Ruin/Pop was much healthier than the current gen kicking meta

I understand that Ruin had its fair share of problems, since it worked best on already strong killers. But that is an inherent flaw of most regression perks in the game today still. Ruin is a hex perk, survivors mostly controlled how much value a killer would get from it, since spawns are limited and reasonable predictable.

Pop always seemed very fair to me. The killer would actually have to chase and down a survivor and got some gen regression as an award. The same goes for Pain Res, which I would also consider a fair trade.

The current meta rewards the same regression, almost unconditionally. In a 3 gen situation, this is a massive change. Survivors used to be able to draw the killer away from gens to make use of slowdown perks, which could be the deciding factor in breaking a 3-gen. This condition is gone. Killers can endlessly kick gens and regress them, wth little to no cooldown. I much preferred the old meta to this.


  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    I kinda disagree. Pop was OK, but ruin is is random. I remember a lot of matches where everything goes down not because players are bad or map or other thing, but just simply because no one could find Ruin. Also lot of matches where Ruin broke in first minutes and it went down for killer.

    Now meta at least have some consistency, also annoying as F.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 1,853

    It sure was a hell of a lot less frustrating to play against I will say that much...

    Just had a match on RPD against a Knight where he basically camped mid map which had a top and bottom gen and he was running Eruption, Call of Brine and Overcharge and basically we ended up in a situation like Hens' video where we could not win as his perks had the mid section locked down.

    I called him out post match (I gave up as did not want to spend an hour in this match) and his attitude was the same as many - Eruption and this tactic are not broken as they are in the game...

    I miss the old meta, this is not fun and incredibly unfair when you can just camp a 3 gen and win by attrition

  • Lost_Boy
    Lost_Boy Member Posts: 666

    I mean 3 genning as Killer was always like a high % chance you would win the game if you got 3 in close proximity even before the kick gen meta. The only thing now is it feels significantly more oppressive because you basically can't do s**t as a survivor. At least before you kinda felt like you had a chance, even though most of the time you would probably lose at a 3 gen scenario you still had hope.

    These days I honestly see 1 early DC or hook suicide like every other match. It must be like 2-3 every 5 games. I think solo queue survivors are so tired of the current meta that they feel helpless and are a bit worn down by the whole regression meta. A lot of games recently I've been in the whole team didn't even do gens anymore and just messes with the killer trying to get chases & sabo hooks etc. I didn't even think they're doing it to be toxic I think they're just bored. I know I'll run these kind of builds every now and again when I get bored, but I've seen a big increase lately in people just messing about.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,211

    I'm just dumbfounded that in their effort to 'shake up' the meta, they over nerfed the meta perks and over buffed the non-meta perks.

    That didn't shake up the meta, they just changed it for a new one.

    Ruin should only have had one of it's nerfs applied.

    Overcharge didn't need regression alongside the skill check so that it stacks with Call Of Brine, and Eruption just didn't need to become the absolute best regression perk in the game.

    I'd still like to see the odd Ruin or Pop in amongst all the Eruption/Overcharge/Call Of Brine's please.