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Funniest survivor squeal!

Another post made me think about this, and if you haven’t heard these, or just wasn’t paying attention, have a listen next time you’re in a game with them. Ash, and Steve. Not when they get hooked but like if they step into a trappers trap, it’s absolutely hilarious the sound they make. I will blow a skill check laughing if I hear either of them step in a trap while I’m working on a Gen. Super funny!

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  • Member Posts: 473

    Jeff, Ash, and Bill always sounded the funniest to me.

  • Member Posts: 3,140

    Steve's squeal is hilarious !

    I like Yun Jin's as well, for such a selfish diva, she sounds like a surprised kitten.

  • Member Posts: 745

    I still laugh at Ash's grunts and squeals. They sound so... Wrong sometimes 😅

  • Member Posts: 2,068

    Feng Min and David are my addiction when playing as killer. I just can't get enough of David's hilarious howls of pain, or Feng Mins cute as hell squealing when I spank or down her. It's gotten to the point wherein If I see a David or Feng Min while i'm chasing someone else, Imma drop chase to go after them instead, because nothing makes me grin from ear to ear more that the noises those 2 make. I really appreciate their VA's for providing us with such golden audio entertainment in an otherwise dreary game whose community constantly punches down on killer players.

    A close third would be the rare beasty that is Lisa Garland. While not as cute as Feng Min, she's more like the Female version of David because of how funny her screams of agony are.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Quentin’s downed scream and Jake’s voice crack mid injury are always the funniest to me

  • Member Posts: 8

    Lisa’s downed scream does something to me, like sometimes I hear it randomly and I will freeze up because it’s so scary and realistic but also funny at the same time.

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    Quentin, Jeff, David, Ash, Jake and Bill's downed screams are hilarious to me. David, Quentin and Jeff's injured noises are hilarious too.

  • Member Posts: 1,619

    The "oooooh oh" of Felix when he get a hit sometimes is the funniest survivor sound of the game for me.

    Bill is also very funny, I laugh sometimes when I hit him.

  • There is a sound Jane makes that always cracks me up.

  • Member Posts: 869

    Rebecca's sounds when I'm carrying her makes me uncomfortable...

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