Frosty Eyes are a trash cosmetic

Can we stop adding frosty eyes to the winter events and just make it a code item? I love most of the cosmetics in this years event but the frosty eyes ruin it, they are a joke of a reward. Especially dredge with a “Frosty Eye” since he only has one eye.
You know you don't have to use a cosmetic, right? I like the Frosty Eyes. I hate the silly outfits like Dwight the Christmas Elf. So I use the Frosty Eyes and I don't get the Elf costume.
I'm not seeing the problem.
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You dont have to use them.
Furthermore, they are more a tradition than anything else. Killers just get frosty eyes because they got them before. I can assure you, if BHVR would scrap the Frosty Eyes, we would have a lot of Threads of people asking about them and blaming BHVR for making the game worse.
Personally, I dont mind them, but I also dont use them. Maybe I use them on Knight, because they look cool and until I have the Prestige Head, I wont have any other Cosmetics for him anyway.
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I know I won’t use them. But they literally are trash? Why make them A CHRISTMAS EVENT ITEM. When they are a default outfit with a blue eye, what is Christmas about that. Have to do 6 challenges just for a default blue eyed skin? Ridiculous.
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Nope, you dont have to do 6 Challenges. You are free to decide to not want to do any challenges if you dislike the Rewards.
But if you know that you dont like the Rewards and you do the Challenges anyway, dont complain afterwards that you "had" to do them.
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They are "literally" trash? They come in garbage cans? You found them in a landfill?
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Yeah, they're a little underwhelming and usually thought of as a noob cosmetic to wear. (Although that stereotype has waned a little over the years). I think depending on the killer, it can be really cool looking.
One thing I do wonder is, are the Frosty Eyes items from the last 3 years still exclusives? I wouldn't know because I haven't missed any new releases. But the OG killers all have theirs in a player's collection by default, not sure about newer ones.
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I like them. Let's me know if the killer has NOED or not.
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I use them on killers for this reason.
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Frosty eyes is a tradition before BHVR had cosmetics they had frosty eyes as a way of saying hey it's Christmas enjoy I have frosty eyes I don't use them other then once a year just so I can put some holiday flair to the killers(minus twins since I missed that day) but they do it for tradition. Why is it a event cosmetic simple because fun fact it is look at Wesker his Blight outfit is an outfit but it's only ultra rare. Simple they put it as a way of keeping tradition no one uses it as far as I know or simply because they don't own any outfits for the killer but it's something you look at and just say huh maybe one day then completely forget about.
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I take free stuff and don't complain about free stuff personally. Frosty eyes cosmetics have generally been a bit of a meme imo, I used to run frosty eyes on Nurse as it makes you look like a baby killer... Not my preferred cosmetic really but free stuff is free stuff
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You thinking frosty eyes are thrash is your opinion. And that's fair, you are entitled to it.
There is a important thing people need to know about opinions though. Everybody has one.
And as with most things that are really common. They aren't worth a lot.
If you don't like it, don't use it. Some do and especially with how easy it is to make them i see no reason for them to stop making them
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I like Frosty Eyes, despite all the ribbing they get for being "NOED" or "noob" telltale signs. They fit some kilers bettter than others though. Legion looks really good with frosty eyes, Dredge looks ridiculous.
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I like them.
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Oni looks pretty cool in blood fury with frosty eyes
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Hey remember when we got these for free and they'd be automatically unlocked on anyone that had them even if you started after the winter event that year?
Good times