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[Wrong text]: PC - Glacial Strike - Bone Chill event - italian translation

Description: When i click on the "Bone Chill" button on the main menu of the game, the game shows a banner with this new event, and i click on the "Go to the event tome" button, here the game shows a new rift event and i put the mouse over this quest called as "Glacial Strike". Here i can see a wrong translation into italian language (Screenshot 1). If i change the english language i don't have this issue (Screenshot 2)
What to add in the description
Step 1 : Boot the game
Step 2 : I'm awaiting which the game is loading into the main menu
Step 3 : I click on the "Bone Chill" Button on the main menu of the game
Step 4 : here the game shows a new rift event and i put the mouse over this quest called as "Glacial Strike"
Step 5: Here i can see a wrong translation into italian language (Screenshot 1).
Step 6: If i change the english language i don't have this issue (Screenshot 2)
Wrong text: "Colpisci 1 sopravvissuto/i nascoso/i in un pupazzo di neve."
Right text: "Colpisci 1 sopravvissuto/i nascosto/i in un pupazzo di neve."
English translation: "Hit 1 Survivor(s) while they are hiding inside a snowman."
Additional information
- Frequency of the issue: Always
- Language: italian
- Version game: 6.4.2
- Platform: PC - Steam
Documents to add
Image 1 =>
Image 2 =>