Give Me a Reason to Play Survivor

Venusa Member Posts: 1,481

I'm a casual solo player with what I assume a low MMR rating based on my escapes and almost all of my survivor games end with 5-4 gens left and everyone dying or quitting.

I'm so sick of going against the same pain resonance, dead man switch, eruption etc. builds. The effort I have to put in to complete just a single gen when it gets hit by these meta perks over and over again is absurd.

Trust me, I do understand why killers bring them and I don't blame them at all since they're getting ready to face a competitive, communicating, coordinated SWF with gens as priority and constant CoH pressure. I acknowledge that so please don't invalidate my point to use that as an argument. Two problems can exist at once and we don't have to resort to whataboutism.

But us casual solo players are getting crushed under these circumstances. We don't have to be competitive and equip certain perks to enjoy a game and progress. I also don't want to blame my teammates for their mistakes and create a toxic environment.

Expecting a random player I get matched with to memorize every single perk and calculate their timings, let go off the gen at the right second just to not trigger a potential perk to cover the gen for 30 seconds not to halt team progress etc. is unrealistic.

Maybe we have a player in the team not strong in chases (because they don't have to be) so the killer targets them to hook them over and over again to trigger pain resonance and would you look at that all my progress on this gen is already gone because of my teammate and I have to start over do the same gen for the third time. Okay. Why don't I just give up on hook like the rest of them?

I feel like I'll be dragged to filth for stating this since I know some killer mains get very heated whenever someone speaks up as a survivor on this forum but I had to get this off my chest. There are many other things I could state regarding solo experience but I don't want to make it too long. Thank you for listening.



  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152

    Well that sounds, like most of the time, like a matchmaking problem when "casuals" are getting matched with "tryhards".

    And if the scenario is that on side doesn't have anymore casuals left, thanks to everbody going tryhard to prepare for eventual tryhard opponents.

    And if that's the case, that's the point when the rest of the community has to accept that the casual part of the game is dead.

    For example league of legends, you can't really play goofy casual and expect to win. Going for a ADC and make a tank built will inevitably result in your loss.

    Same in DBD today, either you die a casual or become a tryhard too.

  • TheGentlemen
    TheGentlemen Member Posts: 198

    I hate it too, but I really can't blame casual killers for using the same call of brine builds

    It's just slowdown vs genspeed builds, that's all this game has ever really been if you ask me

    Trying to use more niche perks feels horrible when the opponent brings super good perks, so most people stop trying there

    Solo queue is horrible, so unless you have friends, I can't give you a reason tbh

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,481

    Yeah... I can definitely see your point. It hurts when we have all this potentially fun perks in the game...

    "Trying to use more niche perks feels horrible when the opponent brings super good perks" I felt that... I agree with you %100.

    Thank you for your comment. Love the 3-games test.

    I was really excited for the 6.1.0 switch but with the stronger perks in-play it made the difficult solo experience even more difficult.

  • killer998
    killer998 Member Posts: 100

    That won't serve you well given your MMR doesn't decay so you'll be more rusty when you come back and the sweaty killers you face will still be there waiting for you.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Not really a reason since killer queues are almost instant.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    League has normals and ranked to cater to both crowds. On top of that it has aram and roating game modes.

    Also, there are people who run only off-meta builds and try to make it as far as possible. Here's even a youtube channel dedicated to all the weird builds people have managed to get use off:

    Even aram who is a casual mode has gotten balance changes over the years (I would no, I have like 7k games on that mode) that are only for aram. There are still unbalanced stuff that gets through the cracks but it's much better than when people could have aram only accounts to only get ranged and poke champs.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237

    Ruin Undying wasnt that bad after all, eh? ;)

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Yeah it’s definitely demoralising at times. I wish there was more build variety on both sides so games could be more dynamic but just running 4 slowdown/ second chance/exhaustion is just better for most games

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,438

    I'm gonna guess the solo teams are the ones constantly getting caught up in chain hunts because 3/4 of them refuse to get the box? Lol I can't remember the last time I escaped against a Pinhead. I'm literally always the one having to get the box.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152

    "try to make it as far as possible"

    Yes but ik the end they will end up against a team with a more tryhard mentality and lose. Like it's supposed to be with a working matchmaking. Even Aram has tryhards and people that treat that game mode seriously.

    DBD does not have a working matchmaking and only had it (maybe) for a few weeks/months until it became clear that the top is way to sparsely populated to make it feasible without hour-long queue times.

    The result of countermeasures is now that practically everyone plays with everyone at random. And over time the "serious for the win" players aka "tryhards" with gen speed up, sabo coop, gen slowdown, slugging or whatever most effective built will drive the casuals away like you when you start to make rant posts until you one day maybe quit, others already have, me included as casual killer.

    And then you inevitably end up with only ranked mode.

    To focus back onto my point, the matchmaking is the problem and is back to being close to completely random. So your problem with gen slowdown perk killers shouldn't even exist when the system would put them with opponents of similar mentality and loadouts.

    But both sides either prepare for the worst and are oppressive against other casuals or get steamrolled if they don't and meet tryhard.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,438

    I had a game earlier where I had to start the same gen over and over, so I get the frustration. I ended up getting it finally but it was pretty much all I did in the entire game aside from getting chased or hooked. I was the last one to die too, but I didn't care because I got that darn gen finished lol

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,213

    1. Bring Sole Survivor.

    2. Aim to open the exit after the killer has closed the hatch.

    3. Raise your MMR.

    4. ???

    5. Profit

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,481

    OMG this is what I'm talking about. This is how most of my games are nowadays. Constantly back to zero. Like can I please get to do something?

    I like your point of view and I totally get it.

    Period! 💅

  • PB_TORCHer
    PB_TORCHer Member Posts: 317

    These perks don’t guarantee a win. Like all metas they’re predictable and that makes it not as exciting.

    I blame SoloQ survivor’s for not being effective and/or aware. Solo is a mess! Not because of the perks a killer uses.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,284

    I feel you. - Playing with a perk randomizer and trying to get value out of whatever build is thrown at you keeps things entertaining - and some perk randomizers have a match challenge as well which can be pretty fun.

    Though, it is kinda sad, that when not sweating / going comp mode but just trying to have some fun, you have to find the fun outside of what the game itself provides to you.

    For me, the cherry on top in terms of frustration and unfun things is the de-pipping that, esp. in soloQ, is 90% of the time outside of your control. Be that due to teamies DCing/suiciding or various killers that effectively rob you of an entire emblem by virtue of their mechanic.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941
    edited December 2022

    You're forgetting that certain strategies are only countered by being a SWF. So even if you wanna try hard as solo good luck with that. MMR isn't the only thing that would need fixing. Communication for solo would need as well.

    Even casual players in league run meta builds, so it's more likely that if those perk combinations stays then the lower levels of DBD would also have to run them to counter them. But the problem with that is BHVR giving you mixed messages. If you win too fast you de-pip and don't get a lot of Bloodpoints. If Bloodpoints reflected a win even if quick better you'd see a lot more people become meta slaves. As it is right now if you play too well on either role, you are punished with risk of de-pipping and not gaining many Bloodpoints.

    Maybe if I could get a pip if I won and bloodpoints I would be running Stake-out + Hyperfocus just to counter the current meta and maybe more people would run it as well under those circumstances. So suddenly it would be easier to counter slowdown as people are more focused on winning.

    People keep asking for the Bloodpoint bonus to be added to BBQ and chili to incentivize going after other survivors and not killing and if you believe in that argument, we could make the same one for survivors. Perhaps if you got a 100% bonus Bloodpoints if you escaped people would tryhard more.

    I play DBD almost daily. I don't play 8 hours because I have work and other obligations, but playing DBD daily and once a week or on the weekend are quite different things.

    As for you quiting, if you've been playing for years already it's only normal you play more sparsely.

    It buffles me that people in this community consider try-harding an insult or something bad, even in ARAM people tryhard and want to win even if it's supposed to be casual. The make it as far on the ladder, what team? If you play non-meta builds in League you get flamed but if you make it to Diamond or even higher with it you simply get extra bragging points and showcase your skill. What more tryhard team? Most people playing ranked are try-harding, that's what the mode is and it is primarily solo-duo. There are no premade teams, But there is Flex queue for that reason. If you want professionals then Unicorns of Love in the past have run some very non-meta comp teams.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Spot on. Been running eruption too and hilariously obvious which teams are SWF’s and which aren’t. Some SWF’s couldn’t even deal with the amount of pressure being put out

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,213
    edited December 2022

    Not really necessary.

    Open to 10%, hide, wait for the killer to check and leave again, then open it all the way.

    Sole Survivor is a solid perk all on it's own, and can benefit you before the endgame. You still get 3 perks to help you out in general play this way.

  • InvadeGames
    InvadeGames Member Posts: 415

    I just slap on perks i like, almost never have meta perks or if so just 1 and i do fine overall in my games in what i assume is mid mmr. 4 slowdowns arent needed unless actual sweat teams.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,175

    If you want to rely on yourself more & still improve MMR (for those games where everyone dies before you do), start running a gate open build. I've been running it for a month or so now & been loving it.

    I started with Fixated, Adrenaline, Wake Up & Sole Survivor.

    I altered it after the recent new patch to Dead Hard, Adrenaline, Wake Up & Sole Survivor. I wanted to have a chance at prolonging chases during the match to help my team out more.

    I kid you not, out of all the times I've now gotten to that forced situation (30+), I've only died twice. No one can really catch you opening the gate unless they're Blight, Spirit or Nurse. You rely on the killer to get hatch, they get hatch (Adrenaline pops) and you most likely will get a gate open if you play it properly. Rushing the gate isn't always the right choice but its dependent on the match and situation (like if the hatch was near a gate or the 2 gates are easily in LoS of each other, etc).

    The main reason I started running this is because of unreliable teammates who either D/C'd, went down incredibly quick, hook bombed, killed themselves on hook, etc. List goes on.

    Try it out man.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152

    Okay let me try to answer this wall of text.

    You're forgetting that certain strategies are only countered by being a SWF. So even if you wanna try hard as solo good luck with that.

    A good team of solo with equal skill can be indistinguishable from swf sometimes and here we again have the problem of not working MMR. If it would work then all survivor and the killer would have comparable skill and the same drive to either win or be casual since that determines if you rise or fall in MMR.

    And since you seem to be a little hung up on lol now, it's the same in normal queue where matchmaking works and the normally good/tryhard players play with other like them and the casuals or bad players are mostly matched with the same except for mixed premade teams like mine with me around platin-diamond and a friend that will never climb out if bronze with her having played it for 5-10 years already and still maxing E first on her main Jinx 😩 and buying tank items when falling behind.

    MMR isn't the only thing that would need fixing. Communication for solo would need as well.

    Others and me have advocated for a ping system or in-game voice for years now and it is up to the devs to finally do something to bring swf, solo and everything in between on the same level.

    Even casual players in league run meta builds, so it's more likely that if those perk combinations stays then the lower levels of DBD would also have to run them to counter them.

    That is exactly what I was saying. The casual is dying out in online pvp games after time when the most efficient stuff aka meta is slowly established.

    I for example played rainbow six siege since release and stopped after my best friend i play it with died 2 years ago. I was pretty good, also around gold/diamond, but nowadays i would get steamrolled because I have no idea of the fast paced meta i see on YouTube today.

    DBD is no different.

    But the problem with that is BHVR giving you mixed messages. If you win too fast you de-pip and don't get a lot of Bloodpoints. If Bloodpoints reflected a win even if quick better you'd see a lot more people become meta slaves. As it is right now if you play too well on either role, you are punished with risk of de-pipping and not gaining many Bloodpoints.

    Maybe if I could get a pip if I won and bloodpoints I would be running Stake-out + Hyperfocus just to counter the current meta and maybe more people would run it as well under those circumstances. So suddenly it would be easier to counter slowdown as people are more focused on winning.

    I won't address your point about pips in more details since that is a subjective goal in my eyes with the monthly hard reset and only the BP rewards.

    But your point about games going too fast with the meta perks, that only happens when non "tryhard" meets "tryhard". When bots sides bring the best then we end up on the same level as if both sides brought absolutely nothing since meta is there to counterbalance other meta. Again a point i made earlier already, when both sides have the same mentality it works but matchmaking does not guarantee that to the same degree like in other games.

    People keep asking for the Bloodpoint bonus to be added to BBQ and chili to incentivize going after other survivors and not killing and if you believe in that argument, we could make the same one for survivors. Perhaps if you got a 100% bonus Bloodpoints if you escaped people would tryhard more.

    The bbq incentive made people play more into the casual mentality not the other way around but that perk is dead today anyway. And you don't need an incentive to make people go for the win, that is inscripted into humans on an instinctual level, but to make them play less competitive and more easy going need a more carrot like approach from the "stick and carrot" principle.

    I play DBD almost daily. I don't play 8 hours because I have work and other obligations, but playing DBD daily and once a week or on the weekend are quite different things.

    Of course they are different and normally different queues should separate those different players but DBD does not allow for that so matchmaking should do that job, to a certain extent.

    As for you quiting, if you've been playing for years already it's only normal you play more sparsely.

    I own this game since its release but played only around 300 hours, just for information. I quit exactly because as a friendly casual killer you get often matched with survivor doing everything to win or not trying to win at all but to toy with the solo killer player.

    I did an experiment by playing the few dozen hours in the last 2 years avoiding all killing and playing extra friendly without blatant farming to see how grateful survivor would be for the different treatment to all the unfun playtstyle compalined about on the forums. And I can tell you it does not feel rewarding to not go for the win and therefore DBD wasn't worth my time after 300 hours, it got boring and repetitive without teammates coupled with occasionally still negative feedback.

    It buffles me that people in this community consider try-harding an insult or something bad, even in ARAM people tryhard and want to win even if it's supposed to be casual. The make it as far on the ladder, what team? If you play non-meta builds in League you get flamed but if you make it to Diamond or even higher with it you simply get extra bragging points and showcase your skill. What more tryhard team? Most people playing ranked are try-harding, that's what the mode is and it is primarily solo-duo. There are no premade teams, But there is Flex queue for that reason. If you want professionals then Unicorns of Love in the past have run some very non-meta comp teams.

    That is the same in all online pvp games. Casuals aren't welcome after game run a certain time. They either get their own playing mode or have to adapt to not be left behind by the people that want to win, no matter what prize awaits them and let's be honest, being the best in whatever video game gives nothing more than only bragging rights outside of real eSports with prize money. Nobody in the real world cares if someone is diamond, platin or challenger in whatever game.

    And about tryhard being an insult, that comes from other casuals that don't like when they don't get their casual matches.

    Uff that's a wall of text and a half. Let's end this discussion here maybe. We went hard of topic and I don't see us seeing eye to eye onto those points.

    I was casual and quit, you are casual and complain about repetitive tryhard killers in your games but the sad reality is that the tryhards always win in the long term in online pvp games and the casuals either adapt, are okay with being at the bottom of the ladder or are driven out of games. That's the way online pvp games go over the course of their lifetime.

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,063

    Yeah, me too. I' ll probably finish the last levels of the rift and then take a long break from dbd at least until they improve the matchmaking.

    It is just too stressful to play dbd these days.😞

  • Paternalpark
    Paternalpark Member Posts: 645

    Cant think of a reason sorry.

    Killer is the best choice nowadays.

  • rha
    rha Member Posts: 417

    Can't really give you any good reasons other than that it's comforting to know that I'm not the only suffering while everyone else has so much fun and escapes 80%+ of their matches because survivors are so OP.

    I have no idea how they manage to come up with these matches, the steamrolling killer with massive slowdowns and pressure wiping the survivors off the map before two gens are done is just the majority of the games, the rest is experienced survivors outclassing a killer who has no clue what he is doing and is lucky to get a single hook all game. Which isn't exactly fun either though I think this must exist to make up for the other games. Sometimes I wonder why they don't fix matchmaking by taking two random lobbies that the matchmaker came up with and swapping out survivors and killer.

    Some say there are not enough players for good matchmaking, but I've been playing since 2017 and it never did feel that solo queue was as hopeless and frustrating as it does today. This doesn't mean that there were no bad matches, but not frustratingly long streaks of extremely one-sided games, and for every bad game there were enough good games to not really be bothered by the bad ones. And I doubt the game has lost so many players that matches all of a sudden need to be worse.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    I'm so confused right now, have you only played 300 hours of DBD and quit but still posting on the DBDB forums or is it a typo and you meant 3000 hours.

    League has plenty of casual players because it is free. So there's no bar to entry, there's also bot games that you gain blue essence from and even count towards your missions so you can claim your rewards for events.

    DBD's problem isn't simply the game turning try-hard, it's the inability to pander to both in a balanced way. The game cannot survive without new blood whatever "tryhards" say in any game, not just DBD and the reason MMR is not working isn't cause BHVR cannot come up with a decent algorithm, but because they don't want queue times to be affected. Even in League in high MMR queue times take longer than average. But to have a functioning MMR and fast queue it would need a bigger supply of newer players as well as managing to retain those newer players, but currently the game costs money to buy AND it doesn't run on toasters unlike League (I would know, it doesn't even run on my laptop).

    If DBD could attract a lot of newer players then the separation between casuals and ranked mode would be more feasible.

    My problem with Eruption is that it needs SWF to counter it, I'm playing solo so tell me how do I and 3 other random people counter Eruption + Call of Bring + Pain Res consistently? Even in League stupid stuff that works in solo but would not work in a team get nerfed like Master Yi + Taric. Heck, League has many more comeback mechanics for the losing team than DBD does and come back mechanics are controversial and frowned upon by tryhards, but I don't see anyone advocating for them on the survivor side for casuals. You already know how unwinnable games are once 2 survivors are left with 2+ gens.

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,481

    Couldn't have agreed more. Thank you for your comment.

  • versacefeng
    versacefeng Member Posts: 1,136

    Killer queues aren’t that long either. I don’t know what time you play or what region you’re in, but for me there almost as short as survivor queues.

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,481

    Thank you guys for sharing your own opinions or being able to at least understand the "other side".

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Maybe its a region thing or the time of day i play. But my killer queues are most of the time almost instant. When i have to wait, then never more than 2 minutes. The matchmaking incentive really worked wonders.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Killer perks aren't the issue and this is something people need to understand, All killer perks have counters, requirements, setups or drawbacks to them.

    And while as a solo Q main survivor main myself I get seeing more perks and killers will always give a more fun experience the fact is alot of killers are weak or need the perks when facing a higher caliber not to mention most people just want decent length games (as survivor I also want longer games, though I feel we should push for hooks not kills)

    Now I'm the opposite of you, I'm someone youd called sweaty, tryhard, competitive etc. Even though I just play the game and try to win (still have fun) I'd get those labels (not that i care, never been insults). But if I get other people like me on my team it's an easy W verse most killers and players and the games are over way too fast and it's a huge reason I do solo Q over swf.

    But you're highlighting the issue yourself, YOUR TEAM ARE GIVING UP and the usual YOUR TEAM ARENT DOING GENS or cant last long enough in a chase.

    ^these are player issues and SBMM issues, you shouldn't win games when that's happening and I can only assume those players that do do gens/chases are rated the same because you escape the same (bad sbmm) or backfill which is dumb.

    I always refer to the one experience I had, same killer with the same build on the same map. One team we destroyed the killer with them getting 2 hooks, the other game he got a 4k and 4gens. One team just refused to do gens while the other could actually play and did gens.

    Long post but basically it's on the survivors and matchmaking. It does suck, I'm fed up with DCs too

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358
  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    From what you described you should be low MMR but you're not facing new Killers if that's your normal game experience. Call of Brine, Pain Resonance and Eruption requires at least two Killers prestiged. Theoretically it is possible to just prestige two of the Killers to P1 and just play one Killer to P2 or P3 but if a player has enough game knowledge to do that they're probably not new to the game and had to have paid for at least one of the Killers and most likely two.

    It doesn't sound like MMR is working for you and that's frustrating. In my opinion, your issues mainly stem from two issues:

    (a) DCers and rage quitters; and

    (b) Eruption is too over tuned against solo queue and needs adjusting.

    It's frustrating but I would suggest gen oriented builds to get out of it. Two builds I have that have had surprising success although I considered them memey are:

    (a) OTR, Prove Thyself, Situational Awareness and Deja Vu. 3 gens cause more 4Ks than any other factor in my games since a lot of survivors don't consider them. This build is for busting 3 gens at the start of the game

    (b) OTR, Small Game, Overzealous and Inner Healing paired with a toolbox. The gen speed helps more than I thought it would and the healing aspect helps a lot. Booners will not like you though.

    Alternatively, bring Built to Last paired with a gen repair perk along with a Commodious Toolbox.

    With Eruption in its current form synergizing so strongly with the other perks maybe bringing a gen repair speed build will help you get to an MMR where you don't have as many DCers and your games will become a lot more tolerable.

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,481

    Valid point. However I can't deny the fact that some perks shift how the games play out. Especially can't ignore the difference of a perk's impact on solo vs. SWF. While some perks may demolish a random group of survivors, it might not cause such trouble for a coordinated SWF.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439
    1. To get better at survivor
    2. To play against Blight because I don't see him in the screenshot list
    3. If you don't like the idea of either of those things then there is nothing left I guess

    Also half the people on this forum are reasonable, a quarter are extremely biased for either side and the last quarter genuinely have no idea what they are talking about.

  • Superbeasto1974
    Superbeasto1974 Member Posts: 141

    For me, solo queue is just a machine for grinding bloodpoints, no more, no less. If the team looks like it's actually trying to do something, I'll pitch in, but if they're just clowning the killer, farming hooks, etc, I just keep to myself and try to get as many bps out of the match as possible (push gens, open chests, cleanse totems, so on).

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Yeah but the fact is if we make it so teams with really bad survivors even if it's just 1 can win often anytime you get 4 survivors that can play itll always be a win.

    Sad fact is DBD for alot of killers relies on ineffiecnt survivors for gen speed and loops. And while its annoying as hell getting people that dont do gens or give up you can never expect to win those games (as you shouldn't because that's not fair if you can win often with those)

    Like I said about the example of versing the same killer, one team his 4x slowdowns did nothing while the other game (because of very bad survivors) we couldn't get past 4 gens left.

    Imo a better SBMM and a better system for people that DC/give up would solve this. I escape far more than I lose and my "team" win far more even if i die yet i can remember my losses more as its usually due to someone giving up or people not doing gens.

    It sucks I cant say "that killer won because they played really well" often, usually they win because of the above issues and that's what stresses me out in solo Q. Like how can I do the longer chases and still most gens, makes no sense lol

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,481