DCs should count towards "kill survivors by any means"

5 matches with this challenge so far
5 kills of the 15 needed
9 DCs
6 survivors got hatch or escaped.
I'm playin freakin Nemesis...he's not even a hard killer to face. ######### people.
I'm all for increasing ban times at this point.
I don't see any reason why DC's shouldn't count towards challenges.
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I've been thinking this for years; DCs should absolutely count as sacrifices.
Too many times I've seen people rage quit specifically just to deny the killer that "sacrifice 4 people in basement" challenge, among others.
Kills already don't even always count properly (I was doing the same challenge, and it would count my kills -1, so if I got a 4k it counted 3 kills, and if I got a 1k it counted 0), and this would be some relief from that too.
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If a Survivor quits, it should count as a kill/sacrifice.
Likewise if a Killer quits, it should count as an escape.
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Just leave Husk... I keep waiting for that system to be announced.
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Those basement challenges are a whole lotta nope. I skip right over em. At least with this one, I'll get it at some point. It's just irritating. But basement....ehhh, think I'd rather pull my fingernails off with a rusty butterknife lol
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Eh, maybe DC after a hook state has been made.
But if someone DCs at the start of the game, you haven't killed them, and it makes killing the others easier.
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8 of my 9 DCs were downed and/or on death hook tonight. (3 of those were a SWF team, all on death hook. I downed 1, he DC'd and the other 2 followed him. 2 gens left.) The last guy was probably a legit DC. It was mid-match and I was nowhere near him. Think I only had 1 hook on him.
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I see a lot of ragequits after being downed, I think that should count as well.
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I agree, the number of times I've had people DC on death hook just to spite the killer, be it me or a random is just astounding. It should certainly count towards achievements and sacrifice. Vise Versa if the killer DCs, it should be counted as an escape.
Now I know that not every DC is a player throwing a tantrum, it can legitimately be because of bad internet or the DbD servers having a stroke. But nine times out of ten it is because the player is mad at "dying" first. Or in the case of the killer, because they're being outplayed, they don't like the map or killer etc.
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Personally, I don't have too much of an issue in challenges because of it. - But I also don't see why a DC should not count toward challenges/achievments.
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If the killer DCs, it DOES count as an escape. That's how I got one of the challenges in the latest tome. Lol
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Don't you just love when you play super nice go for all 12 hooks, never hooking someone back to back, never camping and yet survivors still dc preventing you from completing a challenge.
I'm with you op DC's should count as kills. Especially since when killers DC it counts as an escape for survivors.
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Playing nice does seem to screw me over more often than not. Ima keep doin it cuz Im a sucker like that, but I definitely see the appeal of just playin super dick mode all the time lol
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It sometimes feels like there's no in-between, if a killer plays normally or nice and chill the survivors start BM-ing and calling them bad. But if the killer decides to play super efficiently or super sweaty, survivors still complain and call them "no lifers". The same can be said for survivors too.
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Basement challenges can be made fairly easily by using Trapper. Bait the basement with a hooked survivor, trap the mid-landing and at the top of the stairs, entrances and windows. Then someone will want to be altruistic, and they get trapped, now you have two in the basement. Most altruistic players can't resist the idea of saving TWO of their mates so they will try to make a save. Once again they are trapped, usually with the only other person left in the game. Bada bing, bada boom!