on comps.l, take the 1 min DC penalty, but if the button was removed maybe it would discourage people from quickly leaving a match
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My match started right at that moment.
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What legitimate reason would a person have to leave a game? “Oh man, my house is on fire, better leave my game first”, “oh no, my pizza is burning up in the oven, better leave my game first” The game will just finish naturally wether you’re afk or not. There isn’t a reason to ever leave on purpose, and if an emergency situation arises and a persons first priority is to leave a match, was it really an emergency after all?
My argument is to simply remove the easy access DC.
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BHVR have stated that they realIze there are valid reasons to leave a game and that it should be very rare. That’s why the initial DC penalty is small and resets if you don’t do it all the time. I think it’s punitive enough to discourage repeated DCing and keeping these types of players from ruining too many matches for others
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From the top of my head:
- A delivery
- A visit
- An appointment
- Bed time (that one hits me quite often, I have an alarm to tell me to go to bed when I have to get up at 5:00)
- Anything that's more important than playing a game (almost everything there is)
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I had to quit one time because my daughter was playing and tripped and fell and needed me because my wife was outside.
It's hard enough that I'm crying from being bullied as killer, now try dealing with a crying two year old. lol
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I mean, this shouldn't be happening every game, so you can afford 5 minutes if that's what you want to do
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You forgot the most common one
- When people don't feel like playing anymore
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This. You have to give people an out for game where there is no other way, save for a hard shutdown.
It is not for leaving when the match annoys you, or isn't going your way.
Now by far more people us it for the latter than the former, but you probably can't remove it, as nice as that would be. I've used that function maybe 3-4 times in the three years I have been playing DBD, and would not miss it, but I've never been properly held hostage, either.
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So for a delivery, you just use the quit match button? Not just afk? You yourself have complained of “rage quits” as you say in the past, how do you know they didn’t just receive an Amazon delivery, or maybe they were sleepy, or their best bud just showed up unannounced? Why is it ok for you to just up and quit when you’re sleepy, but not others? If others do it, it’s rage quitting?
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Deliveries can take time, and there were other examples on my list and I'm sure there are many others.
As for how to make a difference : timing.
All this is beside the point.
The point is there are many legitimate reasons for closing the game mid-match and they all deserve a time-out as it sucks for everyobdy else involved.