New Game Breaking Glitch in Dead By Daylight for Console Players

KriSpY_OxYgen08 Member Posts: 10
edited December 2022 in General Discussions

I'm a console player (PS4), I have no idea if this is just me. But at random when loading into a match, there's a chance that I won't even be able to play the game, and it is very frustrating and can hurt other players experience if this glitch isn't just happening to me.

Anyone who has played DbD for at least an hour knows about the cursor in the main menu. Well sometimes, around 5% of the matches I load into, won't let me play the game because (this is just speculation) the game probably thinks i'm still in the menu. It will show me playing as killer or survivor with the normal HUD, all of my perks, items, and addons, but I can't move or even turn the camera, all i can do is move the circle cursor from the main menu that's now visible inside my game.

I believe this is only a glitch for console players only (hopefully) and I really hope Behavior Interactive fixes this game breaking glitch soon, otherwise I might break my controller if i lose my red addons over this glitch again.

ALSO, closing the application to fix the glitch MAY or MAY NOT work. Sometimes it removes the glitch and I can play freely, other times i will be stuck with it for a whole day.

Thank you for reading this and hopefully this glitch isn't affecting you as well. 😊

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