Killers should stop caring about survivor's fun

Just play in the most broken way possible, and if you have an ounce of "niceness" in you do it for the cause.
If more killers played this way then solo queue would be addressed faster.
henever I'll play killer I'll play in the most annoying way possible.
-Sincerely a survivor main
Oh yeah play for the sake of playing as boring as possible, quite the opposite of fun. Which is the entire reason I play.
Thanks but no thanks.
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did they ever care about it? the game is a tunnel camp fest every game so i havent noticed killers caring for survivor fun in a loooooooooooooooooooooong time
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I don't disagree with you, but if more people played that way, then it would become more apparent how strong those playstyles and perk combos are. Right now it's an open secret.
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Sometimes they feel guilty before they go to bed or they come here trying to justify why they play that way and ask for survivor's validation.
Admittedly not every killer I encounter plays that way, but it is a strategy that is quite strong against solo and to counter you mostly need communication and co-ordination, which we are still waiting for solo survivor.
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Or they could do the opposite to spite you and start failing miserable so the kill rate could plummet and killers can receive another general buff.
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Could they really?
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It's already apparent. Many of the changes that have been made regarding balance did not require the community to suddenly force themselves to change how they play.
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Not like this changes anything for the current Killer population.
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When did they ever care about it? "Nobody is responsible for anyone's fun" is all I hear.
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They need a little bit more encouragement I feel. Now they have a survivor's permission, they don't need anymore reasons like bully squads or gen rushers.
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which is the only sane statement when we speak about a game....
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Is this like the second part of the other similar post?
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Yeah, it actually is. How do you find? Does it follow the sequel curse or nah?
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Ah yes, I enjoy playing to win with 4 gen slowdowns, and not my fun build I use
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That really sucks, sorry but you're on my killer blacklist now. Eww playing for gun.
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couldnt stand that post could you? had to go out your way to make this cynical one..
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Ugh, you do know what cynical means right? Perhaps you mean sarcastic? And no it's serious. Just so I don't have to write to every killer's thread about having to run 4 slowdowns and tunneling and camping because survivors gen-rush and they're high MMR I made this thread instead.
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no you are cynical about it indeed.
However i decide whether or not im going to play "nice" or not. I usually dont cause its only a game and people who take it personal should maybe not stick to pvp in general..
but noone will actually listen to you, people are just gonna play how they want. Wanna sue us for that? what do you wanna do? cant do nothing about it.
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Keep posting and keeping this thread relevant. Killers who are on the fence but pick a side finally. You're just doing me a favor bringing this thread in the top. Almost as much of a favor as if you were following my advice.
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ever thought maybe you take all of this way too serious? there is no need for some form of behave code really...
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I already do that. I play for my fun and if that makes me a "bad person" when im supposed to be versing a team... idk what to say. I don't go into card game and handicap myself by throwing away my best cards.
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In my experience, most killers play "nice", or something close to it. At least with some sort of empathy. It's the minority of my games where I really feel like the killer just dgaf.
If every killer played with total, cold mercilessness, there'd be like a 80% global kill rate vs. solo queue.
But killers shouldn't have to kneecap themselves.
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If the global kill rate is close to 60%, it's not unlikely that versus Solo's it's close to 75%
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Bro, I've never asked killers to follow some code of behavior. I don't even think tea-bagging is toxic. You might be confusing me for someone else.
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You're the worst person there is. You're going to hell. Face-camping Bubba is going to heaven.
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i have yet to see a killer teabagging...
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You play killer. It would be weird if there were 2 killers in a game.
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i also play soloQ and swf survivor Edit: actually i have to rephrase that, right now i play neither at all and it wont change soon i fear.. i used to play both roles though, before things happened.
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I see you haven't met Ghostface yet.
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Does it look like I'll take a killer mains reply seriously?
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not a teabagging one indeed.
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I thought that recent stats showed that kill rate v. solo wasn't markedly higher than v. swf, though I may be misremembering. Like a ~5% difference or something. And if it were like 75%, that means the kill rate v. swf would have to be like in the 40%'s.
Either SWF is super powerful or it isn't, we can't claim is isn't but then bemoan how weak solo is in comparison (I happen to believe SWF is that powerful, personally).
I know it's anecdotal, but my experience doesn't jive with the "almost all killers are all running 3-4 slowdowns and tunneling" narrative. Some? Sure. Most? I don't think so. Almost all? No way.
I play mostly surv these days, but I know that if I really ceased giving a crap about survs' fun and cranked up the sweat, I would 3-4K almost every game.
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lmao you are peak entitlemend
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But he plays solo survivor and swf at least half the time.
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Keep posting please.
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I will in other threads, you became boring.
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Almost every killer I see is running 3 slowdowns.
Usually some combo of Eruption and Call of Brine.
Even if they don't, it doesn't usually matter. The shrimp for brains Meg isn't going to do anything productive the entire match and I can't win a 3v1. The Killer is probably gonna tunnel someone out because it's easy, so it'll probably end up being a 2v1 within a couple of minutes.
You can ask people I've played with, we do not have a good time playing Survivor.
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You just posted here to tell me I'm boring, dude please. Stop making feel more important than i really am.
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Actually, kinda. The previous one drew significantly more attention, xD.
Nevertheless I don't find either more productive than the other.
Trying to Reach a concensus on something like this is an exercise in futility.
Nevertheless I understand both povs.
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To be honest we're about tied. It only has one more post than mine currently.
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Next time killer tries to give me hatch I'll just die so their MMR goes higher.
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Maybe they'll like you well enough that they'll stay, don't you think?
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Majestic place to be.
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I personally prefered last week when there were 5 threads about survivors on the front page, maybe Christmas we'll have something similar when people will have more free time? Who knows, we'll see.
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I hate this community with an unquenchable passion
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It's a videogame, play it the way it's more fun for you. Simple as. Personally, I like to occasionally fool around, leave hatches and doors to survivors who make bold plays to save their friends and such. But I do know that what goes for me might not suit someone else, for instance those who like to slug and go for 4ks.
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Currently kill rate against me as soloQ is 77%
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No, the killer should play for the fun of the survivor, Otz says the killer is a scumbag if he tunnels, killers are #########, toxic and sad people in real life that want power trip if they dont think about the fun of the survivors
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I don't understand, most broken way possible? Switch this around to survivor dude and listen to yourself lol
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Cope harder. 55% of players who are solo cannot play in this way. Killers don't have anyone to rely on. Maybe take a look in the mirror.