I like the new matchmaking
I have been very impressed with my SoloQ matchups the last little while. Funny that I just found out that update 6.4.0 introduced matchmaking improvements.
I am a reformed killer main that has been playing survivor now for the past 5 months 50-50 split with killer. I recently have been finding myself in chases that last more than 5 seconds and getting wiped out. Sure, I only escape about 33% of the time, but games are much more enjoyable as I can at least extend a chase and stay engaged in the game.
For reference, I consider my survivor skills slightly below average, self-rated as 4/10.
Thank you BHVR for moving in a good direction. I have organically noticed a difference. DbD is getting fun again - at least for me.
paid actor or one of the new survivor bots? joking.. i'm glad for you man! at least somebody having fun.
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I figured not eveyone has my same experience. I think lower-mid level soloQ gains a lot from these MM changes. It just feels good to be able to practice some looping skills as survivor. I never seemed to have that opportunity much before this 6.4.0 update.
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I second this post, matchmaking as been excellent for me following change to SBMM.
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I really support it. Making it based on everyone escaping, I've seen more people being more helpful on unhooking others.
Killer side, I try not to kill but still get pipped, so that's cool too. I don't feel stressed to get kills.
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I'm glad others have my positive experience on the new matchmaking. As for still getting pipped when not killing? Well, I think BHVR really needs to put more work into not punishing fair-play killers with de-pips as I unfortunately still experience that a lot.