How hard is it to get grade 1 as survivor



  • PB_TORCHer
    PB_TORCHer Member Posts: 317

    Terrible advice. Self centered survivor’s are the worst

  • Lost_Boy
    Lost_Boy Member Posts: 675

    The fact that the grade means nothing and it's just a show for how many points you'll get on the 13th is something that shouldn't be in the game anymore.

    As a killer it can force you to play sweatier killers and perks until you get Ir1. Especially at Ir ranks because it's painfully slow due to not getting merciless killer that often.

    They should just remove it from the game and average out the time it takes players and give some bonus BP per game. It would make the game more healthy, as people wouldn't feel the need to play sweaty until they got Ir1. This is particularly true for killers. If you have like 1 pip to go until next rank you might decide to tunnel one person to secure the win just for the sake of needing 1 pip. If that wasn't a thing you probably wouldn't do it.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    In SoloQ thats how u win. Dont be the first hook and need help from other, useless, survivors. Instead, u make points.

  • Lost_Boy
    Lost_Boy Member Posts: 675

    Another reason for them to remove the grading. If the optimum way to get pips for survivors is to be useless & for killers to play meta perks and killers all the time then it's just bad for the game.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,480

    I definitely understand. Getting Iri One as solo survivor is the most frustrating thing in DbD because of depipping and so much that can cause you to depip is not under your control.

    I do make it most months and I've found the following helpful:

    (a) I mainly use meme and non meta builds until I'm at two pips in an Iri grade. At two pips I switch to a more meta build. Meta is meta for a reason and if your MMR is set at non meta numbers then it's easier to escape and pip up until your MMR catches up.

    (b) I stockpile map offerings for maps I'm good at. As soon as I hit two pips I play them until I either hit the next grade or depip to one pip (at which point I reset).

    (c ) Always run OTR or other anti-tunneling perks at Iri. Tunneling Killers are a bane to pipping at Iri. That's why I run Deliverance, OTR and Sprint Burst myself at two pips into Iri grade. You can outrun even a facecamping Bubba on your first hook and give yourself a decent chance of at least a safety pip that match.

    I hope that helps

  • StereoGang
    StereoGang Member Posts: 93

    Going for the furthest gen is a nice idea, I didn't though about it, I'll try.

    I agree. At iri grade, it's best to go for the sweatiest build possible (both survivor and killer), but it isn't fun for anyone against it, and it's even more frustrating when it doens't work.

    I use a bit a all in my build : OTR for tunneling, We'll make it for quick heals after saves, Prove thyself for progressing gen and Windows of opportunity for chase. If I need a specific perk, I remove Prove Thyself as it don't help with the emblem by itself. I never use map offering as I hate them, plus I don't really feel most of the time I've lost because of the map itself.

    For MMR, I really think it doesn't work the way it supposed to for survivor : I've face absolut monsters and then the next match, a fully new killer player. Since their is longer queue time for killer, I think the MMR goes wider for them and match with pretty much all survivors it can find ready. It's actually rare to have a match where the killer's skill feels around the survivor's team skill level. Killers are usually way better or way worse than us.

    Getting 3 of that consistently is the problem my good sir. Lots of situation (out of our controle ofc) make it impossible to do that. Plus you forgot about gens, you need 250 % worth of progress on it. A bit less if you did some bones before.

  • Osmose
    Osmose Member Posts: 14
    edited November 2022

    There‘s actually a very easy way to get to iri 1 in Solo Q. Low MMR. It is possible to always pip without escaping. Even in iri grades.

    I’d only escape through hatch. Most of the time I die because those random megs wait at the exit gate till the last second 🥰. But it’s fine, because in low mmr you always get to do everything.

    Is it unfair If you tank your mmr? Yes. But is it fun and enjoyable? Totally. Unless you like those sweatfests.

    But mind you.. you will have special teammates if you play on low mmr.. very special 😂

    Edit: facecamping bubbas are rare down here. Very rare! 🥰

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,404
    edited November 2022

    It depends on how good you are at accumulating points for each category in the trial. If you are good at doing a bit of everything then not too long. Also, if you can play a lot of games then you'll have more chances to pip.

  • espooked
    espooked Member Posts: 465

    its lose, friend

  • StereoGang
    StereoGang Member Posts: 93

    I know how emblems works and what needs to be done. It just that you can't do anything against DC, suicide on hooks, tunnel, camping, AFK etc. And you'll most likely going to loose a pip if it happen in the game.

    Well we don't really know at which MMR we are. And correct me if I'm wrong, but now MMR gain or loose rank depending of the team's result and not longer on your own survival. I won't prevent my teamates from escaping if they can, so no more tanking MMR. Plus I don't think going intentionaly against way less experienced players is a healthy thing for the game.

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    I actually find that I pip faster/easier when playing solo survivor.

    I think it is because when SWFing I tend to be too altruistic and willing to die much easier for friends than strangers. When playing with strangers - when end game hits it is every person for themselves LOL. Meanwhile I will always die for a friend - so that probably explains a lot of why I pip faster solo.

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,336

    De-pipping isn't logical to me at all. You're supposed to do certain actions to gain pips, which means once you've done it and thus gained a pip, you're supposed to do something else to gain the next one. Why are you losing something you've already earned?

    If they wanted you to do something several times in a row, they should've written that instead, and left the whole pipping and whatnot out of the equation.

  • StereoGang
    StereoGang Member Posts: 93

    It was logical when rank were doing the MMR. Nowadays, it doesn't make anysense to keep it, but for some reason, devs only removed the grade loss and not the pip loss.

    I doubt they'll change it ever again sadly. :/

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,332

    In SoloQ close to impossible. - Especially on saturdays (EU servers anyhow. Killers just sweat like their families are taken hostage and they need that 50 4k streak to free them or sth, idk). Spend ~20 matches trying to get from Iri III to II, pipped in maybe five or six - and depipped in about ten, usually pretty much out of my control; people DCing/suiciding right at the beginning making it a 3v1, killers hard tunneling, facing killers who effectively rob you of a whole emblem (usually evader or benevolent; stealth killers with insta-down add-ons/perks, twins, plague etc.) or instadown facecamping killers.

    For all I care the requirements could be upped another notch for the Iri grades - but de-pipping should not be a thing. It's supposed to reflect how much time you put into the game. - But with that much stuff outside of your control it just doesn't.