Buffing Killer Bloodwebs

Ginnypig Member Posts: 159
edited December 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

I think weaker killers could become more playable if they have the same amount of ultra rare and very rare addons in their bloodwebs. Compared to survivor bloodwebs, this is a joke and it needs to be adressed.

A shared pool of "addons" across all killers. See it like an assemble of Tokens instead of addons. You get ultra rare tokens, that can be exchanged to a desirable addon of your choice. Could be a solution aswell.


  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140
    edited December 2022

    On one hand, it does feel wasted that you'll have plenty of addons on killers you just prestiged for their perks.

    On the other...

    As much as the idea of a shared pool of tokens is tempting, I don't think it's a good idea. Ultra Rares (and Rares) are supposed to be, well, rare. If it was shared, you'd see so, so many busted builds that it would really impede on build variety. Killers with good Ultra Rares would only play that, and killers with bad Ultra Rares would never use them. So the net gain would be on certain killers who were not necessarily intended to receive this buff.

    Think if survivors had shared inventory. It would be even easier to do, since it's the same items and offerings. How many BNP and busted medkits you'd see ?

    What I think could help "weaker" killers while increasing build variety without making stronger killers busted would be to tweak the weaker killers' addons to make them better. Some killers have really tragically useless addons... Or addons that are not that good for their rarity (looking at you, Licker Tongue!). Make 'em better !

    Also, some killers in particular would deserve some time, love and care on QoL to their powers, and it would already make them so much better than just giving them more iridescent addons.

    Zombies AI. Nemesis could be so, so much more oppressive if dumb and dumber did not go straight to the edge of the map to get themselves stuck into a tree.

    Chainsaw bullshit hitboxes around some objects.

    Longer Frenzy.

    Making the Knight's orb invisible to survivors.

    Whatever would make Deathslinger nicer to play (smaller TR ?).

    I think boosting the iri chances or a shared inventory of addons would ignore the root of the problem, and have unintended consequences on gameplay variety or making already strong killers busted.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285
    edited December 2022

    Survivor bloodwebs are literally just as bad as killers. A friend of mine had to do full prestige to get single violet flashlight.

    Also I think that having OP addons in every single game would also be quite unhealthy. It's already bad how often you meet tombstone piece meyers (or at least double iri meyers), MDR spirit, C33+alch ring blight and so on. Having these addons be more common would make the game unbearable.

    And if we talk about weak killers - then make them more in line with each other. Nerf strongest killers and buff weakest. I for once would love to see nurse finally nerfed.