How hard is it to get grade 1 as survivor


So this month I tried to get iridescent 1 as survivor. I knew it was going to be grindy as I already done iri 1 as killer, plus I'm certainely not the best survivor out there but... oh boy, the last pips in Iri are awefull to get.

I'm quite litteraly stuck at iri 4 as :

  • If a teamates DC, you're most likely to loose a pip
  • If you get tunneled, you're most likely to loose a pip
  • If you get camped, you're most likely to loose a pip
  • If killer is afk, you're most likely to loose a pip
  • If you don't rescue your teamates, you're most likely to loose a pip
  • If you don't do enough gens (2), you're most likely to loose a pip
  • If you face an instakill Myers, you're most likely to loose a pip
  • And so on..

And I wonder why, since it is no longer related to MMR, why can you still loose pips ? Yes you can't loose grade anymore, but you can still get unlucky as I am. The only reward are BP that you won't need since it require you to play for a good hundred games.

Just the safety pip itself require you to do a lot : saves, gens, chase and if you can, escape. Thing is, a lot of this thing are beyond your control, even more when you play soloQ.

So i'm just wondering : do you guys struggle that much as well ?

If you don't, do you have any tips that could help ?



  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    The first month I started playing I got Iri 1 the last few days before reset.. You definitely have to play sweatier when you hit Iri grades and do more to contribute (I think you need at least two Iri emblems to get a pip but correct me if I'm wrong).

    This time I got Iri 2 but I can't say I was forcing myself and there were many days I didn't play, I think it can be possible if you can strategically grind out to Gold the first week and then have the rest of the month for Iri ranks.

  • StereoGang
    StereoGang Member Posts: 93

    Took you 156 game to get it from gold 1 EvilSerje ¿

    Well, I aint ready for that. Played a bit today and manage to get 1 pip and two black pips... Worse in that is I didn't played that bad on both black pip attempt, I just got 1 point away from the pip each time.

    I don't know if a keep trying or if I choose to save my sanity right now. I enjoy the game, but at this rate, I'm gonna be burnt before the grade reset.

    I'm going to try to look for a SWF. At least, that sould prevent all suicide on hook, DC, selfcaring in a corner, etc etc.

    I did it before Killer's massive update and with pre-reworked Legion. I did the count back then, it took me 88 games.

    I didn't counted for survivor, but I know I'm already far beyond that number.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    It's the last big achievement I've got left to get. I've gotten to Iri 3 a couple times but pipping is just way too tough as survivor once you hit Iri. Heck even at Gold rank I slow right down.

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    If you keep playing it will eventually happen. Just do your best and try not to force it as that just makes it frustrating.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    It’s fairly easy if you’re playing in a good or decent SWF. As solo it’s much tougher. You’re basically at the mercy of the killer tbh.

  • StereoGang
    StereoGang Member Posts: 93

    Yeah, I'm not full tryharding and I'm okay with not getting it in time, I'm not looking for the 100% achivemements on DBD, but it is frustrating to invest some time and effort just to get no reward at the end.

    It's kinda triggering tho that devs let the old rank system almost untouched despite the fact it now is just for BP and achivement. Just removing the depip mechanic would make it perfectly fine.

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070
    edited November 2022

    Yep, exactly 156. Of course I'm not a pro, but I don't think I'm complete trash either, I definetely know what to do and how to be efficient. But results are this.

    I definetely wouldn't go for it in normal scenario, but I'm achievement junkie and it was last achievement, so...

    After that I played survivor a lot (for example to get that stupid "Outbreak breakout" achievement, on which I stuck completely), but never so ferociously (like every day 4 hours) and never get past Gold 4 - that's the answer for regular "just play the game and eventually you'll get it". 😀 Nope, doesnt work, can confirm.


    If you have very experienced SWF squad, I think it is much much easier, though. But that I haven't tested.

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070
    edited November 2022

    OMG, I feel that pain literally 😑 I think that Iri1 run left psychological mark on me.

    Some times are incredibly frustrating to unhealthy point. I remember when I was on Iri 2 with +4 peps, hands shaking, eyes bulging, last pip, and I'm getting in a row basement Bubba, tunneler and raqequitter-teammate! And I fall to +1. I damaged the wall as I punched it with frustration, had to fix and repaint it. The thing when you worked so hard towards your goal and you lost not because your fault, it's depressing, really depressing.

    That's why I won't condone ever on tunneling, camping, dc-ing and other unhealty usage of holes in game mechanic.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,253

    I also don't get why you can lose pips, since its just a playtime thing now which has nothing to do with matchmaking. As a solo survivor there are so many things you have to rely on to get a pip, that's it's almost impossible

  • StereoGang
    StereoGang Member Posts: 93

    Lmao, why the hell did they let the depip mechanic on ? x)

    Just getting a bit harder to pip would be enough, without being infuriating each time you loose some for unlucky reason / some playstyle. Sadly, my friends playing with me are less experienced that I am, and from the top of my 700 hours in the game, that's seems not enough

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    You both might be surprised, but back in a days, before MMR, you even could derank yourself if you depip while having zero pips on your grade :)

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475
    edited November 2022

    That's exactly why I haven't really pushed for it. If I got to Iri 3 again maybe I'd then properly start trying to get it but otherwise it's just too much frustration.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    Probably more effort than it took to reach Rank 1, I guess.

  • StereoGang
    StereoGang Member Posts: 93

    I start playing during late 2020, so I had some experience with old rank's MMR. Tho I was a much worse player back then, so I never went farther than rank 7 as killer and around 10 as a survivor. I still remember that you would just go down to the previous color during rank's reset. They could have keep that instead of the depip. x)

    I'm thinking about saving myself the frustration as well but stopping at iri 4. It still the Gold 1 achievement taken, so I won't have done all the farm from previous days for nothing I guess.

  • RoastedGarlic
    RoastedGarlic Member Posts: 592

    Honestly de-piping needs to go, it just makes this game less enjoyable than it already is. I feel like most people would stop caring about getting tunneled or camped as much if we didn't get punished for it by de-piping. As it currently stands you can de-pip through no fault of your own and it shouldn't be that way. I'm tired of losing pips because of dc'ers and rage quitters.

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    These days you cannot derank even if you de-pip, so it is much more forgiving. I think the threat of pip loss adds tension, which makes it interesting. I like having something on the line.

    Pips only have power if you pay attention to them. I highly encourage you to forget they exist and never hover your pointer over your grade to see where you are. Just play and do your best without being hard on yourself.

  • RoastedGarlic
    RoastedGarlic Member Posts: 592

    ya im sure there is absolutely no power in the 1 million bp, it is all in our heads.

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224
  • FeelsBadMan
    FeelsBadMan Member Posts: 570

    Its literally next to impossible these days, change my mind. Given I mostly stopped playing and only play to finish the rift these days I am literally stucked at BRONZE ranks LMAO

  • RoastedGarlic
    RoastedGarlic Member Posts: 592
    edited November 2022

    you shouldn't de-pip because you couldn't get the required heals or saves because you had 2 team mates dc on you or suicide on hook. There is no tension in being screwed over because you have babies on your team. You also shouldn't de-pip because your killer is afk and because of that you can not get the heals/saves/chase points.

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    This is pure DBD. Random things happen based on the map, perks, add-ons, and choices everyone makes. Getting through that gauntlet is what makes it worth the effort and the reward.

  • RoastedGarlic
    RoastedGarlic Member Posts: 592

    Well then they better increase it to 2 million bp because that is how much the reward should be for the hell you go through to get there. At this point the reward is not worth the effort. Which is why for the first time in a long time I have decided not to iri 1 survivor.

  • Terion
    Terion Member Posts: 810

    Assuming you want the iri 1 for the bloodpoints, ive stopped caring about grades once i found out its only 300k bloodpoints diffrence from iri4 to iri1.

    so by normally just playing you get to Iri4 easy on both sides. Not to worry about nothing. Each iri4 gets you 700k. While the last part towards getting iri1 is extra sweaty, which only is 300k more, it may sound like alot especcially when you are new to the game and dont have so many perks yet, but that is like 4 days worth of playing at highest, maybe 3.

    You dont have to survive neccessarly though to pip up. What you need to get done at least is:

    -break/cleanse 2 totems

    -Repair 2 to 3 gens

    -safe unhook 2 to 3 teammates aswell as healing them up.

    -if you get chased, try to last at least 30 seconds before getting hit or downed, which is hard enough. Its possible to pip up without ever getting in a chase, evading and stealth does count many points aswell.

    But as i stated above the sweat isnt that much worth it once youve reached iri. Imo at least.

  • Terion
    Terion Member Posts: 810

    not to mention the infamous "class progress error" who always accures when you have multiple gold and iri categorys but never when its only browns or bronze.

  • IWantCandys
    IWantCandys Member Posts: 190

    I've only been in Iri ranks once as a survivor. Iri IV. 3 months after I bought the game. After that never again. I stopped caring.

    I've found that focusing on pips is extremely unhealthy for me.

    I went into every single match with tension, almost fear that something outside of my control would happen that would cost me my previously hard-earned pips.

    When I was close to the finish line and only one match away from progressing to the next level, and then something that wasn't my fault caused me to de-pip, I felt miserable. Angry, sad, depressed.

    Then everything started all over again. In every match I only thought about pips, which put me in a state of constant stress. Which I also noticed physically. Do you know that feeling when you are nervous before an important appointment? That uncomfortable feeling of pressure in your stomach, trembling, sweaty hands? That was a permanent condition in every single match when pips still bothered me.

    Then I stopped caring and realized that I can play so much more freely. No more anxiety about the outdated pip system.

    1 million bp ? Nice reward, but honestly. I can earn them in normal matches in not even a long time. Playing to Iri 1 takes longer than earning 1 million BP in normal matches. Since the rework, where the blood web has become cheaper and you unlock all perks for every character with prestige 1, BP are no longer as important to me as they used to be.

    Meanwhile, my focus is on shards and rift fragments for fancy cosmetics. I earn both by playing casual games without much effort and stress. Even if I can't get a lot of stuff done in one match, I still get shards and fragments.

    I don't get past silver ranks most of the time, and I don't care.

    What does rank mean? Nothing. Matchmaking is unaffected by this and doesn't work as it should no matter what you do.

  • killer_hugs
    killer_hugs Member Posts: 28

    i mostly play solo queue and before 6.1 it was easy. all you had to do was spend some time on a gen, take the killer on at least one good chase, and make a hook save or two. maybe you don't pip without the escape, or maybe you do. but unless you were tunneled out of the game early you're not going to depip.

    now it just seems incredibly frustrating to get anywhere because more often than not someone dcs or suicides on hook early. killers chase less and chases are generally much shorter regardless. chases are more difficult, generators take longer, killers camp+tunnel extensively, survivors constantly dcing, all of that means not only is it harder to pip but you're actually more likely to depip due to things out of your control.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    Full solo? Kind of difficult. It's usually best to have your team for the gold and iri ranks.

    It's not impossible though.

  • StereoGang
    StereoGang Member Posts: 93

    I would totaly agree with your mindset if I wasn't aiming for the Iri 1 achievement. Once you have it, sure you won't care anymore because it's nothing more than BP. It is exactly what I do for killer since I already hit Iri 1 once. But when you try to go for the achivement, you have to think about it because you only have 30 days to do it.

    Here I fully agree : as I said a bit before, if you fall against a inifinite T3 Myers or something like that, you can say good bye to your pip because he won't hook or even hurt survivors. So only gen and chase remain to get at least 9 pips to secure black pip. And that's without talking about your teamates giving up because they don't like the killer, went down first, got accidentaly sandbag, got DC by their internet or straight up tunneled out the game.

    Yeah, it gets unhealthy quickly to go for pips, especially since you only have 30 days. Which is why I think the depip mechanic should go. It would still require you around 100 games in a single month to get it, still a hudge time investment so it would remain fair.

    As for the 1 million BP, I have already been able to fully level up 3 time my character, so I probably gain around 3 million BP by just playing toward gold 1. So yeah, thanks for the BP reward, but it's kinda meh. x)

    Yeah, I wish I would have done it ealier. :/ I've seen a lot a people saying "easy, just play the game and you'll get it". It was probably true, but it doesn't seems to be the case anymore.

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,749

    I agree, losing pips makes no sense as pips aren't tied to matchmaking anymore and it feels frustrating.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    this helps alot

    other then that it's mostly a issue of time and luck

    Getting to iri 1 for me is hard cause i just don't play enough each month, especially seeing how i play both sides.

    I would have to ditch killer for a month if i want a chance

  • Jangles
    Jangles Member Posts: 377

    Just play heaps, If you can loop well then carry. Otherwise you need to run around playing support. Get 2 hooks, do 2 gens, get 2 decent chase and you'll pip/safety a majority of the time.

    When you sweat it out you should be averaging ~25k per game to be able to pip consistently.

  • StereoGang
    StereoGang Member Posts: 93

    Your video sumurise quite well, the problem is that you can loose pips on unlucky games. Depending of the killer, you won't be able to do 250 % gen's worth of progress easily. Best scenario is if the killer start chasing your teamates first, but it's a matter of luck. If your teamates are killing themselves on hooks, DCing, if the killer camps or tunnel's you, their is little you can do to prevent that.

    I still do 25K BP pretty often, and while it was enough to pip consistently until iri grade, it's seems no longer true. I had almost no trouble reaching gold 1, but now, even when sweating, most of the time I get black pip. I got like 4 pips during the games I played, but lost then during less lucky games.

  • Jangles
    Jangles Member Posts: 377

    Go through you emblems, see whats the lowest and work on that for a start.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Yeah luck is a very big part of it sadly

    That's an advantage killers have, most of the things are inside of their control

    Also to clarify it's not my video

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    1. Run an Ego-Build (example: Clairvoyance, Sole Survivor, Wake-Up, Deadhard)

    2. DONT be the 1st Victim of the killer

    3. If someone goes down, just go for the unhook asap. Dont let your guard down

    4. If u see no progress in gens while hook-counts are rising, go for the hatch to save the black pip and dont give a sht about the teammates.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    It's frustratingly hard as surv because if killer decides to tunnel you then they can pretty much guarentee that you depip. Should be fine if you run with a decent SWF. I managed iri 1 last month and only properly ground pips through iri 3 and 2. Depipping should be removed imo. If this isn't a hardcore ranked game then there is no need to punish people for bad matches. Especially for survs since they can't often do much if the killer tunnels hard.

  • PB_TORCHer
    PB_TORCHer Member Posts: 317

    My first game today and I got a dc in it before 1 hook. This is SoloQ. I even trying to get out and the killer won’t hook me again

  • StereoGang
    StereoGang Member Posts: 93

    If you are at iri ranks, that's a loss pip. Should have play better I guess !

  • PB_TORCHer
    PB_TORCHer Member Posts: 317

    Survivor’s are the #1 problem in this game. I hardly ever get mad at Killers doing what they’re supposed too- kill. I get frustrated w/ survivors who DON’T do what they’re supposed too

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Clearly you haven't played many toxic killers recently. Had a team mate of mine get repeatedly tunneled today because he's the weakest link in our team.

    Admittedly a bad survivor can cripple a team but i see a lot nore toxi killers than survs messing with their teammates

  • kisfenkin
    kisfenkin Member Posts: 621

    I've put the work in to get iri 1 for the past few months. It definitely comes down to the killer. If they are farming, afking, or worse, if they are camping, tunneling, or being super aggressive, you will not get a pip and might not even safety.They have to play the way they are intended to play in order for you to get progress. Then you also have to sweat it out getting more than your fair share of gens, chase, and/or saves, etc.

    Depipping should have ended by now.

    Good luck!

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,267
    edited November 2022

    I got there a week ago (as I do every month I actually play) without too much trouble... some things I can suggest:

    Don't do the first gen you spawn by but rather go for crossing the map to work on a gen where the killer likely spawned in. The idea is to get your gen points (Lightbringer emblem) safely out of the way early on. Next is run We'll Make It so you can get full heals off as well as the save which leaves your final part of the match - chases.

    I used to be quite shy as far as taking chases but if you tend to avoid the killer you will struggle to rank up easily. Even if you run at the killer to technically get in chase then run towards ultra safe areas of the map where there are not gens, the killer will likely drop chase if they are smart and you will 'win' that chase so you get more points towards the evader emblem.

    So long as you ensure you do a bit of each you should be fine and even with DC's I can still at least safety pip if I don't just give up and go next, which I still do fairly often when the match is pointless

    Post edited by MaTtRoSiTy on
  • PB_TORCHer
    PB_TORCHer Member Posts: 317

    Idk man. I disagree worthless survivor’s are my #1 issue. Maybe 1 of 15 games I get a tunneling killer.

    counter play is gen rush. It’s sad seeing everyone stand around and watch or worse continue to feed that killer more hooks. If I see this behavior I leave them hooked and do gens. Nothing will change in these games. Best we can do is get 2-3 players out