4 months after meta shake up

i remember being genuinely excited at first hearing about a meta shake up now months after nothing has really changed honestly it’s simply gotten worse the meta change was a good idea but was horribly executed gens feel so much faster to deal with even faster than before 6.1.0 while as on the survivor side this gen kick meta has got to have been the worse meta we ever been threw it’s so excruciating and frustrating perks like eruption which have been talked about for months and not a single change yet this new meta takes one of the most fun aspects of dbd away which is chases in that’s a topic not frequently discussed i would like to hear how everyone games have been feeling the past few months are they better or worse ?


  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Ruin, Pop, Thanata meta was way better than what we have now. Those at least all required you split pressure (more fun for survivors) and actually be skilled enough to get downs.

    This is why we want perks that incentivize killers to split pressure and reward them for playing well to be the meta.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,316

    i miss original thano, it was fun injuring survivor across the map and splitting pressure. the challenge in keeping all 4 survivors injured was more interesting for me.

    Pop+Pain res still exists. Its just renamed to eruption+pain res.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,660

    Definitely worse.

    The new meta gen slowdown perks are just better than the old ones.

    Lethal Pursuer buff makes aura reading very powerful and now stealth is much less viable as survivor.

    Thanataphobia was also straight up ruined. I don't even use it on legion anymore, only plague sometimes.

    With survivor perks DS nerf caused tunnelling to become such a problem for me.

    In general i just feel like the game became less interactive. Also with the progression rework i no longer have any long term progression goals. I would probably still be playing for hours a day if the old system was still in.

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    Undying Ruin was a really fun meta compared to what we have now.

    I wish they would have actually tried to balance the game with 6.1.0 instead of just a meta shake up.

  • versacefeng
    versacefeng Member Posts: 1,140

    The "meta shake-up" was just devs making space for new meta perks by getting rid of old ones. If they truthfully wanted to shake up the meta, they wouldn't have wasted their time on nerfing half of the 39 perks and buffing the rest so that they replace the previous meta.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    I really liked the last iteration of Thana that we had before they nerfed it. It still wasn’t as good as the meta slow down perks even on its best killers (legion/plague) but it was at least good enough that I’d run it just to mix things up. It really wasn’t an issue and didn’t deserve the nerf, it’s literally a trash perk even on its best killers right now.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,468

    I can't speak for everyone, but I feel more pressure in games now as a solo survivor that I barely stop to do totems or anything other than gens and unhooks. If I leave my gen for too long or let myself get distracted, chances are it'll regress to nothing with all the gen slowdown perks. So i have to commit, and other players probably feel the same too. Killers and survivors are just kind of in this cycle now where we are just feeding into each other's misery.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    All the killers hugging the 3 gen strat right now is a result of killers not feeling like they have enough time to make chases with how fast gens fly. Ideally we want balance changes that would encourage killers to chase without making 3 gens, camping or tunneling more effective.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,468

    I just saw Kindred is broken! Right when we are about to start the holiday event. Massively bummed about that.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,085

    Yeah, this is basically taking the game hostage at this point. If a Killer refuses to chase Survivors and just prolongs the game to protect their 3-Gen, there is nothing else that can be said.

    But people here argue that the Killer is just doing their objective, which is not even true. Because the Objective is to kill all Survivors and not to prolong the game until eternity.

    I had two Killers like that recently. A Wraith who had a 3-Gen on Haddonfield (Strode House inside, Strode House in front, Gen next to the Playground right beside the Strode House). And a Pinhead who had a 3-Gen right from the start on RPD (2 Gens in the Main Hall, one Gen very close to it). In both games I just suicided at some point, because there is nothing you can do as Survivor if the Killer refuses to play the game.

    But I should not have to suicide to get out of a game because the Killer does not want to do their Objective.

  • FMG15
    FMG15 Member Posts: 456

    The problem with todays gen kick meta is that it makes holding 3-gens easier then before. Before the meta shakeup you had to rely on the fact that Ruin is still up and that you have to get quick downs for perk value (Pain Res and Pop). But they massively buffed Eruption and Overcharge two perks that also synergize very well with Call of Brine. The counter to that is insane coordination but that is almost impossible in SoloQ and this is the exact reason why the new meta is very unhealthy for the game. We also got Nowhere to Hide after this chapter which makes stealthing near the gen immpossible giving the killer perfect info to prevent the gen from popping. I'm getting really tired from this meta already which is why I play with almost no slowdowns whenever I play killer. If I play the Nurse (who I main) I even play her perkless against full meta builds and crazy toolboxes and still win almost every match with her that's just how strong her power is. The devs need to make some changes for the sake of SoloQ asap

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,830

    Do another meta shake up and nerf every single meta perk (both killer and survivor) but this time DON'T buff anything and see how it goes.

  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456

    They have been better on both sides for the most part altho the game still has the same issues it always had and it's that solo queue is very hard especially with the fact that MMR doesn't work, just like old ranks didn't work, so you usually get potatoes that play like bots.

    But on average it's been slightly better because of the perk changes and basekit buffs.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,468

    My last 4 games the killers have done this strat from the start. Wraith, Plague, Doctor (he got lucky with Azarovs too), and a Knight. I'm guessing my fellow (presumably) solo team mates in the Knight game had been seeing this strat alot too, because we all just attacked the 3 gen as soon as we realized. We managed to get a gen and the Knight DC'd. It's crazy that it was a Knight too because you'd think he could defend the 3 gen better than any other. Probably why he DC'd actually.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    Remember when they said that they want to do these perk changes substantially more often but in smaller amounts?

    Hey bhvr babes were waiting

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297

    Still better than old undying ruin meta

  • JustWhimsical
    JustWhimsical Member Posts: 590

    Can you people stop with the us vs them it is so annoying. Killers adapt to fast gens by stacking slowdown survivors adapt to the stacked slowdown by doing gens more. It isn't something that is happening because the oppressive killers are doing it, it's just dumb meta things. There are survivors who rush gens against the trapper with all aura reading, then they start stacking slowdowns because it helps more than aura reading perks. Because why would the trapper run an aura reading perk when it doesn't actually help them whatsoever? The people on both sides adapt to what they go against it isn't something only one side faces.

  • HauntedKnight
    HauntedKnight Member Posts: 388

    Your average killer player using most of the killer roster simply cannot end chases quick enough to evenly spread pressure and make the game “fun” for all survivors. Hence the use of slowdown perks. This is then combatted by survivors using perks/items to slam gens as quickly and efficiently as possible.

    Unless big changes are made to how the game flows, then I don’t see how anything will really change in this regard.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    I think it was the right move to encourage kicking gens rather than use passive slowdowns. It's just that certain slowdowns (Eruption) are over-tuned. But what really stings is solo queue has not gotten any love. :(

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,085

    Yeah, but you dont need 4 Slowdowns on any Killer.

    And you certainly dont need 4 Slowdowns on any Killer which is at least A-Tier (or probably even high B-Tier).

  • Chadku
    Chadku Member Posts: 729

    Gotta make money somehow by making non licensed perks weak or downright useless and making licensed perks look useful in comparison.

    Eruption & CoB are basically PGTW & Ruin just paywalled.

  • VideoGameMage
    VideoGameMage Member Posts: 358

    You don't see how nerfing mostly gen regression on killer side with no buffs to anything would be bad?

    Some of the meta perks on survivor are exhaustion perks so how would you even go about nerfing those? Kindred is meta too, the most important info perk for solo q, not to mention off the record being the only good anti tunnel perk.

    I wouldn't mind perk nerfs, if it came with some hefty basekit changes, but just a bunch of nerfs would make things worse for both sides.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,177
    edited December 2022

    Reworks exist.

    Most Exhaustion perks are fine, actually, in my opinion, most survivor perks are fine in general now, aside from certain generator speed-up perks. The issue is items. Medkits and Toolboxes are too strong, Flashlights and Keys need more utility, and Maps just overall need a buff.

    Nerfing regression perks overall and increasing basekit kick regression further could be the ideal way for killer to do. Maybe even buff/rework killer powers to tune Blight's addons down and Nurse's power down, but buff all the struggling killers (and make Sadako have a chase power because she really needs it).

    Also map offerings need to be reworked to be more fair for killer, Ive made a post on a map system that would do this. Another thing is giving killers access to the "Shroud" addons that make people spawn together, and mist/fog offerings, well, mist/fog in general, needs a rework.

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    I actually think gens feel faster because of cheaper bloodwebs. It's not hard to have 5-6 BNPs stocked up at all times and I usually see 1-2 a game and when I don't It's a couple syringes instead. Combine this with survivors constantly taking themselves to eyrie, farm and red forest and I can tell you that's why killers are bringing 4 slowdown perks. The worst case scenario for killers is now much more common.

    It doesn't help that medkits can be so stacked now that trying to bring antihealing feels like a joke so there isn't even much a reason to bring anything besides gen slowdown because nothing else feels impactful besides occasionally bringing STBFL or Lethal. Aura builds can actually be decent in the average game but because of map offerings and Iri item add-ons every game you don't really get those games as often.

    Survivor meta feels fine to me I kinda feel like I can bring whatever I want as long as I have an exhaustion perk in there and maybe a healing perk depending on if I'm bringing a medkit or not.

  • Sally_S_gay_son
    Sally_S_gay_son Member Posts: 285
    edited December 2022

    The way you described the sad state to a t perfectly, can't wait to see how people here will gaslight you lol

    as much as this forum hates the Nurse, at least the Nurse will finish the match in 5 minutes with starstruck and because they actually know how to use their power and not kick gens

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    All the survivors complaining about killers in here. 😂 Many of y’all are probably skill issue. I’ll run nothing but aura perks and no addons and I still get complaints in PGC.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246

    They didn't make the fun parts of the game more accessible to players who were struggling with them in the first place. They just made gens take longer to complete and made the meta gen defense perks easier to use.

    But chases are still just as difficult for the players who found chases difficult before. That's the first rule of any multiplayer game: a set proportion of players will stay at the ceiling and floor relative to their opponents no matter how high and low those things are moved.

    They didn't change any of the things that make maps problematic in the hands of good survivors when they're matched against a relatively less skilled killer or lower tier killer (read carefully before you jump me). Heck, they keep messing with Autohaven/MacMillan of all things. Like...why? Those are the two realms players actually like.

    They really only changed generators. That put the focus of the trial on the most boring parts of the game: gens and area control. If someone wasn't skilled at chase mechanics before, these changes didn't incentivize them to improve at all. It did the opposite.

    You can change problematic map tiles and tune matchmaking to actually put players against players of their skill level so they have a chance. Actually incentivize the fun parts of the game. Trying to change perks so less skilled killers can compete against better players all because you're terrified of queue times is insane and will kill the game in the long run.

  • Tranquil_Blue
    Tranquil_Blue Member Posts: 335

    Yes. And it's honestly always been like this. Both sides are on a serious time crunch if the other side is playing even remotely efficiently. There are tipping points where your chances of winning start to decline rapidly.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,830

    I was meaning buffs to perks, not buffs in general, because you are right, nerfing anti tunnel and gen regression without some base kit changes is silly.

    We shouldn’t have to rely on perks to counter gen speeds and tunnelling in the first place, add some actually effective way to counter those things THEN nerf everything.