DCs verse knight... am I missing something?

I'm seeing alot of people just suicide on first hook, doesnt matter how the games going can be 2 gens and it's the killers first hook but people are still throwing.
I get it the knight doesnt have the best gameplay but it sure beats 3v1s and sitting in a lobby to get another 3v1.
Just take the easy win and move on even if it's not the most interesting game, stop screwing games and everyone else over.
Seriously I dont get the entitlement of people, I wish actions like this wasnt so supported and glorified in the community it's just embarrassing.
It's not like the killer is enjoying the gameplay much either or getting stomped but the point is it's new and different dont go ruining it for people.
Although the killer is very weak in chases, he is a console campers wet dream. Up there with bubba and hag. No gameplay, just camp
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You'll never make sense of people's decision to rage quit a match, because there's never any logic behind it. People simply are too easily upset.
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Well i agree with KidneyStoner, he is the next big camper, and that just gets old very fast.
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That makes no sense, what does platform even have to do with that?
And if you're referring to the clear oversight of make your choice working while in your power that's not even strong, as soon as a survivor clocks you do that they trade last second making it an even easier win.
Also bubba can down the saver and the uncooked player with 3 charges, not killer beats the camping ability of bubba lol
Yeah you're probably right, it's just annoying so many of my games aren't actually proper games anymore. I wouldn't even say it's that bad just not as fun as others, I guess people are just entitled/selfish with short attention spans.
Just a shame, these players holds back so much fun
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He certainly is incredible at camping and there's not too much Survivors can do to stop him.
Definitely very boring and I could certainly understand why that would make people rather go next than play against him. I wouldn't but I might be tempted to do so.
Not really on the player though, he's not good at anything else
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Eh, they arent even camping in these games and its already easy wins if he camps.
Hes a basic M1 and survivors win if you hook trade and people dont just watch him camp (which alot of people seem to do for some reason)
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I'm not even sure why people are claiming the knight is a good camper. The guards will end hunt if the chased survivor unhooks someone. The Knight would still have to be by the hook and at the end of the day he's still a M1 killer camping a hook with no innate advantages.
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When it takes a 2 or 3 man save for every hook, i consider that high prestige camp territory. If he stands at hook with a patrol, ez 2 hit down before the unhook. So no solo saves ever. And i mention console because the majority of my matches are against console killers and they all play the same. Hook and tunnel although some pc killers do the same but not as much as the former
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It's not that he puts guards around hook.
He can hit people coming to the hook with guards and force trades or double hits.
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It's only been like a day, but I have noticed that most of the Knights I have faced have been super campy.
Yeah, it can turn the area around the hook into a real meat grinder if the team is altruistic. I've had a few really short games a surv against the Knight.
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because a lot of survivors are afraid of being injured.
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People literally d/c against everything. There's no singular thing that causes people to d/c. There's no logic to extract from someone d/cing in your match.
Post edited by EQWashu on5 -
He is awful to go against due to the optimal playstyle a lot of knights are picking up on. I got hard camped out by a 13,000 hour killer streamer last night. I turned his stream on and the first thing I hear is him talking about how basement is the only way to play the knight if you're trying to win. This is a horribly designed killer so expect a lot of DCs and hook suicides going forward. They basically created a basement god in an era where people are fed up with camping. Good luck to solo teams trying to get someone out of the basement against this guy.
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Also keep in mind that everyone is having really bad glitches issues. I've had to disconnect multiple times with the update because it only shows the cursor circle thing and won't let me play or move. :/ It's a known issue.
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I fully admit I will go next on this killer, the fact he camps already.... it's only going to get worse and then the way he zones with his minions so it forces you to be double tapped it's boring there is literally 0 skill required to play him cos its just camp and zone. Twins 2.0 except the guards run at the same time as the killer... its utter bs
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Not condoning it, but I get it. There's zero gameplay with this killer. Really wish they'd move away from the zoning M2 design. It's almost always super unpopular. The game needs more skill killers like Blight, Nurse, Huntress, Billy, Oni, etc.
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I've had a guy rq because he got trapped on the other side of the map while I was carrying his freind to a hook so yeah it will always happen
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Because new killer is super boring to go against,i never expected it but they finally made a killer worse than legion to go against
Post edited by Entitled_survivor on1 -
Your name suits lol.
Legion really isnt that bad, and while some killers are definitely not as fun as others you shouldn't just give up and throw ruining everyone else's game. It's why DC penalties was added, this is just bypassing a bannable offense pretty much
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Ye like people are saying this killer is a campers wet dream
easy double hit at hook
teleport back to hook with Make Your Choice.
Almost like the the same issue when Dredge was release
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Legion is horrible to go against, not because he is strong but because of the constant mending simulator you have to endure, and knight where to begin with,, second rate artist that is actually weaker and more boring,, i don't blame anyone for dcing or giving up against these,, I'd also mention twins but at least kicking Victor is fun and who even plays them?
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Actually that's wrong.
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How's he strong at camping? How?
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Guess IRL situations aren't okay to DC?
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Yes, it is, not because he is that good at camping, but because thats how everyone and their mother is playing him.
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The super campy part might be, because you got a killer at your hand whos power is for the most part ineffective in a chase BUT rather super effective at camping. Its really frustrating, you lose about 2s if you just tap your ability to plonk down a banner right then and there, and by that time the survivors are already halfway off to the next loop, unless this was in some house or your somehow cornered them in a legit corner of the map.
I have had a couple very fun situations were my guard chased a survivor through the upper levels of Ormont and I cut them off at the next stairs, but for every such situation I got a dozen furstrating and unfun ones were my power was just to my detriment. So for the wider part this leaves killers with the option to just play as an M1 killer with a rather good camping game.
I copy pasta my ideas for a fix everywhere in the hopes that someone at BHVR might think "you know what? This dude got it!", so here we go. Copy pasta 7 or something ^_-
What if we did away with the whole orb thing and made the power work in a different way? Hear me out, with my proposed change we had 4 ways to activate the power:
1) highlight a survivor in sight to summon a Guard and chase them, freeing yourself to do something else or attempt a pincer attack
2) highlight a gen or breakable object to summon a Guard and kick/break it
3) this is the big one: highlight an entire house, building or structure and have a Guard search the thing and patrol around it
4) highlight nothing and just plonk down a standart and have the guard patrol around it.
This would allow the knight to do his thing on the fly, without stopping too much and still allow for some map pressure and not just closing up the loop at hand.
His perks are mostly ok, but Hubris really needs to be buffed to at least 30s. 20s is barely enough to close to a survivor if you are running Spirit Fury and they get to a vault, without it you got no chance to use it at all besides a once in a blue moon missplay on the survivors side.
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I guess console killers are that bad they have to camp and the superior PC race killers never camp or tunnel right? 🤣🤣🤣
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He has some issues with camping, that's true, considering that using his power is basically the same as using Spirit's power or Victor... YOU ARE the orb, until you end its "phase", so mechanically, Knight's body during his power usage is treated the same as Spirit's Husk or Charlotte when running around as Victor...
When it comes to camping as Knight via using his power though (Patrol at the hook), it is not as strong and often a rescuer can unhook before guard is even fully triggered (ready to attack), which could be tanked by unhooked guy, but then BT is triggered, so... That may be the issue, he can camp while not being there, but so can Huntress or Hag. Similarly Twins can do stuff like that too.
There are some major issues with Knight though, his power usage is wonky and cumbersome in many situations, there needs to be plenty of clearance for his power usage (you can't really smoothly break pallets or doors mid chase, as you need free spot to cast your power... and it takes some time and... it often bugs out and locks you out of your power too while you get ear molested by extremely loud power whooshing sound). This can maybe annoy some killers and make them camp (?)... or not, they just are campers and use other killers to camp rather than the old ones.
Knight's body should be treated as the proper killer's location on the map, not the orb. That's very important to limit his camping potential. (You can gest stacks for PWYF when flying as an orb and finding "invisible" obsession)...
What else to do... ? Limiting his power usage at the hook may not be the good idea, sometimes you don't even want to camp the hook but want to cast a power nearby, but can't due to artificial limit, that sucks when you don't play "scummy" but are punished for it too (Twins i.e.)
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Yeah that's a bit silly. You can't learn how to counter a killer if you refuse to play against them
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He is very unfun to go against and is one to add to the trend of anti loop killers that force a very un-interactive hold W to next loop playstyle. As I mentioned in my own thread earlier, there are some who are using an exploit to camp with Make Your Choice where he has no TR so he can camp and expose the person unhooking so he can insta-down them then tunnel the person who just got unhooked.
His design encourages the least enjoyable game play in DBD and while I am not excusing or encouraging people exiting matches, I am starting to at least understand it
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You have to camp with him to win, its the only way.
Chase and loop is ineffective. if you let the hook person go its instant lose. i didn't win a single game with knight when I chase and not camp.
if u chase ppl just run straight and go straight to another loop and it takes ages for power to come back not to mention u go idle for 3 sec. and guards disappear way too fast.
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Gonna backtrack on my earlier comment because I actually just had a game against him and what you said was my exact experience. He was very unfun to go against. And before anyone thinks I'm saying that because I lost: I always lose, I'm a casual player who doesnt care about escaping and enjoys dying for team mates. The entire gameplay was just legit boring and if people are going against that game after game after game then I actually see why these players are DCing lol
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"Mending simulator" is a bit overdramatic, and is something you don't have to go through if you stay injured. He still uses his power on you when you're injured? Cool, that's a free win.
Not sure how he's a weaker Artist yet is also more boring. I'm noticing a trend of not even the weakest killers being safe from survivors' hate lists just because... somehow there's something about them they don't like. I could never just sulk in that mindset.
No. It's never okay to mass DC against a killer. That is protest without reasonable justification and without any effort on their part. They could explain their distaste for the killer is logical discussion, although even the staunchest of those who do that don't have much of anything to back up there claims. But no, most people just want to tantrum DC. It's gotten results time and time again, starting with Spirit most notably, where the devs see, "Hmm, there's people DCing against this killer. They MUST be OP. No further data required."
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For the record i hate boring killers not weak ones ,i love playing vs nurse / blight / spirit at least even if nurse rolls me it's kinda fast and u're always having some action,,,Even after escaping legion i feel like i lost because of how boring they are
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