BHV created a lose lose situation with this new chapter


I really love how this new chapter is so broken yet BHV isn't willing to do anything to at least do some first aid for killer players atm. No matter what you do, u lose atm:

  1. Don't play knight so you avoid the bugs. Nice 7€ spent for something that doesnt work and probably wont for a couple of month
  2. Play the knight and encounter game breaking bug that either completely disables you or makes u super strong: Enjoy either running after survivors with M1 for the rest of the match or ur unfun match and probable ban for bug abuse.
  3. DC and enjoy ur 1 hours or more penalty cause of how often these bugs happen and u actually have to dc

Literary the only thing that you can do atm is either not touch the knight at all or if the bugs happen just stand there in resignation and "go play something else like civilization"

I mean BHV could at least disable the dc penalty for ppl that play as or against the knight so that you don't have to endure this bs every other match. And I find it ridicolous to basically say yeah heres 7€ for the new killer would be nice if u either don't touch him until we fixed everything in like a few weeks or just endure the bugs and sit in a corner if they happen cause it would be unfair bug abuse otherwise. Thanks for your contribution bye.
