Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Eruption Got A Shadow Buff (Happy SoloQ for all)

Before the DLC, when eruption activated, the gens didnt regress.

Now after the DLC, when eruption activated, the gens will regress continuously, and survivors cant stop it till the 25 seconds passes.



  • GiveMeTheBox
    GiveMeTheBox Member Posts: 331

    Heh... I like it.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,896

    Pretty sure this is how it was supposed to work as the gen regresses and you're kicked off of it. But I guess since the same frame they apply incapacitated and regress the gen (every form of blowing up a gen other than skill checks causes the gen to regress normally) I guess it considers you still "repairing the gen".

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,198
  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167
    edited November 2022

    Guess people still didnt bought enough Nemesis chapters...

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    When a gen is damaged by any means it should regress unless touch by a survivor after the damaging action.

    It's a fix not a buff

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,096

    That's how it should have worked in the first place.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    I play solo Q all the time, infact it's all I do. I just play at a high level as do the people I verse or have on my team quite often.

    And yes the time it takes for a killer to go round kicking all the gens and down someone is a long time, or it should be unless someone is going down stupid fast.

    Yes there are times when the perks annoying but its mainly due to a bad SBMM which puts bad inefficient survivors against a good killer etc. Not saying the perk doesnt need tweaks but people are definitely over exaggerating the perk.

    Just because it's your experience doesnt mean its everyone's, similar to how loads of people hated Scourage pain/deadmans and wanted it nerfed when all they had to do was let go of the gen for a second.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733
    edited November 2022

    I play almost exclusively solo queue and have zero issues with it. I just take the time that I am incapacitated to find another gen, and spread out the pressure. You're also forgetting that the 25 seconds the gen is regressing is only 6 seconds of working on the gen, as regression is at a 1/4th rate. It also has a 30 second cooldown as well, which means there will always be at least a 5 second gap that you can tap the gen to instantly remove its regression even if you got hit and stayed around it.

    Its strong, nobody is denying that, but its not broken. People find it frustrating because its actually effective.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    Exhausted on the ground very specifically started becoming an issue when they did the migration to dedicated servers. Before that it required more timing than it did post-validation, but it didn't have any issues with false negatives. You would simply get downed before it activated if you did it too late.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    When the Killer was the host exhausted on the ground was a very real thing because the game was way more laggy for Survivors and Killer was the one validating everything, it became more aparent because after Balanced landing nerf, dedicated servers and network improvements people migrated to DH and more people using it, more people complaining about it.

  • DredgeyEdgey
    DredgeyEdgey Member Posts: 1,373

    Then why don't you take agro make the killer chase you so your team can do gens

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    Again, you literally just went down without getting exhausted. I used the perk religiously at the time. I also remember how the problem started due to the latency involved with checks between the server and clients being unable to sync correctly, as they were no longer a simple binary correction like they were when the system ran p2p off of the killer.

    I have had plenty of times where i thought I dead harded on time but got downed, but again, exhausted on the ground specifically didn't start becoming an issue until it had to do a multi-step reconciliation check.

  • JustWhimsical
    JustWhimsical Member Posts: 590

    Look I dislike eruption as much as the next person, but this is a bug fix not a shadow-buff or shadow-nerf, its a bug fix. Can we stop pretending like every little thing is some conspiracy, he is likely just overplaying it to cause outrage, which I don't really understand cause people already hate it a lot so its definitely getting nerfed next balance patch. Though still a bit of a bad move on his part, for promoting this kind of stuff using false information he made up. Even though clearly this was a bug fix to an already overperforming perk, you shouldn't rile people up for no good reason.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    I have made no comments about being able to avoid it, just that I am able to adapt to it.

    Also again, I have stated that the perk is indeed strong and actually provides value, which is the source of your frustration. The difference of opinion is whether it is considered too strong or oppressive, to which I completely disagree.

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    Finally, a buff for this niche perk

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    Which again, comes from the fact that it actually gets value. You think its oppressive because it actually works and doesn't have a free built in counterplay like most killer perks, especially ones like DMS and Pain Resonance. When you say you want to be able to know when people are going to go down to trigger it, you want to be able to let go of the gen and not get zapped, then go right back on it and force the killer to wait another 30 seconds while you finish literally a third of the gen (at base) before it can be used again.

    You are if you want to carry in solo queue at all, regardless of "overtuned perks." Likewise the killer is expected to constantly have extremely short chases in order to keep up with the baseline rate of doing gens, especially since up to 3 are generally being worked on at the same time. You should never be relying on your teammates any more than you have to, and the higher your mmr the better your chances of having teammates who don't need to rely on you in turn.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    I dont think is a bug fix, in the patch notes dont say anything about the change being intended so it has to be treated as either a bug or a shadow buff and while we can all especulate if its intended or not we already have a judge for this issue and its the developers, if they revert the change then it was a bug, if they leave it then it was a fix/buff and they just forgot to put it on the patch notes.

    Ok, semantics, my bad, now does it really matter if you got exhausted or not? When the Killer was the host DH didnt work, many times you pressed E and still ended up dead because the Killer validated the hit and ignored the Survivor input, sometimes you barely moved from your spot, this was a problem with Killers with higher latency and it was very common to face them.

    DH wasnt a problem before network improvements on dedicated servers and then it became a big problem after hit validation, I suppose we can dig very old pages on this forum and check what people were complaining about during those days but most were about Adrenaline, infinite loops, Self Care, Haddonfield and DS, the perk wasnt a problem for 5 years or even 3.

    Now does it really matter very specific aspects of how the perk behaved on the argument "Two wrongs dont make one right" and "DH wasnt a problem for such amount of time"? Because at this point its just thread derail with whataboutism focused on a boogeyman perk, defending a change because the other side had something you disliked is not a very good argument, Survivor mains can escalate into "well then when they nerf facecamping and petty slugging what are we getting then? Machineguns to shot at the Killer?" which is as absurd.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733
    edited November 2022

    When did I ever argue any of that? I was simply correcting mistakes. Also the difference was that exhausted on the floor meant you weren't able to use the perk again if you were flashlight/pallet saved or otherwise picked up, so it was an important distinction.

    Post edited by BoxGhost on
  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    You really like to have the last word... I dont know why I even bother sometimes...

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    You just ranted a bunch of stuff at me, so I was more confused than anything honestly. Nothing to do with getting the last word, wouldn't have even responded to this if not to try to clear that up because it was honestly confusing.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233
    edited November 2022

    You're looking at it as a 1v1, the game is not a 1v1 it's a 4v1.

    If your team is on equal skill to the killer the amount of gen progress you make before he can kick all these gens and get a down is far more than he regresses.

    Like I said, the perk can do with changes I agree but people definitely over react to a bunch of stuff and always claim its OP/Broken when either they or their team can be to blame more often than not.

    Countless games a killer can get loads of value from the perk when chasing my team but if they chase me they get nothing for ages because I can loop.

    It's a perk which punishes people doing worse, this is why a better SBMM would actually help. Hell I still see people go down at safe pallets against basic M1 killers... there legit no mindgame and they still mess up lol, we probably shouldn't win games like that

    Edit: btw the base regression is 4x slower than 1 survivor so you may as well exclude that, it's why the new ruin is laughable and no one bothers to cleanse it or in fact use it (think I seen it once and it made no impact at all, what a wasted perk lol)

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733
    edited November 2022

    Then continue to get bodied by a decent perk.

    Even if i want to carry, I dont overstimate myself that i can outplay every killer i face for several minutes.

    You're not supposed to expect to be able to do it every single time, but you're expected to try to whenever you have to. The mentality is the important part, and a big part of why I can handle dealing with the perk better (apparently.)

    Edit: remember your comment was that nobody in solo queue could disagree with you that it was a problem. I'm not saying you're not allowed to have issues with it, but you're not allowed to speak for everyone while doing so.

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,063

    I am not saying to killswitch the perk, but the effect it has is too strong for being uncounterable. This has always been my stand with Eruption.

    If they dont want to give eruption some sort of counterplay is fine by me, but at least tone down the numbers of its effect, or raise the cooldown a little. No other killer perk in this game can give an effect as strong as 25ssec incapacitation but eruption does it while being uncounterable with low cd.

    Yes, i understand, but the balance of the perk cannot rely on every survivor overperforming every killer in every chase so that eruption never activates. Imagine if we took old NOED (the one who wasnt Hex) and balanced around survivor never getting hit.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Actually SBMM is what made DH worse, couldn't play a single killer game with 3+DH for distance. The perk was always strong, you just didnt always see it constantly.

    You didnt even need a perfect connection because most of the time it was used for distance.

    Sbmm and DH is what made me go full survivor main, I wanted to have fun and that wasnt fun lol. Probably not as bad now but game is and always be survivor sided and i dont like how the SBMM is done.

    But new DH is just as good as eruption easily. One requires no setup just get injured and have and understanding how it works and the other has a setup and hope you can outplay someone to get a down

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    Uhh Aftercare? Empathy? Blood Pact? No One Left Behind? Bond? Rookie Spirit? Key addons? There is no perfect counter but what do you expect.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237

    Yeah or shadow nerf, since the killer can't apply it again after the survivor scream. You could even tell which gens to apply it on because of the survivors screams. Now that's not possible anymore. Since they start regressing at 25% survivor repair speed.

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,063

    But this effect gets more and more exhausting as long as the match progresses. Of course there will be moments where you can overperform eruption, but on the long run, this perk can stall a game too much on its own. Until you have no pallets, no resources to use and you eventually get down.

    I have lots of games of killers just commiting to 3-4 gens in a side of a map, not abandoning them ever and applying eruption over and over. We would get close to repair just for him to drove us out and if another was repairing another gen pum, eruption.

    There is almost no drawback for this perk. If it werent for swf using discord to call out for this, i dont see why any killer would not pick this

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,063

    But none of these effects are as crippling as eruption. Eruption works on the main objective of survivors, You cant escape dbd without repairing gens so you will be constantly be facing the prospect of being incapacitated for 25sec or lose more time while looking for another non-kicked gen.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,707
    edited November 2022

    It is a bugfix. There were a bunch of bugfixes in the patch notes for the 6.4.0 PTB that they accidentally omitted from the patch notes for the live release. This was one of them.

    This also affects Surge and Pain Resonance too.

    A lot of fixes were omitted, but some of the other notable ones include the fix to MDR (was increasing the Spirit's speed by too much), multiple fixes to Lethal Pursuer (including it now working for 11 seconds at the start instead of 9), fixed an incorrect addon description for Demo, female survivors had their missing falling sounds fixed, and Empathic Connection's icon now goes away properly once the survivor with the perk dies.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    You're still looking at it as a 1v1, if there was an easy 100% counter its be awful.

    The downside of the perk is it requires a long setup and then requires you to out play another player just to get value.

    Yes the perk can use tweaks sure, but it's not as big of an issue as people claim. More often than not people are being inefficient and bad loopers which the perk punishes most.

    Most of the killer roster shouldn't be able to kick multiple gens and get a fast down with the survivors doing alot of gen progress in that time but fact is matches often arent the best matched and rng also doesn't help sometimes.

    I feel like I'm the only survivor that seems to understand killers want longer games and the chance to do more in a trial and with no defense they cant do that. The reason these builds can feel oppressive to some is because the killer feels the need to run them to compete against other teams.

    I can verse the same killer with the same build but have 2 different random teams. One I'll dominate the other the killer will, nothing changed but the team and that's what is happening here.

    You or your team isnt playing well enough to beat that killer, it happens and hell I get mad over games I know are easy wins but I just got a bad team and it happens.

    You're welcome to your opinion though as am I, I dont have huge issues with it though just a little tweak is needed nothing drastic

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,063

    The thing i dont see how long of a setup it is, killers are always searching for gens while trying to spot survivors, If you see a gen being worked on, you kick it and continue. There is no need to cut a chase to kick the gen.

    Obviously some killers are not going to use eruption as effective as other. But the faster killers can make this setup not a big deal. Wraith, wesker, Blight, nurse can all apply this purely by speed. Freddy, sadako, dredge and demo can just teleport to a gen to kick it. It is not as big of a deal as many say.

    I understand that killers want longer times, but because of perks like Eruption exist are the reason many survivors fully commit to gen repairing so they can rush their objective. Dont get me wrong, the same thing should be done with gen rushing perks so that maybe we could get some fun games where every side does not need the feel to rush their objective as fast as possible

  • CodeDB
    CodeDB Member Posts: 272

    Did you suggest No One Left Behind as a counter to Eruption? The perk that specifically doesn't activate until all the gens are done?