So... both Killer rift paths need Ghost Face?

Not gonna lie, that's kind of annoying. Either you need to play him or need a particular perk? Guess this is where I stop clearing it, then.
The perks that you needed were in the shrine on the weeks that the levels were released. You missed your chance unfortunately
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No path should absolutely require a certain perk or character, imho. There should always be a vanilla option.
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That's not missing a chance thas bhvr actually saying if you want to participate in this rift you better open your purse. Maybe I wasn't playing when they where in the shrine. Maybe I didn't had enough shards. It's either an oversight or just bhvr slowly introducing a new money tree
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its like 4 bucks and he's been out for 2 years just go ask momm for credit card
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I don't want to pay for something I'm not interested in using. Kinda farcical.
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What was stopping you from getting I'm All Ears from the Shrine?
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Wasn't playing that week? I only came back to the game last week.