Those that play Killer

Every match you play you aren’t playing a SWF. I’d bet that you don’t face a SWF but every 1-10 matches if not 1-20.
Are you strictly talking about 4 man swf groups? Otherwise I am pretty sure the percentage of swfs including 3- and 2man is higher than that.
doesn’t mean all of them are sweat squats and some might not even use any voice comms of course..
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I’m talking 4 man squads. I don’t think I’d consider a 2 man on comms or a 3 man no comms a SWF, just some people who met each in the game, and play together sometimes. I’ve played those, and didn’t really feel advantageous. I’ve just been playing Solo q today and received some much crap from killers post game calling out SWF this and SWF that, I mean jeez, there was no SWF and that killer tunneled and camped their way to a 3-4K. I guess I’m just curious at what point does a killer think he’s facing a SWF? Because a Gen is finished quick? Does that activate camp and tunnel mode? Just curious.
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SWF is an acronym for Survive with Friends, which per definition includes all types of survivors playing together in a premade - no matter how many and if on comms or not.
it’s still advantageous over complete random soloq even if you are only a 2 man without comms as you at least know that there is someone having your back/not only hiding/sandbagging etc.
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Don't tell me what I go thru
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Most of what I wind up matched with is 2 SWF, and then 3. And a full four is very rare. But it hardly matters, 2 SWF+ some luck + some practice is enough to make the game no fun at the least.
Because the developers allow/encourage this style of play, I never mention it in end game chat, because it is as intended. Even if I feel it is not fun and I would rather opt out.
I usually waste time at the start of the match trying to determine how the SWF elements are set up and playing, sometimes it doesn't much effect the game flow and I just treat them as normal. Unless they make it obvious and then decisions are made based on them. Basically the SWF dictates how the game will go, and in a PVP game of serious intent that is not a good spot to be in. I would never really compete with that set up.
I'm not sure if you're asking this to troll, or you really want to know what would make killers not camp and or tunnel. For me if no SWF elements are present, and their in game actions make this apparent, I won't camp or tunnel and most likely won't kill sac a survivor out, unless I space out and over hook them. But if they are present and they are in control of the match, I may, if I decide to compete, tunnel the solo out, so the SWF can't abuse them as free corner gen labor.
Camp/tunnel isn't actually a fun use of time, but neither is facing a group on coms.
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Yeah, iirc the percentage of teams that contain at least 2 people playing together is close to 50%. Four person SWF is like 5%.
That said, telling yourself only lose because you are going up against SWFs is common killer copium. Kind of like "OmFg tUnnELing and CaMpiNg" is common surv copium when they just got outplayed; sometimes true, usually not.
And a lot of SWFs suck. They'll be better than if playing alone, but two to four potatoes in a group are still gonna potate.
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I just did, and?
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yes sometimes the solo synergy tends to blend in too well it feels like SWF
but in high mmr, yea no, u ain't convincing me that those 4 megs with flashlights aren't swf
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Take these broken wings 😜
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The best thing is when a 4 man swf claims in end-game chat they were soloq without even being asked for it and then you see on one of the 4 profiles they forgot to switch it to private and they indeed were a 4 man
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or they get extremely toxic because i you tunnel all of them with lightborn or franklins, oh im sorry, you are allowed to bully me, but im not?
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O yeah the tunneling everyone at the same time complaint! Just recently had someone that claimed I hard tunneled their mate - even though said mate was first to get hooked and died in EGC when everyone else was on death hook.
these kinda endgame chats even make a lost game feel better than a win.
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Surv or killer, people often just angrily throw crap at the wall when they lose, pretty much.
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just your "casual" game of dbd, pressure jigsaw boxes = tunneled
pressure tapes = tunneled
pressure gens = tunneled
bad play and dead hard failed = got tunneled
go afk = you guessed it, tunneled
so many tunnels we could build sewers
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You're forgetting an important variable. SWFs of any kind are a stronger role than SoloQ, a 4man is stronger than a 3man, a 3man is stronger than a 2man etc etc. which all plays into MMR. In mid to lower MMR games your statics may hold some truth (however you clarified your stats are based on a 4man) but in higher MMR games, killers face the majority of all types of SWFs rendering your statics completley false. The higher your MMR as killer is, the MORE SWFs you face.
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According to these forums EVERYONE is high MMR, but if that were the case there wouldn’t be so many Solo Q complaints because everyone would be high MMR and everyone would be in a SWF. In the past 100 or so games, as killer, I’ve lost maybe 2-3 games (losing to me is 2 or more survivors escape) I don’t know how much this mysterious MMR moves up or down depending on a loss, but I do know that I DONT play the same people over and over again, which would constitute that I and those I face over and over are of the high MMR, but instead I face a really good group which are clearly SWF then 10-15 games of solo Q, then a really good group. So based on my own experiences is why I posted that. The point is that not every survivor group faced is a SWF.
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Who is saying that they face SWF every match?
Also, do you have data to show that SWF is only every 1 out of 10-20 matches?
It’s going to depend on the time of day that you play. I’ve played killer during the day and during the evening. SWF are far more prevalent during the evening (makes sense - people are off work/school and have time to play with their buddies). I would bet you a lot of money than SWF are far more frequent than 10% of matches during peak evening hours.
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in my experience they are common late night but rare during the day
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Read the post I made right above the post you
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Even 2 groups of 2 in a game is a significant advantage and very noticeable.
A game without a single swf and they're all solos I would say is probably like once every 7+ matches. The higher mmr you go the more and more common swf are.
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Maybe. Maybe not. I usually can't tell.
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So no data just a personal anecdote. Gotcha.
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The data I collected from games, random person….
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Still just a personal anecdote. One person's experience does not equal reality for everyone.
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Nope. A full 4man - maybe 1 in 12. A 2 or 3 man? I'd say at least half my games, probably more.
A SWF - people playing together. Nothing about SWF definitionally requires it to be a 4man.
Even a 3man SWF is miles stronger than a 2man.
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Bingo. You have no way of knowing what you're up against when playing, let alone choosing your loadout. There is very little opportunity to reactively adjust if starting the match less sweaty, as the killer role is designed specifically to start at a disadvantage and build pressure through downs/kills. It is much more intuitive to start sweaty and gain an advantage asap than it is to start more lax and hope your opponents are doing the same, since the latter will outright lose matches due to the game's design.
If you don't assume the worst, by the time you realize its the case, its already too late. Thats a big part of why so many killers stack as many advantages as they can right off the bat, they have to assume survivors are doing the same. It creates an endless cycle of "whoever relaxes first, loses" for both sides.
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Curious as to why you believe you face a 2-3 man SWF on more than half your games?
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It's generally obvious - often two people with similar names, playing the same survivor, or have each other on Steam friends. You can tell a 3-4man by the fact that they all drop into the lobby at the same time.
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Yeah I play at 12AM-4AM on NA. I have been preaching that people who want better players/teams to play at this time. It's always 100% killer incentive and at the very least it's 2 2-man swfs. 3-4 man swfs is often for me but I also have a 75-80% kill rate so my mmr is most definitely high. If I am getting a 4-man 1 in 10 games then 4 mans don't play the game.
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Similar names like Yin/Yang sure I can see that, I’m a little iffy on the steam friends, I play on console and have a ton of in game friends gathered over the years, and don’t really play with them and probably wouldn’t know it if we landed in the same game, but the drop in all at once happens in solo Q quite often, and it is definitely not a reflection of a SWF
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Lol, so 9 out of 10 games you play are SWF, how do you know this? Are you playing the same people over and over again?
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I guess - a better question: following your logic, what makes you sure you aren't playing against SWFs?
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Lol you got me there, I don’t know. Not when it comes to 2 or 3 man SWF’s. 4 man I can usually tell by the way they play, like the picture below, but otherwise they could be coordinated solo Q. The whole point of this post was post match being repeatedly being called out for playing SWF when I never play SWF.
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So you're still claiming that your personal experience applies to everyone else without any evidence, that's all.
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Yep, my post my rules, go find your own post
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Everytime I load into a match 4 man sqaud or they sure as hell act like it ,I feel like they personally just want to beat me , that's why I feel like I'm a great killer
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Depends on the time of day and the day of the week. On a Saturday night at say 8pm I guarantee that every second match or maybe more has at least a 2man SWF if not a full SWF. During the weekdays at 4pm or something? Probably not...
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you know, solo survivors sometimes can be even more dangerous that swf mainly because they will focus on gens even more, while swf will usually throw the game just to save one of their own if tunneled/camped... the problem is that people that know how to play if putted together are even more worse that both cases, which mind you doesn't always happen as you said, but when it happen you are at their COMPLETE mercy (only 2/3 killers can be annoying for those people... nurse, blight and bubba... why bubba? he can kill people without the need to chase a 2nd time... aka camp and can be almost unbeateable regarding the possibility to save someone from the hook)
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Thanks for stopping by 🤣
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Casual SWFs are hardly better than solos. Most times there is little to no difference in their escape rate, according to the devs. (Which is also my experience)
And if there was, then mmr would take care of it and put them in front of better killers, ensuring they still have the intended win ratio.
Some comp SWFs will have win streaks, but hey, so does every other killer that wants to prove their worth.