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People blame killers and perks when in reality they're just bad

I'd say I'm sorry for saying it but I'm not, most of the time killers or their perks arent the reason you lost but more of your lack of skill or the lack of skill on your team.

If you or multiple people on your team arent doing gens you shouldn't expect to win. And if you or your team cant loop killers you shouldn't expect to win.

SBMM sucks, doesnt even track skill and it definitely will be making you lose game whether that's putting you on bad teams or versing a stronger killer, but you cant expect to win if your team is bad or the killer is far better than your team.

The game isnt a 1v1, just because you may die doesnt mean other have to. You shouldn't be so focused on your own escape when it's a team game and far too many of you give up when a match has a bad start.

Killers arent getting carried by perks, you or your team is giving them the wins. People shouldn't be able to be tunneled out at 4/5gens, that means your team is playing awful. You shouldn't end up on maps like giddeon and not be able to loop a basic attack killer.

If you want to win you have to try and put effort in. Most killers you verse will be trying their best and running a strong build because they want to win, if you want to win you should be doing the same.

The majority of games you lose will be down to you or your team. If you have bad players or people memeing you shouldn't win verse a killer trying, and while I get solo Q is harder it's mainly due to bad SBMM, bad matchmaking and/or just players on your team throwing.


  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Except killers have to get downs to win and most perks require downs.

    If you lose to a bad killer you or your team clearly arent as good as you think.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    "Trying to win" eventually will put you "Try really hard to win" since the game match you with equal "Try really hard to win" survivors. Where you mention

    I use 0 slowdown perks and still get 60% kill consistently. I faced equally non-try hard survivors.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    If you win with no regression at all then you arent versing good survivors.

    Not saying you are bad player yourself but you cant play super nice and have no gen defense verse good players and win all your games it's just not how it works. You'll be versing far weaker opponents than you should be.

    I agree the meta is boring, but I dont blame killers running slowdown as without it games are over in 5mins easy if not faster

  • JaviiMii
    JaviiMii Member Posts: 286

    That is a pretty absolute statement that already comes with a bunch of caveats, like specific maps and only applying to a pretty limited number of killers and match outcomes. - The conclusion, as limited as it is, is still flawed though. Why? Because as survivor I for one face a number of different killers and builds, the team however stays pretty much the same. Now, if it was us and out skill (or lack thereof) that's the deciding facor, we should be losing as much regardless of the killer or their loadout or playstyle. But that is not the case. In the vast majority of cases the game outcome seems to be determined by strategies (namely hard tunneling/camping, Eruption+COB and certain killer-addon-combinations, e.g. double range nurse or alc ring blight, mdr Spritit etc.) and builds supporting these strategies.

    That being said, yes. Survs playing meme builds and joking around are probably not gonna win against a sweating killer. Vice versa a meme build killer isn't gonna win against sweaty survs. - I don't take issue with those outcomes. I, personally, only take issue with hardcore sweating seemingly being the norm - which I don't particularily enjoy.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Yeah but the matchmaking isnt the best. You can quite easily have multiple bad or new survivors verse an experienced killer.

    Today the matchmaking is completely screwed, it's like its turned off today so that doesnt help games.

    People wanted SBMM, and you cant have "not try" and expect to win, if you win without trying it just shows SBMM isn't even close to working

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Well that's because of SBMM and you have no idea who you're gonna verse.

    I'm sure most killers have won at 3+ gens, it's not their fault that game was an easy one a d they brought good stuff because the very next game they could loose even with the same build.

    My point is as someone who mains solo Q survivor it's rare I say "that killer played super well" over "my team was awful" and that's the biggest issue for me. I want my losses to be because I was beaten by a better player not because my team didnt do gens or cant even loop safe pallets

  • Sally_S_gay_son
    Sally_S_gay_son Member Posts: 285

    Perks can carry the killer just as much they can carry the survivors, it's the nature of this game, so the only way to fix it is to discuss the problematic stuff on both ends and changes that should happen to make the game as fair as possible

    Why do you think the devs nerfed the survivor meta? Perks are playing the huge role in this game.

    The reason people are more focused on discussing the killer side of things now is that survivors are nerfed and now we have a new killer meta that has been out for couple of months and people have been trying to point out problems and things they find unbalanced, just like how people on the other end discussed stuff like dead hard, DS, COH and etc.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 1,958

    Oh I agree in that most players are not good, so the playstyles that people engage in to 'win' matches are not only unfun but actually completely unnecessary in the vast majority of public matches. The worst of that at present is the gen control meta (Eruption being the obvious big problem) which is not only boring but very oppressive against the vast majority of the player base.

    From the number of posts you have I can only assume you are fairly experienced and if so you will not doubt win most of your killer games, as you know the truly great survivors are not that common.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited December 2022

    Win is 3K or 4K? Do you think the game should make it you getting 16-20K per 5 matches? Because the Devs aiming for 12K / 20 survivors.

    If you aim for 4K every match, consider you should try hard to get it, and should match with survivors who also aim for 100% escape rate.

    Most survivors accept with their 40% escape rate, do killers accept with their 60% kill rate?

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,877

    I'm not sure I understand who this is aimed at, and by extension what complaints it's countering. I don't think most people even here are mad because they don't want to try and still want to win- occasionally I do see people who seem to be mad a perk or playstyle or addon makes them change what they're doing, but that tends to be killer players a little more, from what I've seen.

    Is this about the Eruption posts? Because it is totally possible for perks to be overtuned, and even if it's not "carrying" to victory, it clearly fits into a troublesome place in the game's health considering the disparity between how well it works against solo versus how well it works about SWF. That's bad for everyone; killers get inconsistent value, solo players get more of a hit than SWF, and even SWF are pushed towards a kinda boring counterplay due to the way the perk's designed. There are many valid reasons to complain about Eruption that aren't "not wanting to try yet still wanting to win".

    All that assuming you are talking about the Eruption posts, I'm not entirely sure.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    I'm a survivor main so I dont really do killer, this was mainly due to when SBMM was first added and every game was a mega sweat and then they tweaked it and it's much better.

    But the issue I have is survivors will often play bad and make a bunch of mistakes and moan the killer is OP or something else is.

    I was having a conversation earlier that getting adepts isnt skill based and you just rely on bad survivors being inefficient to help but that was met with insults and "bad killer" but I can just tell good and bad players apart and I feel people dont see mistakes being made.

    I never expect everyone to be amazing, but I do see alot of survivors be very inefficient or go down in places they really shouldn't against the killer but blame the killer and not their actions

  • Lost_Boy
    Lost_Boy Member Posts: 677

    The problem with regression stacking perks is that they become significantly stronger when you have 1-2 gens left.

    I've won lots of games with only 1 gen left with 3-4 survivors remaining because they just can get any progress. As soon as it's down to 3 survivors it's basically over for them. Had this been pre gen regression perks meta I would have probably lost a lot of those games. The perks definitely carry you when you should most likely lose in situations like that.

    On the flip side I've been in plenty of solo matches where I'm sure we're going to win. 2 gens left and like maybe 3 hooks, but then it's just like hitting a wall. You cannot progress any gen, especially against a high mobility killer. Slowly you start to lose the match and before you know it your team falls apart.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Well the game isnt balanced at all how if want it to be, I'd rather hooks over kills and force people to go for multiple chases and downs over tunneling and camping because it's the smarter play. And then survivor I'd have it based off more than just escapes.

    The issue is killer is just based of kills and how bad/good the survivors are and any decent killer can forced an outcome that is a draw at worst.

    The issue is it's easier to get a draw/win as killer with skill than it is survivor and that's simply because you cant control how bad your team is as survivor. But having said that the game is survivor sided when all things are considered especially when you go higher and higher in SBMM.

    And with a bad sbmm you will always get bad players on one side or verse a killer stacked more than they needed to for a match because the one before they got destroyed.

    Whenever it comes to alot of survivors they complain about the very top (nurse etc.) Which sure can use tweaks or silly things like "that's not fun for me so I give up" meanwhile theres so many bad killer maps/tile rng and then an inconsistent matchmaking so they always prepare for the worst.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    People taking responsibility is a big ask these days unfortunately

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Eruption can use tweak, more regression less incapacitated imo.

    But the post isnt really about that it's more everyone moaning about nerfing everything instead of seeing the mistake they made personally or the mistakes their team makes.

    I dont know if its lack of understanding or people are just blind to what they're actually saying

    For example I can be in numerous games where people will moan about the killer, perks etc. And I'm just sitting there as their teammate like "no we lost because we wasnt on gens much, the meg was just walking around and feng couldn't loop at all" but I dont see how people overlook their mistakes and blame it on OP killer, addons, perks when we could have easily won if everyone played smart or at least tried to

    Plus I'm seeing people give up basically every game no matter what just fed up of people moaning and ruining games because they cant accept they made mistakes and the killer just played better and is trying.

    If survivors have weak links and inefficient player verse a killer who's trying with a strong build the killer should win. I dont enjoy losing because my teams bad, hell it annoys me but I dont want killers nerfed so it's easier because if I get even an okay team layer on itll be too easy

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,877

    While I see what you're saying, I think it's a little premature to make a blanket statement like this. There are killers that are overtuned and there are definitely builds that are overtuned, so the complaints you see stand a pretty good chance of actually having a point.

    If someone complains about losing to a Clown who just has two slowdowns and moderately useful addons, sure, that person should probably look towards their own play or their teammate's play, but if they're complaining about Alchemist's Ring Blight or Exposed-Aura Read Nurse, that's obviously a completely different issue where their complaints are on much firmer ground.

    It's far too contextual to say people just flat shouldn't complain about killers and perks, I don't think there are enough examples of people who clearly are deflecting for this to be a valid approach.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Apparently so, so many people instantly giving up on first down verse anything let alone accepting one side just played better so they won.

    I feel too many expect everything to go a certain way and it's always easier to blame your opponent.

  • JaviiMii
    JaviiMii Member Posts: 286

    I see your point - but, based on egc I sometimes observe as killer, what survs notice in SoloQ is also very limited. There were a number of times where survs started blaming each other / one particular member because they thought they were doing nothing, when I could assure them said someone was either in chase, doing gens or was otherwise being useful - but they just didn't get a chance to see it.

    Which is another reason why I think action-icons for surv are absolutely necessary; is in chase, does primary objective (gens, gates), does secondary objective (chests, totems), is in healing action (being healed or healing), is in locker, is afk. - Those are the most important ones imo.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    I agree, but see how you instantly go to the most broken stuff on killer to make a point? That's a big issue, obviously some things do need a change I'm not against that but people are giving up and moaning about any little thing recently and that's just not on but it seems encouraged.

    Iv never understood why people want fast games tbh but alot of the game issues are more on matchmaking or peoples own views.

    For example people just give up because its legion and apparently that's okay because "hes not fun" when in reality its abit more mending for an easier basic attack killer to loop, but people see it okay to ruin everyone else's match when if everyone had that mindset of "this isnt fun give up" youd never get a game...

    Matchmaking and a bad SBMM is a huge issue, the game is just too rng heavy with a bad system on top so it will be a disaster

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,877

    If we're shifting to that people shouldn't give up because they find a killer unfun, that's a statement I'll wholeheartedly agree with, but it's not quite the argument that was being made initially.

    Matchmaking can be an issue (though the SBMM we have is pretty standard), and people just being weirdly entitled to avoiding very specific matches/killers is definitely an issue. I think the confusion here is that you seem to be talking about endgame chats and in-game actions? Whereas I assumed you were talking about forum topics, which have a more even split between people complaining about things being unfun and people concerned with the balance of something.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 1,958

    Ah okay well either way I do agree that many people don't take responsibility for their own misplays. But I do think gen control builds in particular can win games all by themselves and create a very boring meta. On both sides if the players really want to win and bring the sweatiest stuff possible, they will almost certainly win unless they get very unlucky with RNG or make some serious misplays

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,512
    edited December 2022

    It is limited and it's quite often a case of lack of game awareness as well. As an example, I had a game a few days ago where someone accused me of not doing anything and abandoning them at end-game. I pipped up at Iri off of that game so she obviously didn't see me doing the gens, unhooks or my time in chase but it wasn't a case of thinking either. She was a pretty good looper and was looping the Killer and the other two survivors were hooked and we got a 4E. So, if all the other survivors except me are hooked how do you think they got off of hook? Nobody abandoned anybody.

    Or, in another game a little bit before that, the other survivors were rescuing hooked people right in front of a Blight. I end up wounded and on death hook but get the last three gens done and the gates 99'd. At this point the other survivors get downed so I thought 'well, I'm wounded having never been healed since the second hook and I could just open the gates and leave but, what the hell, I'll see if the odds favour me'. The odds didn't, the Blight nailed me just as I was about to unhook one of the presumably SWF, and we all die. The SWF tries to say I lost the game but it's no, your hook swarming and being too busy messing with the Killer to heal me did far more to lose the game. Honestly, I should have just left as there was almost no chance of me pulling off an unhook but I tried.

    You don't see 100% what's going on so there's no point in people attempting to lay blame if the team loses. Things happen and it's not a big deal. It's a video game afterall.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited December 2022

    Yeah your original post is right on but unfortunately most people on these forums are more average/casual players that aren't going to understand where you're coming from or just simply unwilling to accept it.

    Almost every game I lose in solo queue is because me or my team played badly, that covers like 95% of the losses right there. The killers perks even if he's stacking 4 slow downs is rarely doing anything unless were actually playing badly since he needs downs for them to do anything in the first place.

    People get bad teammates in solo queue and then want solo queue buffs without being willing to accept the reason they lost had nothing to do with balance, it was players playing bad.

    Peoples definitions of "camping/tunneling" is also extremely broad, past actual reality. If i get good teammates he isn't winning without doing those things anyway though honestly. Do I blame the killer? No, I blame the poor balance of the game that forces him to against good survivors. Ideally we'd have the game balanced to where that wasn't necessary but unfortunately that's not reality.

    So many people here don't play both sides at a high level and it shows in how they view things.

    Anyway I agree with you, unfortunately everyone else here is going to dog pile on you.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Spot on, couldn't of said it better myself.

    Eh I'm use to people hating on me, people either hate my opinions or hate me because I "sweat" in games lol. I'm just blunty honest and play any game at the higher level I can.

    Whether its overwatch top 500, halo onyx, single player games on the hardest setting etc. I'll just say how it is but DBD is quite different as it's an asymmetric so people instantly go to mob mentality and only think of one side.

    Just a shame generations seem to go to being sensitive and stuff being made easier for them with less commitment, never use to be that way but I'd hate to see a game I do enjoy get ruined because people are complaining about X even though it's a whole different reasons that the game went that way

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    It's hard to make a single post about a topic because if you limit the post massively to one thing people bring up everything else meanwhile if you talk too much you lose people.

    There are definitely things that need tweaks like nurse blinks being special attacks, eruption having a slight change etc. But most of the time it's always aimed at killer stuff even if that isnt the reason people are losing.

    The main point of the post is to try highlight people are losing due to their own actions or their teams actions more often than other factors being to OP etc.

    I just hate how people are constantly giving up instantly because of X reasons or blame the killer for their own mistakes. I get I'm probably way more sweaty than most but I'm not the best player out there and I have seen alot of people at my level but the last thing I want is one side to be gutted and nerfed because of bad players so when good players are matched it's more imbalanced than it already is...

    I know it seems weird to most that a survivor main dont want most killers nerfed or survivors buffed but I want both sides to push to play well and better than the opponent if they want to win but it seems like people want to do bad plays and play worse than the opponent and still win... I dont like that

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 1,958

    This is all fair enough ^^ :)

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,810

    A year ago, we got this post.

    I'm not trying to shame you or anything I just think the character development is funny

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047

    I try this but I have so much emphasis on having fun over winning that there are no equivalently bad killers to put me and my friends with.

    One of the best memories I have in this game is when I was picked up right next to the escape, and one of my teammates (a random), while trying to get a flashlight save, accidentally escaped the trial. Laughed our asses off over it for like a half hour.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,792

    Yeah me and my dumbass friends have no equivalently dumbass Killers to match with

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,720

    I was on one of the best Solo streaks I've ever been on, recently....until I slapped on the 'Heal X Survivors' challenge.

    I'd unhook people with WMI/BK/ terror radius....literally impossible to not get healed in time....and people would run in whatever direction for 8-10s before stopping/run away from me forever 😞

    Pretty sure I lost 7 in a row, easy, trying to get it done.

    Unrelated, I've noticed a sharp downturn as of late in posts like KILLER IS UNPLAYABLE/SOLO IS DEAD/etc.

    Both have their issues, but they're not too bad, currently, IMHO.