The team is actively investigating reports of outages affecting all platforms.

True solo queue escape rate?

I wonder what the actual true escape to kill ratio is for solo queue?

If you were to take out SWF data and add in DC's as part of the kill data (because 1 DC basically means a 3-4k in most cases), I would put money on that the kill rate is like way up at 80-85% quite easily.

Solo queue really is in a sorry state at the moment. I would class myself as a killer main that likes to dabble in solo queue from time to time and I honestly feel sorry for anyone that only plays survivor in solo queue. I'm honestly not surprised that the survivor population has significantly decreased.


  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    solo might be better if we could have either built in audio chat and a easy way of requeuing together if you like how the players performed

  • NewPlayer100102
    NewPlayer100102 Member Posts: 515
    edited December 2022

    The players of this game are toxic. It doesn't matter what tool you give them to express it.

    I play a lot of 2 SWF or solo and its pretty bad from that point of view. You have to loadout to survive alone and these are not perks that help the generators got done. I do really want to see the escape rates broken down into better categories. I want a great big spreadsheet of that **** for Christmas. Keep the outfits.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,009

    if u not prepare to hard carry half the matches don't play solo q. Your likely to be given one potatoe teammate regardless of mmr.

  • fake
    fake Member Posts: 3,250

    DC decreases the statistical number and selfish suicide increases the statistical number.

    If there are no more people committing DC and selfish suicide, we will see accurate numbers, but even then, it is an unknown, as the impact of archival challenges, etc. is not entirely absent.

  • JaviiMii
    JaviiMii Member Posts: 286
    edited December 2022

    It's a little outdated at this point but a while after the perk rework dropped I tracked 100 matches of SoloQ.

    (I had a 37% escape rate)

  • usesPython
    usesPython Member Posts: 121

    Can't really say how many of those randoms were duo/trio but the escape rate in my solo games is 45.2% overall, with my personal escape rate being 41.2% over 422 games. Escape rate presumably drops if there's no swf's in the game but I doubt it'd be below a 35% overall escape rate

  • Nirgendwohin
    Nirgendwohin Member Posts: 1,251

    my soloQ escape rate is between 45 and 50%.

  • Jinxed
    Jinxed Member Posts: 248

    Not audio chat pleaseee, I dealt with enough sexism in my messages that I had to turn them off, I don't need it in my game as well.

  • Paternalpark
    Paternalpark Member Posts: 634

    Voice chat would be counter productive, people will get upset at failed plays then give up. Just a status icon next to the character and things will be much better for everyone.

  • Ayjay
    Ayjay Member Posts: 44

    They would never let us see the true data, they're afraid to admit how strong SWF and frankly I'm not sure why.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    It should killer is too powerful agains't soloQ so that's need to be balanced. And swf already has way more information than killer. Also if the information would make soloQ too good which I doubt killers should get buffs and that would nerf power of swf. Slower killers should get some mobility at least.

  • Lost_Boy
    Lost_Boy Member Posts: 660

    I honestly can't see how anyone playing solo could have an escape rate of 45-50% just now?

    Unless you're playing a build that you basically don't interact with the killer at all & run multiple perks/items/add-ons that allow you to escape at the end via hatch or gate it's statistically impossible. You would literally have to play every game very selfishly & try your hardest not to interact with the killer.

    DCs/hook suicide must account for like at least 30% of a solo queue players loses. So that effectively means if you didn't have to deal with DC/suicide you would probably be in the region of escaping like 75% of the time with a current escape rate of 45-50%.

  • brewingtea
    brewingtea Member Posts: 239

    The game is responding to the fact that Discord already gave them that info. It wasn't BHVR that did that.

  • Dionysus42
    Dionysus42 Member Posts: 427

    Escape rates are low if you inflate the kill rate with matches that are impossible to escape from because someone leaves the game 30 seconds in, wow what a discovery

  • Lost_Boy
    Lost_Boy Member Posts: 660

    If you choose not to include them and add SWF data then you just inflate the pretend 40% escape rate for the majority of solo queue players.

    Having accurate data based on actually what is happening in game is much more important than having some unrealistic ratio that doesn't actually exist in the real world.

    I'm pretty sure most solo players would be happy with escaping 35-40% of the time but sadly that's not what's happening for most players.

  • Nirgendwohin
    Nirgendwohin Member Posts: 1,251
    edited December 2022

    i experience more disconnects from killers than from survivors. hook suicides are also rather rare. my build right now is: bond, open handed, dead hard and normaly kindred but due to the current bug i replaced it with lightweight. i dont bring items and only BP bonus offerings. my teammates usually have more than 1000 hours play time and you can really feel the difference to 600 hour teammates.

    whether a game is won or lost no longer depends on the players, but on the map and the rng. which is unfortunate and sad.

    you should track your games on nightlight and you would be surprised how high your escape rate really is. by feeling i would also say that it is much lower.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    Yeah but what do you get from factoring in dc games into the escape rate when it's clear to every one that those game aren't fair. This way you inflate the kill rate and then what? Most players would see the lower escape rate and demand killer nerfs cause they don't care that its from games that could not be won in the first place. A statistic about dc games would be very interesting on its own to see how serious the problem is so the dcs can be fought. If you count them in all you do is basicly punish killers for not letting the survivors farm and escape when there is a dc because when it comes to balance they look at the kill/escape rates

  • Lost_Boy
    Lost_Boy Member Posts: 660

    Yeah maybe just a better breakdown of all factors accounted for, but I guess it's easier for them not to show that information because of the negative effect it might have on the playerbase.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    The more detailed the better. But they don't want us to now so we can't demand #########. As long as we don't really now stuff they can just say it's not that bad

  • usesPython
    usesPython Member Posts: 121

    Speaking as someone who plays perkless quite a bit and pretty much never stealths outside of killers like Nurse or Spirit, the only thing you need to have a decent winrate in solo queue is the ability to adapt to whatever role is not being done by the rest of your team, and to go for high percentage plays that lead to 2-3 escapes instead of risking everything for the 4 out.

    Teammates going down fast? Give a long chase. Teammates not doing gens? Get on a gen. Everyone gens before friends? Go for the save. Killer tunneling someone out? Gen rush and give a bodyblock if the opportunity comes up. Killer tunneling you? Give a 5 gen chase by dropping every pallet. Killer camping? Gen rush and trade at the last second.

    The reason this is harder than in a SWF is because unlike SWFs where you're as good as your strongest skillset because you can co-ordinate who does what, in solo queue the requirement to be good at everything means you're only as good as your weakest skillset. In a SWF if you're not great at looping you can gen jockey and let your stronger loopers take chase; in solo queue if you're not great at looping you might be queued up with three other people who also can't loop and you just lose. In a SWF if you're allergic to gens you can let your gen jockeys hold M1 while you loop the killer; in solo queue you might instead get queued up with people who're looking for totems to boon and opening chests, meaning you need to be able to identify how much gens are being pressured and if you need to do them instead of taking chase or being altruistic.

    The other part of having a decent winrate is to stop taking risks that on average give the killer more kills. While we all have those stories of saving someone being camped with noed next to the totem with the exit gate on the other side of the map, the reality is that most of the time you'll get more people out if you just hammer gens and give the killer their kill in the endgame if it doesn't look like a save can happen. Stop being overly altruistic when it's a bad idea

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    In September I recorded all of my solo queue games and had a 45% escape rate. I didn't exclude any games including those where my teammates DCed or gave up on hook. I haven't recorded any data recently but it doesn't feel like anything has changed that much except for I see Eruption nearly all the time now.

    The link is below if you don't think I had a 45% escape rate, I didn't interact with the Killer or I played very selfishly. I included the builds I ran as well since most of them weren't meta but were still fun builds. Solo queue definitely has problems but it is possible to do decently. I find a lot of the issues though are caused by people focusing so much on how they perform on a micro level (eg Killer chases) they forget that there is a macro level (not 3 genning yourself, being efficient at working to an escape, etc).

    If you think it'll help take a look. I'm not a streamer but rather someone who just plays for fun so my experience may be more representative of the typical experience.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Aaand you would lose that money.

    Solo queue is in a pretty good spot right now. The only thing thats beating survivors right now, is other survivors. As you already recognized by suiciding/disconnecting. Apart from that, i don´t see a shrinking survivor population. Or where do you get those numbers from?

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442
    edited December 2022

    Time to go to bed grandpa..

    Now jokes aside, soloQ is in the worse state i have seen in all this years (been playing since 2016), i rarely play dbd lately because of this, its not fun obviously. Most of the times its like your teammates are doing the challenge of who is the most potato or the most crybaby that dc faster.

    The devs should start giving tools to soloQ to balance things, like kindred basekit and game mechanics changes like removing the possibility to suicide, but the most important thing is a working matchmaking not the crap we have now.

    We need a decent matchmaking because It doesn't matter how many times you die in a row all i get is pro killers maybe only 1 or 2 not so skilled in 10 games and my teammates are like 70% of the times a potato lying on the keyboard.

    Now i don't know if this is because i play since 2016 and maybe i have a MM so high that never lowers but if it was like that then i should get more decent survivors but its not the case, it looks like the matchamking only works to match me with skilled killers but fails to match me with decent survivors.. so in others words its broken.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited December 2022

    I will not say increasing escape rate would be fun as survivors. I rather die on 10th hook right at the Gate than escape from a tunneler/camper.

    i had a Spirit tunneled a Mika real hard. Feng and Clau took turn from body block hit, heal and go back while Im alone on the last 3 Gens. Mika died in the end with 3 escape.

    the most fortunate of the match was Mika the only one with multiple 2nd chances: DH, DS and Andrenaline that I pop last Gen in her mid chase. Along with Coh so Feng and Clau and self heal and go back for Mika.

    i escape the match, did I have fun? Certainly not.

    And Im sure that if Spirit tunneled me, I would be out from the game with 3 Gens left, and the team lost for sure. Would it be my fault if I die so fast if Spirit tunneled me? May be. But the bigger fault would be me using meme perks

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Solo queue is in one of the best spots for years. If you played back in 2016, then you should be aware, that survivors had no information at all back then. You had to pay attention if the downed survivor was injured before or not. If there was a Hex or any perk affecting you. All you got was some tiny arrows pointing in one direction or another on the progress bar.

    Basekit Kindred won´t help. Just take it (well now its bugged, so don´t actually take it) and watch how your teammates ignore the information from it. Like seeing Bubbas Aura vanish in the basement and multiple survivors run straight to the Basement. Sadly, the people that would benefit from Kindred (inexperienced players) will ignore it and the ones that know what to do with the information, are experienced enough to know that the basement Bubba is a trap.

    In regard of the matchmaking, i think that is something our community screwed up. After the 6.1.0 patch we tons and i mean tons of players that would suicide on first hook. Tanking their own and their teammates mmr rating, while also boosting the killers rating. My guess is, that it will still take months before the system starts to assign correctly IF people start to play normally again.

    Also the Archive challenges are doing everything to tank peoples mmr rating. By giving out missions that require players to play like potatoes or gods.

  • Cassiopeiae
    Cassiopeiae Member Posts: 263

    I believe it was a 39% ? I might be wrong though. Still, definetly low enough to kiss the ground.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    They should show the killrates with and without DC's in general so whenever someone complains about the DC penalty we can show exactly why it's there

    Could be a bit harsher even

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,592

    Because what I need in that game is children screaming while I'm carefully listening for any killer noise.

  • LegacySmikey
    LegacySmikey Applicant, Member Posts: 559

    At just over 700 games in (all recorded & all using every survivor in random rotation using only their adept perks) my escape rate is 44% it was up over 50% for a long time last few weeks have been really bad.

    Mostly because of teammates more than killers honestly.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    Really hard to track because technically you're still solo, even when matched with 2 or 3 SWFs.

  • Droneinthrwind
    Droneinthrwind Member Posts: 102

    Just my games - I'd say about 15-25%. Don't really track it but most games ends pretty fast. It's either god blight or nurse feels like 50% of matches.

    The bigger problem is survivor mains who are very entitled these days. First downed? DC. Two nano seconds of no one going for unhook after you get hooked? #########. Killer I don't like? Which is 95% of killers. DC.

    Like go play something else if you hate this game. Stop ruining it to all the people who try to enjoy it. Why are you even playing it in a first play? If you wanna play gen simulator without obstructions from that pesky killer go play barbie doll gen fun time.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,720

    The other thing that contributes to the "real" kill ratio is mercy escapes. If I play 10 games, escape in 2, am let go in 2, and killed in the other 6, it feels like I won twice, but the system reads an escape rate of 40%.

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 812
  • fake
    fake Member Posts: 3,250


    If a DC occurs, it means that the game is not included in the statistics. I understand that.

    Survivors who DC selfishly often do so because they cannot accept their own death, i.e., losing, right?

    If they had not DC'd, it would have been calculated as a statistical kill rate and the kill rate would have increased. But they exclude games from their stats that would have increased their kill rate in order to DC.

    Not to mention that if those games had been included in the statistics without DC, the kill rate would be calculated more accurately.

    Therefore, I considered that "DC reduces the statistics".

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,203
    edited December 2022

    Had they not DC'd, it could have been 4 escapes.

    I've had teammates DC on the first down of the game, only for the 3 of us who remained to complete around 4.5 gens before we started getting sacrificed. That 4th survivor could have easily turned that into a 3/4 escape game.

    You simply can't factor games with a DC. The moment they DC they skew the outcome of the game entirely. Even if they're on death hook, their DC saves the killer 30s or so which could turn the game around.

  • fake
    fake Member Posts: 3,250
    edited December 2022

    Okay, I admit that my language was bad. And I will change my mind.

    The DC happens to distort all the events that would have correctly incorporated the kill rate into the statistical numbers. Regardless of whether those games had high or low kill rates.

    I have considered only with respect to self-serving DC in solo queues. In that case, the player who does the selfish DC... Selfish. That is not an accident. If that game is 0k or 4k, the statistics are skewed because it is no longer included in the statistics.

    And on the other hand suicide increases the kill rate to be included in the stats. There are many sentiments I would like to say, but I think they are selfish and it is becoming a problem before it is balanced.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,203

    So with DC game written off entirely, and hook suicides skewing the kill rate up, also consider cases of friendly/farming killers who let survivors go.

    If you assume the suicides cancel out the friendly killers, and DCs are neither here or there, I'd say the rates are more or less an accurate representation.

    Obviously there's assumptions there to fill in the gaps for things we don't know, but I don't think the kill rates are too far off the mark.

  • FlameGNG
    FlameGNG Member Posts: 746

    0% i lose 9 out of 10 soloQs and out of those 10 soloQs there is a dc or insta suicideon hook in 8 out of them... Its horrible you literally have to play as a 4 man SWF if you want to have a game without DCs

  • GRIG0
    GRIG0 Member Posts: 308

    Yeah many ppl would make the match worse. But I'm sure some would be helpful explaining stuff, helping with teamwork or not taking things too seriously.

    I'd always try to help, but if someone missed a skillcheck I'd say: A PoOr PerForMaNCe iNdEEd! (Jk 😝)

    Yeah I'm not fond of the VC because I think most ppl won't even use it or make things worse with their attitude. A pity for those who are nice, but we can always try to befriend others or look for a swf.

  • Timmylaw
    Timmylaw Member Posts: 227

    All these people claiming 40%+ solo escape rate.... Why are you lying to people on an internet forum 🤣🤣🤣

    Your solo escape rate is not higher than the full average that includes swfs and doesn't include dc