Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Don't nerf SWF.

Survive with friends seems to be a big issue most killers have. Me included. Why not instead of removing it or "nerfing it" (However that would work?). The killer is insentivised to play against SWF groups. Gaining bonus blood points?
2 SFW -15% BP Bonus
3 SFW -30% BP Bonus
4 SWF -50% BP Bonus
Two sesperate groups of two SWF -30% BP Bonus
All applied after game. This would make SWF less toxic for killers and would make Killer Mains playing Survivor feel less mean.



  • PureHostility
    PureHostility Member Posts: 708
    edited December 2018

    @MasonHugsCats said:
    Survive with friends seems to be a big issue most killers have. Me included. Why not instead of removing it or "nerfing it" (However that would work?). The killer is insentivised to play against SWF groups. Gaining bonus blood points?
    2 SFW -15% BP Bonus
    3 SFW -30% BP Bonus
    4 SWF -50% BP Bonus
    Two sesperate groups of two SWF -30% BP Bonus
    All applied after game. This would make SWF less toxic for killers and would make Killer Mains playing Survivor feel less mean.

    2016 wants its suggestion back.

    To counter your idea, let me rephrase it this way:

    "We heard you didn't like having a spit with a pint of urine in your soup. We agree, it is unacceptable in our restaurant to serve such things, thus we will now serve a cookie with a soup containing spit and pint of urine in order to make it more bearable.".

    In other words, you are trying to bribe players in order to play a "mode" they do not like ... that's silly as hell.
    Many people already voiced their opinion that wouldn't even want to have +200% additional BPs for playing against SWF, as a matter of fact, after a while, you don't care THAT much about BPs anymore, as you actually just want a fun game.

  • MasonHugsCats
    MasonHugsCats Member Posts: 135
    @PureHostility Living up to the name. If you dont like SWF don't play it and just leave? But if you seriously don't like SFW because it's the only time Survivors have a decent chance of getting all 4 men out alive then your silly as hell. That's like me saying I don't like Football because I have a chance at loosing.
  • PureHostility
    PureHostility Member Posts: 708

    @MasonHugsCats said:
    @PureHostility Living up to the name. If you dont like SWF don't play it and just leave? But if you seriously don't like SFW because it's the only time Survivors have a decent chance of getting all 4 men out alive then your silly as hell. That's like me saying I don't like Football because I have a chance at loosing.

    Would love to.
    However, tell me how to tell if they are in SWF without doing a massive time consuming work around, that requires people to have public profiles on steam?

    Besides, thanks to mods for deleting my post or for whatever reason it disappeared. (was edited later on to include more information why it is a silly idea).

    Thus, let me retype it in shorter way:

    Bad idea.
    It is a bribe for doing something people do not enjoy.
    It is an awful bribe to begin with, as 50% more BP is crap for an utterly disgraceful experience.
    Even 200% more would be nothing, as many people in the past already commented on exactly the same suggestion, they would prefer not to participate rather than get "paid more" and that was back in 2016.

  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301

    @MasonHugsCats said:
    @PureHostility Living up to the name. If you dont like SWF don't play it and just leave? But if you seriously don't like SFW because it's the only time Survivors have a decent chance of getting all 4 men out alive then your silly as hell. That's like me saying I don't like Football because I have a chance at loosing.

    That's a terrible comparison. This is what it should be:

    If you dont like SWF don't play it and just leave? But if you seriously don't like SFW because it's the only time Survivors have full control over all 4 men making it out alive then you're silly as hell. That's like me saying I don't like Football because survivors have full control over me losing.

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946
    edited December 2018
    I think you don't grasp the topic.
    All what is asked, playing with a friend gives you an advantage. As the matchmaking is right now you get match with the average of your ranks, so some of you are over the killer level and some are under. The killer has a greater challenge because he is not used to play on that rank level. If you are rank 10 and get matched with 20 and 1, the 1 can make your game hell without you are able to understand what's going on. On top of the usual additional Intel a swf group can provide themselves.

    To compensate that gap OP ask for a BP increase.
    Just leave is not a viable strategy when 70% of the matches has a SWF in it in any combination.

    If you don't understand just ask. We love to help each other! Try to find a positive way!

    Thank you
  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    @Doc_W__HOLLIDAY said:
    Or just buff solos and killers to be SWF level? That would be even better

    Any buff to solo players will buff SWFs.

  • MasonHugsCats
    MasonHugsCats Member Posts: 135
    I don't understand why people have so many issues with SWF. It's harder but in my opinion it's more fair. I am a killer main. Rank 1. 
    If it was nerfed it wouldn't effect me. But it shouldn't be. It's harder and some people have issues with it.
  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    edited December 2018
    se05239 said:

    @Doc_W__HOLLIDAY said:
    Or just buff solos and killers to be SWF level? That would be even better

    Any buff to solo players will buff SWFs.

    Not necessarily. SWF will already have the information. 

    Won't really change a thing.
  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @se05239 said:

    @Doc_W__HOLLIDAY said:
    Or just buff solos and killers to be SWF level? That would be even better

    Any buff to solo players will buff SWFs.

    Not necessarily true.

    A new self borrowed time would benefit solos immensely but SWF would still continue to use borrowed time. When you play solo, it is not in your hands to be saved by borrowed time user. SWF solves this problem altogether.

    But I agree, most buffs that solos get will buff SWFs. The only way to solve this is to introduce voice comms and honestly, I don't see that happening.

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    I don't understand why people have so many issues with SWF. It's harder but in my opinion it's more fair. I am a killer main. Rank 1. 
    If it was nerfed it wouldn't effect me. But it shouldn't be. It's harder and some people have issues with it.
    Because SWF is at all ranks? 
    And sometimes there's a red rank in the area of a rank 15 killer?

    New killers, under prepared killers, and such don't really want to vs a squad that will probably turn toxic as soon as they find a chink in the armor, or at the least run circles around a killer. 
  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    Extra BP has bren mentioned many many times as compensation but it's not enough as some don't need or want it.

    What the players want is a fun experience which SWF removes for a lot of the user base, you just have to search here and on steam for a huge amount of topics regarding SWF to see many would simply prefer to not play versus them.

    They have been playing around with buffing solo but with all these aura perks, notification it not working, all it is doing is removing aspects of the game, you don't have to think as much, hunt as much, be aware as much as they are leading players by the hand to the objective more and more.

    It is not working the gap stays the same and they are buffing SWF with each change also, instead of trying to change everything around the problem they need to look at that problem directly and fix what is broken.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    Delfador said:

    @se05239 said:

    @Doc_W__HOLLIDAY said:
    Or just buff solos and killers to be SWF level? That would be even better

    Any buff to solo players will buff SWFs.

    Not necessarily true.

    A new self borrowed time would benefit solos immensely but SWF would still continue to use borrowed time. When you play solo, it is not in your hands to be saved by borrowed time user. SWF solves this problem altogether.

    But I agree, most buffs that solos get will buff SWFs. The only way to solve this is to introduce voice comms and honestly, I don't see that happening.

    Well even if SWF were to get indirectly buffed, killers could still receive nice compensation buffs. 
  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456
    I think we should be able to tweak the lobby options to accept SWF or not and getting bonus bp if we accept and win against them.
  • Plagues7
    Plagues7 Member Posts: 17

    Some ideas:
    1) Remove SWF from rank progression.
    2) Give bonuses to the Killer when playing against SWF (more perks, increased speed, shorter swing cooldown, etc) Killers don't care about additional BP, they care about game balance.
    3) Give killers the ability to ignore SWF players. SWF simply nullifies killer perks
    4) Identify players that are in SWF groups so Killers can target them.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614
    edited December 2018

    Shouldn't your numbers be the other way around?
    I hear enough times that Survivors underperform a bit in BP, or at least in comparison to Killers.
    I myself don't really find it a problem, but i must be one of the few instead of the many.
    Rather than punish SWF players, reward solo players.

    • 4 Survivors: BP earned * 1
    • 3 Survivors: BP earned * 1.17
    • 2 Survivors: BP earned * 1.34
    • Solo: BP earned * 1.5
  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    @Doc_W__HOLLIDAY said:
    Or just buff solos and killers to be SWF level? That would be even better

    Impossible. Solos will never be at the same level as SWF, no matter what. And SWF-strong killers will always wreck solo survivors. The only time when I think something could be done is strictly killer vs 4-man SWF. Maybe activating killers' extra perk slots, maybe giving killers a bonus to movement and action speeds, things like that, only active for the trial in course.

  • deadbybugexploit
    deadbybugexploit Member Posts: 29

    swf kill this game soon.

    no reason play not fair game.

  • PinkEricka
    PinkEricka Member Posts: 1,042
    😂😂😂 and how is nerfing our BP’s suppose to help the Killer in game?

    Y’all always find something to whine about.
  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946
    The biggest misconception of DBD is, that this is a competitive ranking game.
    It's not. 
    In this game you supposed to have fun and survive/kill. Ranking is a reminiscent of the original vision of the game. There is no "fair" matches with pre groups who has access to 3th party programs or by playing against different ranks.
    If you put a lvl 10 killer against a 20 and 1 ranked survivors what happen?
  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131

    They are not planning on removing or nerfing swf , so this thread is pointless.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    They should give incentive and start implementing perks that combat SWF only... 
  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Facing SWF sucks but you could also use it to your advantage. I main Spirit and I play 6-7 games per day. At least 2/3 of them have a SWF group. I just keep the hook pressure up and keep to a side with 3 gens. I end up 4 manning if I don't misplay. I mess up a ton tho.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    Cymer said:
    The biggest misconception of DBD is, that this is a competitive ranking game.
    It's not. 
    In this game you supposed to have fun and survive/kill. Ranking is a reminiscent of the original vision of the game. There is no "fair" matches with pre groups who has access to 3th party programs or by playing against different ranks.
    If you put a lvl 10 killer against a 20 and 1 ranked survivors what happen?
    Any sort of multiplayer pvp game is competitive.. V stands for vs... if DBD is not pvp then hell why is the killer trying to kill them and not trying to help them escape? Pvp means there is some sort of competitiveness to this game that should not be ignored because this game can be so much better then it is 
  • OogieBoogie
    OogieBoogie Member Posts: 190

    @MasonHugsCats said:
    This would make SWF less toxic for killers

    No. No it wouldn't. Getting paid to take a punch to the face doesn't make your jaw hurt less. It just means you got something out of it. There would still be groups that go out of their way to make the game unfun, and voice chat would still break certain game mechanics. You'd just get paid to suffer through it. That doesn't solve the problem.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

    @Doc_W__HOLLIDAY said:
    Or just buff solos and killers to be SWF level? That would be even better

    Impossible. Solos will never be at the same level as SWF, no matter what. And SWF-strong killers will always wreck solo survivors. The only time when I think something could be done is strictly killer vs 4-man SWF. Maybe activating killers' extra perk slots, maybe giving killers a bonus to movement and action speeds, things like that, only active for the trial in course.

    There has to be something that SWF can't abuse. I don't think extra perks or increased speed is gonna do much when gens get done in 3 minutes tops. 
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @se05239 said:

    @Doc_W__HOLLIDAY said:
    Or just buff solos and killers to be SWF level? That would be even better

    Any buff to solo players will buff SWFs.

    No, simply add ingame voice comms. Easiest solution ever, and technically its easy too

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    Master said:

    @se05239 said:

    @Doc_W__HOLLIDAY said:
    Or just buff solos and killers to be SWF level? That would be even better

    Any buff to solo players will buff SWFs.

    No, simply add ingame voice comms. Easiest solution ever, and technically its easy too

    Would killers hear it? Because that would be another way to bully the killer.

    Having some kid scream "CAMPER CAMPER" because you still exist on the map, having someone taunt you after pallet stunning you, or screaming "BABY KILLER RELIES ON NOED" doesn't sound like much fun.
  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758
    edited December 2018

    Give killers 50% bonusBP for EACH member of a SWF. A 4man SWF will give the killer 400% bonus BP. There, now I can simply use an ebony mori everytime a 4man SWF popps up, I haven't found 2man/3man to be much of an issue.

  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 889

    Give killers 50% bonusBP for EACH member of a SWF. A 4man SWF will give the killer 400% bonus BP. There, now I can simply use an ebony mori everytime a 4man SWF popps up, I haven't found 2man/3man to be much of an issue.

    Mate your math is wrong if Sach survivor is worth an extra 50 than 4 would be 200 not 400.
  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    @starkiller1286 said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    Give killers 50% bonusBP for EACH member of a SWF. A 4man SWF will give the killer 400% bonus BP. There, now I can simply use an ebony mori everytime a 4man SWF popps up, I haven't found 2man/3man to be much of an issue.

    Mate your math is wrong if Sach survivor is worth an extra 50 than 4 would be 200 not 400.

    by that I meant that 4man would be an exception and give us 400% bp.

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    @Doc_W__HOLLIDAY said:

    There has to be something that SWF can't abuse. I don't think extra perks or increased speed is gonna do much when gens get done in 3 minutes tops. 

    Yeah you're right, I agree that's the main issue, and lately I've come to senses and only hope for longer matches. The idea of additional and meaningful objectives has been thrown around for some time now, and we even had the halloween event planned around that, but sadly it hasn't materialized yet.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,523

    I've gone up against quite a few four man groups that just ended up being a couple friends casually playing the game, no more challenging than four complete strangers. I'd even go as far as to say that the super coordinated maximum efficiency groups are the vast minority. I get the intention, but I don't think I should get 50% bonus bloodpoints just for playing against a group of average players.

    I also think that might cause other issues, namely with matchmaking. Killer already provides much more plentiful and easily obtained bloodpoints as is. Throw an extra 50% on top of that and we're talking a ton of points even for losing. You're going to have a lot more people than there already are playing killer just for the bloodpoints, which is going to further throw off the ratio of killers to survivors and draw up queue times. If something is unbalanced, I feel like it should be balanced, not brushed under the rug by incentives like bloodpoints.

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    Peanits said:

    I've gone up against quite a few four man groups that just ended up being a couple friends casually playing the game, no more challenging than four complete strangers. I'd even go as far as to say that the super coordinated maximum efficiency groups are the vast minority. I get the intention, but I don't think I should get 50% bonus bloodpoints just for playing against a group of average players.

    I also think that might cause other issues, namely with matchmaking. Killer already provides much more plentiful and easily obtained bloodpoints as is. Throw an extra 50% on top of that and we're talking a ton of points even for losing. You're going to have a lot more people than there already are playing killer just for the bloodpoints, which is going to further throw off the ratio of killers to survivors and draw up queue times. If something is unbalanced, I feel like it should be balanced, not brushed under the rug by incentives like bloodpoints.

    Downplaying SWFs isn't going to work well when there's people constantly being burned by them, or annoyed at the least. I mean you're generally dismissing their experiences.
    And making matters worse is that the SWF usually have a far easier game than 4 solos would.

    It's entirely possible for a killer to end up with less than 10k in points, and the only reasons they might make more, seemingly, is because they are always in the trial.
    A survivor would make less for doing less, or dying sooner, but they can hit the next trial faster.
    Survivors surviving can easily end up with as much, or more blood points compared to the killer.

    I mean bonus blood points for facing an swf won't throw things off.
    If that were the case we would see way more killers because they have 3 or 4 perks that give blood point bonuses.
    Surely if blood points were going to make a difference in balance, we'd likely see it thanks to those.
    Especially since survivors only have 2, wglf and another that only works once when the gens are done.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    @Peanits said:
    I've gone up against quite a few four man groups that just ended up being a couple friends casually playing the game, no more challenging than four complete strangers. I'd even go as far as to say that the super coordinated maximum efficiency groups are the vast minority. I get the intention, but I don't think I should get 50% bonus bloodpoints just for playing against a group of average players.

    I also think that might cause other issues, namely with matchmaking. Killer already provides much more plentiful and easily obtained bloodpoints as is. Throw an extra 50% on top of that and we're talking a ton of points even for losing. You're going to have a lot more people than there already are playing killer just for the bloodpoints, which is going to further throw off the ratio of killers to survivors and draw up queue times. If something is unbalanced, I feel like it should be balanced, not brushed under the rug by incentives like bloodpoints.

    Well that's great on you but playing against a sweaty SWF with 4 times DS is just literally a waste of time for most killers who play this game casually themselves. Personally once I see 2 DS opntop of SWF with toolboxes and flashlights I will just DC because even if I win, what's the point in playing a game where I'm bound to not have fun at all?.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @deadbybugexploit said:
    swf kill this game soon.

    no reason play not fair game.

    Yes the sky is falling still 2 years later and yet the game is more popular and ever and is slowly getting more balanced. You're like the doomsayers that've been claiming that League is dying and would end soon which was years ago.

    The game will end soon because swf is 2 years old now and the only way swf will ever kill this game off is if it's removed. Since they're the majority of the player base so remove them and you kill your game because you killers can't have lobbies without survivors.

    But hey you'll feel really good about yourself because you got rid of swf and thus will never have to face them ever again. Oh sure the game will die off because most of the player base has left but you won't ever have to play them.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Master said:

    @se05239 said:

    @Doc_W__HOLLIDAY said:
    Or just buff solos and killers to be SWF level? That would be even better

    Any buff to solo players will buff SWFs.

    No, simply add ingame voice comms. Easiest solution ever, and technically its easy too

    Yes because that's worked so well in COD, no one wants to hear some 12 year old using I slept with your mother insults in game. They also don't want to be insulted by a bunch of idiots mad that you got the unhook and they didn't. They don't want to listen to someone screaming at them over the fact they didn't get saved from the camper.

    Most won't use in game voice comms for this reason and consoles already have built in voice comms so they won't use it either.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @powerbats said:

    @deadbybugexploit said:
    swf kill this game soon.

    no reason play not fair game.

    Yes the sky is falling still 2 years later and yet the game is more popular and ever and is slowly getting more balanced. You're like the doomsayers that've been claiming that League is dying and would end soon which was years ago.

    The game will end soon because swf is 2 years old now and the only way swf will ever kill this game off is if it's removed. Since they're the majority of the player base so remove them and you kill your game because you killers can't have lobbies without survivors.

    But hey you'll feel really good about yourself because you got rid of swf and thus will never have to face them ever again. Oh sure the game will die off because most of the player base has left but you won't ever have to play them.

    Can you imagine how these guys would act a Year to 2 Years ago? I doubt they'd have even lasted more than a week.

  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828
    Survivors barely get any blood points and somebody is making the suggestion of less blood points? My matches are usually 22k bps and that alone is still a lot less than what killers normally get (23-24k or a bit more) if they 4ked.

    When survivors die, they get even less than that amount. Perhaps 7k or 9k if they’re lucky enough.

    It wouldn’t really be fair if that happened. I’m a solo survivor who plays with my actual friends every once in awhile and I would’ve hated if they added a feature where you get a lot less bps.

    I understand that they clearly have an advantage; but even when I went against SWFs as killer; I’ve managed to get at least 3 kills regularly. Normally 3 kills and sometimes 4 if the team was too altruistic/made too many mistakes.

    The only way they could fix this issue (slightly) is to not show killer perks + addons after the match if one of the team members dies.

    Plus without SWF this game wouldn’t be as popular as it is now. It heavily relies on survivors, no survivors = no lobby for killers = even less matches + longer wait time which can cause the game to die horribly.

    Again with this option of notifying killers if a group or duos are in SWFs wouldn’t really be as fun either. Lots of killers would probably dodge those groups many times, it has happened to me before with just one other person (it was just us two) and it was annoying enough because we kept needing to find another lobby which means longer wait time.

    Honey SWF ain’t going nowhere. That’s all I’m gonna say.
  • ReneAensland
    ReneAensland Member Posts: 838

    Wow, you guys are ######### ruthless.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    @powerbats said:

    @Master said:

    @se05239 said:

    @Doc_W__HOLLIDAY said:
    Or just buff solos and killers to be SWF level? That would be even better

    Any buff to solo players will buff SWFs.

    No, simply add ingame voice comms. Easiest solution ever, and technically its easy too

    Yes because that's worked so well in COD, no one wants to hear some 12 year old using I slept with your mother insults in game. They also don't want to be insulted by a bunch of idiots mad that you got the unhook and they didn't. They don't want to listen to someone screaming at them over the fact they didn't get saved from the camper.

    Most won't use in game voice comms for this reason and consoles already have built in voice comms so they won't use it either.

    I'd personally disable in-game voip instead of listening to my fellow random survivors.

  • branchini1979
    branchini1979 Member Posts: 295
    Like it how all killers say SWF is unfair, but same can be said for solo survivor. 
    I am survivor main and play as solo at mid ranks. The amount of times I have died on 1st hook coz I am not one of their friends or been saved right near the killer so they get points and I get tunnelled. 
    I preserve still knowing this is part of the game and just have to hope you get good survivors
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    edited December 2018

    @se05239 said:

    @powerbats said:

    @Master said:

    @se05239 said:

    @Doc_W__HOLLIDAY said:
    Or just buff solos and killers to be SWF level? That would be even better

    Any buff to solo players will buff SWFs.

    No, simply add ingame voice comms. Easiest solution ever, and technically its easy too

    Yes because that's worked so well in COD, no one wants to hear some 12 year old using I slept with your mother insults in game. They also don't want to be insulted by a bunch of idiots mad that you got the unhook and they didn't. They don't want to listen to someone screaming at them over the fact they didn't get saved from the camper.

    Most won't use in game voice comms for this reason and consoles already have built in voice comms so they won't use it either.

    I'd personally disable in-game voip instead of listening to my fellow random survivors.

    That would be your decision, but dont prevent others the possibility to communicate just becuase you dont like it.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Doc_W__HOLLIDAY said:
    Master said:

    @se05239 said:

     @Doc_W__HOLLIDAY said:

    Or just buff solos and killers to be SWF level? That would be even better

    Any buff to solo players will buff SWFs.

    No, simply add ingame voice comms. Easiest solution ever, and technically its easy too

    Would killers hear it? Because that would be another way to bully the killer.

    Having some kid scream "CAMPER CAMPER" because you still exist on the map, having someone taunt you after pallet stunning you, or screaming "BABY KILLER RELIES ON NOED" doesn't sound like much fun.

    Of course not, voice comms need to be the same liek discord/ts what SWF currently use, otherwise it would be kinda pointless

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Master said:

    I'd personally disable in-game voip instead of listening to my fellow random survivors.

    That would be your decision, but dont prevent others the possibility to communicate just becuase you dont like it.

    Yes but why waste the time and resources on it when there's already discord, Mumble, Ventrilo, Teamspeak and the console versions already being used?

    The return on investment wouldn't be worth the costs involved and given the ready availability of said other voice chats it's highly unlikely to get enough usage. If you look at consoles especially even solo q they can just invite to a group chat then kick if needed afterwards.

  • Kaelum
    Kaelum Member Posts: 994

    FYI, none of these counters will work with SWF. Why? Because on console, anyone can invite anyone into a party. This completely bypasses the SWF function by creating a party (SWF) while waiting in the killer’s lobby. On PC they can do the same thing by announcing coms in the lobby chat. There is no possible way to reliably detect if the survivors are communicating during a match.

  • deadbybugexploit
    deadbybugexploit Member Posts: 29