Exit gates


Does anyone think they will at some point implement either a perk or mechanic to regress exit gates. Like Hemorrhage for Healing. Like I would 100% take perk that regressed 99ed exit gates. Like it would make a hook during end game more meaningful and help with less popular end game perks like Blood warden and Remember me. It could spark the exit gate if the survivor lets go like gens to not give survivors a signal that the killer has it. IDK what others think.


  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,329

    I thought about baking gate hemorrhage into Remember Me to make it less trash, but then I realized it should be just a base feature in the game.

    But you can just kick the gate open as killer! Yeah..let me just leave the guy on hook or my current chase to go kick the gate and throw my end game free kill. Makes total sense.

    Not sure why this wasn't implemented ages ago.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,574

    As a perk maybe. Should never be a base mechanic though. EGC isn't meant to help either side but it already does help the killer as it is. Exit gate regression would just make it worse. The 99 mechanic is awkward but necessary as long as EGC works the way it does.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 1,853

    Yeah, even when im doing it my self, i have to admit that its kinda cheesy to 99% the exit gate, it feels like "cheating" and the end game collapse dosnt make much sense when you can do it this way.

    I defo dont think exit gate regression should be a perk, but be a part of the basic game instead.

  • Jangles
    Jangles Member Posts: 377

    So all you have to do is walk back and forth between the gates and no one would ever get out.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,098

    Before that they would have to derandomize the gate spawn and implement rules to have certain minimum and maximum distances and no point of direct Los for both gates at the same time.

    Or the alarm lights would need to get redesigned.

  • Bloodraven
    Bloodraven Member Posts: 55

    I'd like it if No Way Out would work a bit differently with this in mind, instead of activating the minute you touch the gate switch, it should activate at its completion, in a sense jamming the door shut instead of blocking the switch.

    That way it can really throw a spanner in the works for those whom 99 the darn switch, but I gotta agree it does need some kind of regression mechanic.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    It'll never happen, the devs already said that regressing exit gates isn't fun for the survivors

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 15,565

    There are like a billion Threads about it and the Devs have thought about regressing Exit Gates, but decided against it. So as a Basegame-Feature, no, not at all.

    As a Perk, maybe, but you would really change much, because then one person would just stay at the Exit Gate (they do have to stay there anyway, because if the other Survivors arrive with the Killer, one needs to open it). And nobody would probably run this Perk anyway.

  • fake
    fake Member Posts: 3,250

    In my opinion, the gauge should be charged after the animation of the gate lever fully down.

    It is odd that the gate opens just by tapping without lowering the lever lol.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 8,961

    I'd say as a perk it could apply once to each exit gate, along the same lines of No Way Out.

    This would make the most sense to be honest. I'd previously suggested having exit gates 'cap out' at 95% somehow, like recovering form the dying state. So that you always have that last 5% when you come back. But this would have a similar effect.

    Should also apply to gens so you can't tap them mid chase to paus regression. Interaction with gates or gens should take around 1.5s to 'lock in' before it has any effect.