Hey, uh, why can the Knight's guards camp hooks?

Artist can't even summon crows near hooks, but Tarhos's Funny Brigade can straight up facecamp you.
For a couple of seconds, and they despawn when the unhook is made.
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Because they are gone once you unhook
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Idk probably for the same reason Victor can.
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They disappear once you touch the hooked survivor. Knight players try to scare people away by placing a guard at the hook.
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Majority of people:
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I will now call them Tarhos's Funny Brigade.
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If people would stop care about some guard sitting next to a hook and just go for the rescue, the whole "camping OP killer power" would be gone. Guards don't work the moment you start unhooking.
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Run into the guard. Yes, seriously.
They'll go where they first detected you, so you can go straight through them. The second you attempt an unhook, their hunt is cancelled.
The only time they're remotely threatening is if knight is camping alongside them. On their own, they're pretty bad.
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People already said that guards don't give hits because unhook is faster so I won't repeat that.
I'd like to say that you are not know how Artists camping work. She don't need to place crows near hooks. She places 2 or 3 from distance and give instant hit after unhook with her crows
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How close is too close? Been playing bot matches to try find out but bots don't do first stage unhooks it seems 😅
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Do they despawn when you touch the Survivor or when you unhook them?
Because you can't unhook them when his Guard AND he himself facecamp you. He'll grab you if you try to unhook.
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Just when you touch them. You can tap it and the hunt is over.
Although the Knight can lay a path right at the hook, hear the unhook animation, then spawn the guard on top of you immediately to start a hunt. It's very inconsistent though since it's hard to get it to choose the right survivor and it's not much different from facecamping with any other pseudo ranged killer. Huntress is better at it since she'll just immediately get a hit rather than just a hunt starting.
It's fun and has uses but I wouldn't call it overpowered compared to other killers.
The MYC/Devour bug though? That one needs to go.
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It does not go away when you unhook, it goes away as soon you touch the person on the hook. even if you tap it.
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Because bhvr simply forgot to make him good at anything else