Too many cheaters

I quit DBD. I have been playing for 6 1/2 years, and the cheater problem is out of control.

It is utterly ridiculous and I refuse to waste any more of my little free time, playing against trolling cheaters.

Instant gens, survivors who are speedhacking and teleporting around, ESP, all this #########.

You google "dbd cheats" and you find ######### 20 results that all work. Theres so many ######### cheat programs out for dead by daylight right now, and all go pretty much undetected. These cheater discord servers have thousands of active members, these websites with cheats have thousands of people buying them and reviewing them.

If 30,000 people are playing right now, chances are probably 5,000 of them are cheating in some shape or form. This is a joke and I will not continue to put up with this #########.\

BHVR giving streamers a special "no cheater" qeue is the ######### icing on the cake. I am so upset because DBD has been consistently one of my favorite games and its basically unplayable.