Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Why do survivors dc and give up so easily?



  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    That happens because the game doesn't require anything from survivors. Until the game starts demanding something from survivors and only the decent to good and great players remain then will you see a healthy survivor playerbase.

    The game is made for the Casuals who come here and want to use a Horror Action Game as a CHILL MOMENT.





    Worse part is BHVR only cares about those people because those people will give them money. But guess what, if DbD is existing today is because of the ones that endured all the BS until now and not because you made CASUALS PLAY THE GAME. There would be no GAME FOR THE CASUALS if the same people day in and day out didn't play the game for years.

    That's what CASUALS don't understand when veterans complain about the game. They've been there and they've played it, they already know what the issue is but MONEY talks and CASUALS SPEND ALOT OF MONEY.

    2021 First Resident Evil Chapter, the gamegot it's highest peak of players on STEAM, 100k players on STEAM. But what happened after!?

    The exact same thing that happens all the time, the game lost 60 to 70k players since then, meaning the CASUALS CAME, BHVR GOT THE MONEY and then CASUALS LEFT and here we are again in the same loop...

    This happens every year...The same people that carried the game until 2021 are carrying the game through now after the CASUALS LEFT.



  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    Then how about the person who's pipping up at Iri and wants to turn a bad situation into a safety pip? There's a small chance to win at what you described, very small but possible, but a much better chance to not depip at least if the match lasts seven minutes. At a 3v1 that's possible but a 2v1 is basically hoping the Killer is nice enough to take mercy. By looping for what you can you're helping your teammates which is awesome but if someone just gives up then even the hope of getting a safety pip is probably gone. Why wreck someone else's progress? Get whatever BP you can, try to learn what you can, and at least you know you didn't intentionally wreck someone else's day.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    Its almost always falls into 3 categories from what i've seen -

    1.Connection or game crashes

    2.IRL event that needs attending to

    3.Frustration/burnout - This is the one I think is responisble for the majority of DCs. People are just so tired of playing against certain things that even the most mild inconveinience results in complete apathy or frustration. That said i cant even blame people anymore the game is possibly the most boring its ever been, not the most broken or imbalanced, just boring.

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    It is accurate tho. The reality is exactly as i described it.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    So you're saying that I should stall a forgone conclusion and burn myself out more so that my teammates can MAYBE keep their imaginary DBD points?

    I just had a match with 7 hooks at 5 gens. You're telling me I should stay in that match and not let go on hook? The game is over.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Pretty much everywhere my guy.

    You sound like an angry boomer. Try to relax a bit and not spew hatred towards your fellow DBD enjoyers.

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    Be factual please, where was i wrong. I'm not angry at all, i'm just not afraid of saying it. I'm absolutly relaxed, i haven't been playing DbD in so long yet i see people talk about the same problems over and over again, each after year, chapter after chapter, nothing changes and nothing will. IT's how DbD and BHVR operates.

    The path is set and has been set a really long time ago.

    If you enjoy it then fine, it's in your right and i have absolutly nothing against it but you can't deny the reality that veterans carry the game while casuals give BHVR the quick money flow.

    You can't deny the game is easy access and requires barely any understanding at all.

    You can't deny it's an Horror Action Game and not just hey lets CHILL. It can be a Party game for Survivors but that shouldn't negate what the game is meant to be. But reality is that in terms of Survivors vs Killer, SWF is a really big advantage when used to it's potential. IT's problematic even for the greatest killer players let alone the everyday killer player.

    IF there wasn't the chance to party up then the game would retain a higher level of it's Horror Action aproach. And because of that feeling it would also require more survivors to pay more attention.

    Maybe then survivors wouldn't 3 gen themselves as much, maybe more survivors would know how to loop, would know how to play against campers, etc,etc. Which would increase the base level of the skill for everyday survivors.

    OR they'd still leave the game...

    Matter of fact is even the game being as easy access as it is, PEOPLE LEAVE ALL THE TIME. It's not just DbD, it's in every other game aswell.

    Where do you think the "Gaming Journalist Difficulty" MEME came from? Because most people want casual gaming experiences. They want pretty graphics, they want big shock value but they want it without beeing asked to have to do something for it.

    Demon Souls was a FLOP on release. Dark Souls 1 was a FLOP on release and it took years of Lore diggers and speedrunners to make the game a Cult Following into Mainstream acceptance.

    Since then yeah Dark Souls got big but thankfully the game didn't went and lowered all of it's standards to be accessible. GIT GUD.

    Do you know what's the % of people with Platinum Trophy in Bloodborne for example? It's a very very low % of players. There's more people who quit it without doing the first story boss than there is people who got the Platinum.

    And the same argument applies to so manny other games.

    DbD as a game cannot escape this aswell. And there's so manny casuals that it's just a waste of MONEY to not make games for those people. But the bad side is then you have a game that doesn't satisfy either side and neither role.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    If one gen pop during chase that not overwhelming that's normal. But 2 gens might make me use stragedies I usually still try to play normally. But if 3 gens pop I just tunnel. My goal is to get 9 hooks every game and ideally 3-4K. I can live with 2K occasionally though.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    DBD won't be successful without either group.

    Projects that don't make money get dropped and buried. That's what your asking for.

    Your asking for F13. No money, no development, dead game.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    I'm saying you should consider your teammates and not give up. What do you gain by giving up? Nothing. I'm also adding if you're burnt out you should consider taking a break for your own health instead of playing and getting more burnt out. If, overall, you're not having fun which is reducing your ability to handle in-game inconveniences why not take a break and play when it becomes fun again?

    It's entertainment, nothing more. If it's overall not entertaining you're not doing yourself a favour by not taking a break.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I play for my friends. They want to play and want me to play alongside them. I've tried to take breaks before. Doesn't work.

    Our only other option is Overwatch 💀💀💀

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    That sucks if you're burning out and not having fun anymore. I hope you get it resolved.

  • AverageKateMain
    AverageKateMain Member Posts: 949

    Do you secretly like play with me in solo queue? Cause I had a Rebecca get exposed by Ghostface and downed in seconds and she dcd

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933


  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    "Hoping the Killer is nice enough"

    If Killer is nice enough, he would not tunnel 1 out with 4-5Gen.

  • TDtheDoc
    TDtheDoc Member Posts: 226
    edited December 2022

    Well first game as survivor today,1 gen done nobody down,first down dc,another dc on first hook with 3 gens done.Survivors are worthless entitled crap.Heck with playing survivor,atleast as killer I know there is just one of me and I’m not quitting.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    It doesn't have to be tunneling; I see more survivors DC at 4 or 5 gens or give up on hook than I see hard tunnelers and campers at 4 or 5 gens.

  • KidDope25
    KidDope25 Member Posts: 117
    edited December 2022

    The audacity of how you’re all hypocrites in saying I can’t play how I want (I’ll let the killer kill me if it’s a Nurse) but then wanna act like YALL can tell me how to play. I paid for the game and can’t play my way but you think you get the right to tell me how to play? Sounds just as childish if you ask me

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,239
    edited December 2022

    Because I also wanted to discuss with others about it and hear their opinion?

    True,I agree with your takes and I think most survivor dont try to get better,they just get angry or toxic,or leave.

    I mean most of my games as killer,I usually win because there's at least 1 survivor that plays really poorly or gives up.

    The skill ceiling for killer keeps increasing,while survivor remains at the same level,and I think this is the problem and the fact strangers almost never work together in order to increase their performance at playing survivor in soloq.

    Heck I saw swf that didn't and dc on their friends so I really dont know except that maybe survivors would benefit a lot from being able to communicate with others better.

    Yes,I am secretly in all your soloq lobbies,hope you enjoy me dcing in all your games xD

    Which makes it even worse,if the role was so easy,then why dc in the first place?

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237

    I laugh at the people claiming a survivor needs to do five gens and open a gate themselves to exit.

    In reality they have to outlast 3 others, dont help the 3rd slug on the ground and just hop out the hatch. Or open the gate thats been gratefully been powered for them, skipping 1-5 gens they failed to repair as a team.

    What we are talking about survivors as a team escaping? Then they shouldnt have failed to do gens, no?

  • Cassiopeiae
    Cassiopeiae Member Posts: 263

    Why can't people deal with the fact that people leave games that aren't fun when they are supposed to be.

    Not everyone is playing this 24/7 as a sweatlord, a lot of people just want to have fun and if they're on survivor getting tunnel facecamped in a deadzone or getting bullied by a SWF as a killer then they will use that DC button that the devs put there for you when you press escape.

    Also I see just as many killers DC'ing in my matches and in YT/Twitch, but the topic is ALWAYS thrown at survivors.

  • Droneinthrwind
    Droneinthrwind Member Posts: 102

    DCs don't happen in one game. People were probably having ######### dbd day(big suprise) and had enough. Getting found first 6 times in a row because you are the only one who does gens at the start of a match can be a bit frustrating. Not getting unhooked with kindred after is even more frustrating. Definitely not talking from experience....

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,695

    I also think it’s funny when they DC on deathhook like you really couldn’t wait a few seconds to claim your points???

  • TheHatchPolice
    TheHatchPolice Member Posts: 8

    I know a few people like that, honestly the ones who DC are usually the ones who are addicted to DBD the most which is really ironic…

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    I could be the Survivors seeing the same situation happening for X amount of times

    The mental part of playing this game reaches the breaking point faster for some reason

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    Hinest question. Do you care for the killers fun when you play?

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    I see far more survivors than Killers; Killers are more likely to just afk.

    But I have a few questions for you. If a Killer DCs what happens? No depip for the survivors, no teammates to be let down and a 5000 BP event for escaping. If a survivor DCs what happens? Probably a depip and most likely a 4K since your teammates are now left in a situation where the odds are far worse when they didn't do anything other than expect their teammate wouldn't just up and leave since their teammate agreed to play the game normally when they clicked ready.

    You seriously can't see the difference between the two?

  • pizzavessel15
    pizzavessel15 Member Posts: 534

    because survivors have a habit of being little babies

  • Clark
    Clark Member Posts: 2
    edited December 2022

    This question is like asking the killer… why do you tunnel… Why do you camp hook?? Why do killers ALWAYS DC when the game isn’t going there way even right before the survivors escape..??

    ”CLEARLY TO DENY THE SURVIVORS THE BP’s” the same BP’s i hear killers say survivors deny them from DCing”

    Simply play a straight up game and don’t hook camp and I’d imagine you would get WAAAY less DCs.

    Just saying.

  • Clark
    Clark Member Posts: 2

    Perhaps the game should be a draw… you ever considered that?

    Also, I do feel killers should have less strict rules to achieve merciless killer because in reality…. No killer should be able to kill ALL the survivors of a competent team.

    ridiculous to presume you should be able to kill everyone and its a lot of pressure playing good survivors…

    THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG WITH GETTING A “DRAW” verses good survivors. That mind set is why you are here on this forum and not happy doing something else.

    Nice job on the Draw. Really :)

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,263
    edited December 2022

    Im not sure what exactly you are on about, if you actually read the thread, you will see that im talking about a draw.

  • Tatiana5
    Tatiana5 Member Posts: 8

    Hmmm, I've only been playing a few weeks, but I see a survivor rage quit/DC in at least 7/10 games. I've seen a killer quit/DC in a total of 2 games.

    I think it's pure selfishness for a survivor to quit a game, especially early on. I laugh when as a survivor we still manage to win, but then I cry when we get down to last gen or on the escape doors only to lose and I think we easily could have won had that one person not rage quit. It's almost always on first hook or just before first hook either via suicide or LD. I have sometimes lost 10 games in a row and I won't rage quit because I don't want to let my teammates down, and truthfully, i think one can always learn in most scenarios. Imo, it's just narcissistic gameplay. I usually play survivor, but when I play killer, I almost always let the survivors get away when I see that crap. Zero respect as a killer or survivor when I see survivors quit.

    Wish there was much bigger deterrents/punishments for this kind of behavior.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,291

    It's because there's no point in trying to play 95%+ of matches. With the plethora of regression perks and extended gen timers, killers can very easily snowball out of control. Getting spotted slightly too early, or getting a single bad chase is enough to instantly condemn the entire game. If someone goes down before a gen is done, the rest of the game is not worth playing. You don't have enough boots on the ground to make meaningful progress on gens AND keep the killer busy AND rescue survivors.

    The skill floor for survivors is matched with the skill ceiling at this point. You play perfect or you lose.

    Unless, of course, you bring out the big toolboxes, BNPs, Prove Thyself and Hyperfocus to overcome the brutally slow gens.

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,239

    If there's no point playing 95% of the game,I wonder why a lot of people still play,if they obviously not having fun,and dont like the majority of the experience they're having in this game.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,291

    That's the point: They don't. They only stick around in matches where they can still win. That's what's causing a lot of the D/Cs and hook suicides.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,594

    Having the experience today, I can tell you I give up if I go solo in a match and I'm surrounded by headless chickens.

    The kind to heal next to you.

    The kind to unhook right after they've dragged the killer to the hook.

    The kind who hide in the corners of the map while you kite the killer for a minute.

    I've got a few of these today and I said : no more. I just do my rift/daily then just go break pallets on the killer until I'm dead, usually with only my gens having been done.


  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775


    There's only so much incompetence one can take.

  • Kweh
    Kweh Member Posts: 88

    It's a game, when there's no opportunity for one side to win, any other game allows you to concede. this isn't a new concept. Because of how jank and unbalanced DBD is towards either side at any time between any given patch, there are many cases where one side can just attrition the other side out through a 20+ minute match. This happened when Boon: CoH was added and now killers can just hard stall now and ensure a win through a long, boring process. Don't know about you but I prefer faster games, with more interaction.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    Survivor's dc more often even considering the ratio. Because any other online pvp game would ban half the serial dcers for ruining so many games. In something like cod it's fine if someone leaves, one less body can even be a better chance to win. In dbd, lol and OW the game is auto over. People should be banned for dcing more than 4 times a week.