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Mad Grit exploit

Drojac Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3

I accidentally discovered a glitch where after spamming attack with mad grit your attack becomes disabled and the survivor is no longer able to wiggle free. I was trying to let somone wiggle off at the exit gate but after like 20 grunts I relised they physically could not wiggle free. (they were definitely trying because I was swaying side to side the whole time) at that point attempting to drop them will trigger them to wiggle off and stun the killer regularly however this could potentially be used to carry a survivor across the entire map into basement as a trapper or Bubba, which understandably would be very powerful. Or worse you could just hold onto a survivor for an entire game without letting them go. I'm not sure exactly what triggers this to happen but I think maybe its when you swing at the exact same time a survivor is about to wiggle off. I haven't tested it thoroughly because obviously its pretty game breaking but its happened to me twice now (both times i let the survivor go)

In addition this happened to me on PS4 as legion but I suspect it can be recreated on all killers/platforms. Also my apologies if this has already been reported I scrolled through a few pages but didn't see anything that sounded like what I described above.

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  • Drojac
    Drojac Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3

    Side note: its hard to find if anyone else has experienced this bug since apparently so many people think that using mad grit on its own as intended IS an exploit lol