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Shroud offerings have got to be the most hilariously backwards

Every time I've logged in after an update, I'm always amused that the Killers still have the "yeet survivors apart" shroud and the survivors have the "huddle together" one. Everyone has known for years that the opposite is beneficial for each side and yet it's still never changed.

When was the last time anyone saw either of these seriously played?

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  • Member Posts: 9,436

    Unless you have a Prove Thyself and a couple of BNP's to get that first gen done in 20 seconds.

  • I actually used them a couple weeks ago to experiment. They never seem to work as intended. Most of the time survivors spawn together anyway so the one where you spawn with someone else is pointless. I've also used Vigo's only to spawn nearby the killer. On the flip side, I've seen with Lethal that Separation will just put 2 survivors on one side and the other 2 on the other.

  • Member Posts: 2,069
    edited November 2022

    They're also broken as far as I know, and no longer work as intended. 2 examples:

    Just 2 days ago I started a killer game with the good ol' "Shroud of Separation" and had Lethal Pursuer equipped, we started the match in Azarov's Resting Place (the one shaped kinda like a bone), and while I started on 1 side, all 4 survivors started in pairs on the other. Sure each pair was far away from the other one, but just because they started on opposite sides of the other side of the map, doesn't mean it was any benefit to me at all. Naturally, the match ended with 3 DC'ing the moment they were attacked or saw that I was playing Wesker, and most likely because they thought that "secret" Offering I brought in was a Mori, but who can blame them for thinking that?

    Another Time on the same day while playing Squeaker (feng min), I decided to try Vigo's Shroud because I was testing an Aura Reading build with the new Fogwise perk and Object of obsession, and wanted to be as far away from the killer when OoO kicked off in the event that they brought Lethal Pursuer. Sure enough, my guess was correct, the killer totally brought in LP and I saw them immediately... 2 tiles away from me, on the Shack side of Eyrie of Crows! No teammates spawned near me either, and I had traded out Distortion for OoO since they counter eachother, so naturally, I was the first downed, hooked, and out of the match before we had 3 gens done. Thank you SO MUCH Vigo's Shroud! you rat bastard...

    In other words, I don't have any trust in the shrouds currently, and they definitely seem broken, but hey, that was only 2 games of trying them, maybe I'll record the start of a dozen or so games with these builds to see if these were just random 1 off flukes, or prove that they need fixing and post a compiled video for the devs... or I could just ignore them and let that be up to someone else, idk, sounds tiring.

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    a record of what they do in the current patch would be handy.

    Saves anyone else using the blasted things. :T

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