general game idea for balance

Instead of hooks and just being able to happily hop onto a generator, how about there being no hooks in the game and the killer would need to prevent the survivors from finishing all 5 gens on the map within a specific time period? What if the chests on the game were required to be opened because you needed a toolbox to even get on a generator or you needed to find a specific number of parts to complete it? Or how about random generator parts spawn into a game at set intervals to help you speed up the process at a certain percentage? One part equals 25% completion on a generator. The killer can set up traps or blind you from finding set items with hexes or a set amount of time, or maybe they can set up barriers where you would need a tool like a crowbar or something for breakable walls or doors to get into the gen area. They can use franklins to make you drop your generator piece or tools where someone else or you would have to go back to pick it up. I don't know. I've just been thinking of random ideas. Would love to hear from you guys. All feedback is appreciated. Just wanted to know what the community was feeling or if there were any more ideas we can brainstorm with. :)