Whose ready for some snowmen?

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Hopefully they adjusted them to not screw over some of the killers completely.
but I am looking forward to it, finally something fresh and fun
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I would like to get the event rewards but if snowmen behave the same towards killer powers as last year then i am going be a bit disappointed.
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That would be awesome
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Yes please! Could even reuse the Diversion animation for it!
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I loved the snowmen from last year so yay from me.
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Knight guards hit snowman with survivor inside if they are in a way of chased survivor. Interesting.
Also survivors get damaged inside snowman so we will see them used way less than last time. Especially since you get nothing from it now
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Get nothing from it???!!! What about joy and happiness?
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This is DbD, no one is here for joy or happiness…
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man people are just ignoring them and doing the same sweaty bs as usual :/
it's always the players that ruin events i swear