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So... how's the new chapter going (honestly)

Of course, I leave for vacation the very day BHVR drops the newest chapter. And then I got sick and couldn't play (still am). I tried playing today and haven't played against the new Killer yet. So tell me, how's it going? Honestly.


  • Terion
    Terion Member Posts: 810

    Im trying to make it as short as possible, yet not too short.


    1) Dc penalties removed on console and reduced to 1 minute on pc. Why? Ps2 players cant move, connection losses left and right. But sadly also many people abuse the fact right now and DC uppon every little inconvienience. Its ghostface? nah. Downed to early? nah. 3 gens done and no hooks? killers dc too. Not a single normal game playable right now, for 2 weeks straight. Ive stopped counting but the first weekend i had like 7 dcs in 10 matches. and this weekend i alredy played way less because its no fun at all like that but we were swf'ing with friends and also had it 3 times in a row where the random player would dc.

    its not better for killer either, i had to dragg a "hook survivors 10 times" normal challenge over straight 3 days because in the evenings i played people kept dcing.

    2) the knight is.. bad.. There are players starting to make use of him but overall he is not an easy killer to get used too. I gave up on him and i play 24 of the rooster, the likes of freddy and sadako in there too. He can be as viable as your next m1 killer if you are willing to put in effort to learn him. All of his power is visible to survivors while when he is using it he cant move nor hear them. His guards are weak, being 3 diffrent doesnt mean anything since you cant choose them manually, they have a set rotation and only one of em is barely viable imho. Also he has buggs, one buffing him into oblivion making him blight fast but entirely, the other nerfing him into oblivion making him stuck at one place the entire time.

    3) new map (offering) is killswitched alredy cause it spawned every possible pallet ever, also Twins are bugged and get stuck sometimes too, i think ive read someone mentioning this over hag aswell. And random tiles appear on places all across all maps where they shouldnt, like breaking loops, or i personally have seen a tree blocking one entrance of killer shack on crotus prenn asylum map. There are sometimes tiles that make you think you fit throw em but you dont, because of that same bug.

    4) some challenges are still broken and cant be progressed aswell.


    1) bots are finally here! they are actually pretty good. Yes they have their flaws but youd be surprised how smart they are for litteraly being bots. They will use items they found in chests, they can loop ok-ish and they can hide from you aswell. Also they nail some pallet drops pretty well. Sometimes they get stuck or will jump into lockers despide you seeing them, sometimes they try to blind you mit chase. I highly recomend to test them out in custom match, they are quite fun.

    2) vittorio, the new survivor is communitys favorite right now. I only bought him for his perks but they are pretty decent, not too op but also not garbage. Especcially one that actually only Buffs soloQ without giving SWF unneccessary power. Im really amazed by that. Knights perks are more medicore, however he has one aura reader i find very viable at times.

    i was hoping to balance the good and bad out a bit but to me the bad outweights right now. Im sure you will have some more people giving their inputs aswell.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775
    edited November 2022

    It's pretty bad.

    The Knight is pretty garbage.

    His perks are good.

    The new map is bugged to hell.

    Tile generation broke.

    Playstation can't play.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    Quite unusually ! Instead of typical "killer comes out with a super high kill rate because survivors need to learn to play against them", it's "killer comes out with a slightly subpar killrate because killers need to learn to play him".

    I've seen people do quite good as Knight, and people do quite bad as him. He's definitely not for everyone, but some seem to really enjoy him. =D

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,167

    Binding of Kin levels of horrendous

    Buggy unfinished chapter rushed out the door.

    New killer with a cool power conceptually done poorly

    Vittorio is overrated and people are buying into the marketing BHVR is doing, marketing which shows they clearly didn't have confidence this chapter could do well without.

    Map RNG is broken across the board, creating a lot of fat shame spots or putting random clutter in places it shouldn't

    New map already had it's offering killswitched and chances of appearing lowered because they somehow made the map spawn insane amounts of pallets

    Playstation players being locked out of playing matches, a bug that won't be fixed for another week (lol)

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,405

    Honestly... You say?

    The new killer is pretty cool and fun to use, but you really have to learn him first.

    New survivor is hot.

    Some of their perks are great to use.

    Now for the bad stuff:

    Overall pretty buggy update. New map is bugged, some killers are bugged, tiles and loops are bugged... But hey, a big "Bug-fix" update coming next so...

    I'm positive.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,736
    edited November 2022

    Worst Killer since Trickster came out (from the gameplay side of view)

    He is not much fun for lot of people on the both sides. There is very little interesting you cam do with him and he is weak. His perks however are quite nice.

    New Survivor perks are mid I quess. Nothing you need to have but still okay to have. Don't care about the character tho.

    New map was bugged so can't fully judge for now, but it looks like a Pallet city 2.0 type of map with okay main building and a shack.

    Overall score: 2/5

  • VideoGameMage
    VideoGameMage Member Posts: 358

    The bad:

    Killer is a medicore buggy mess. Needs some serious buffs.

    Map is..well think mother's dwelling but If there were pallets everywhere. Atmosphere is good though.

    The good:

    Perks are solid all around. Outside of one imo.

    The new survivor is cool. Will always welcome more shirtless fanservice.

  • Negi
    Negi Member Posts: 378

    Unbelievably buggy.

    Multiple game crashes as killer. New killer can lose his power for the entire game. New map spawns every pallet. Can't access archives or you get a cursor bug on console completely removing your ability to play. Can't progress archives because there's a bug where you need to deselect and reselect to gain progress (and you can't because cursor bug). I've also heard some things about Victor being bugged.

    Quite possibly their worst chapter release. They need to seriously considering a 4 month cycle because this level of quality (or lack thereof) is unacceptable.

  • Terion
    Terion Member Posts: 810
    edited November 2022

    when is "next"?

    (asking you because obviously the officials here are useless, the sites ive been shown didnt answer my questions at all)

  • AshInTheTallGrass
    AshInTheTallGrass Member Posts: 1,670

    Wow... Thank you for all of your answers @Terion @Pulsar @HugTheHag @Brokenbones @Grigerbest @Buily09 @VideoGameMage @Seth__ @Negi

    What an update, huh? lol

  • Liam282
    Liam282 Member Posts: 219

    meh, about as polished as Twins.

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    I think it's pretty impactful for specific killers, cenobite and pig really like the new hex. Spirit Fury/Enduring enjoyers got thier final piece of the puzzle with hubris (still a meme build IMO but a bit more viable now). And I think nearly every killer likes nowhere to hide.

    Fogwise is the best survivor perk we got all year after reassurance. Other two probably a bust though even though I like Potential Energy in theory it's very inconsistent.

    Knights exists I think they're very mediocre and in the end forgettable and they'll be as common as twins once we get past thier tome. Victtorio I'd one of my favorite survivors in a while though.

    I'd give the chapter 7/10 knight brings down what is otherwise a solid entry.