Eruption and deadlock

Can we please fix this crap already? In solo q it's almost impossible to escape when people does this perk combo. Basically getting rewarded for doing absolutely nothing...
Eruption is not generally paired with Deadlock, as they have an anti-synergy.
Mostly you see Er with CoB or (rarely) OC.
Deadlock is a fine perk. It's good, but not overpowering.
Eruption is...strong, but I'm not sure I'd call it OP.
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Think you mean pain resonance with deadlock.
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I don't think anybody has a real issue with Deadlock.
Eruption on the other hand...
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A perk that possible deny 120sec of progressing on a down is definitely not OP
Deadlock could be buffed if it wasnt so strong on campers
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It amazes me that people think losing chase time or even straight up abandoning chases in order to do the necessary gen kick to activate a perk that then requires you to win ANOTHER chase and get a down is..
... "absolutely nothing".
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I think you mean dead Man's switch with pain resonance, lol
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Exactly. They forget how much time it takes to walk to and from a gen, and then to down a survivor before that gen gets completed. The time investment to make it work far exceeds the 25 second of incapacitated.
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Okay so the perk is trash and we should rework it to make it better :)
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Didn’t say the perk was trash. It’s fantastic. I’m just saying when people complain about it, they purposely leave out the set up required to make it work.
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It's far too good for how easy it is to use.
Seriously. I've been using and abusing it since it got changed. The perk can and will carry you HARD.
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I only take issue with Deadlock when it’s used for camping because it shuts down the only defense survivors have against certain camping killers which is to do gens and get out. And it’s good at doing that with no input at all on the killer’s part.
Otherwise though, I don’t really have a problem with that perk.
Eruption on the other hand? Yeah, it’s dumb and personally I refuse to touch it with a 5-foot-long stick until it’s nerfed or reworked. I hate it too much as survivor to be able to run it as killer and not feel bad about it.
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Perks are meant to carry you. If they weren’t, there would be a hardcore mode where neither side gets to bring perks. Or we can go in the other direction and just nerf into oblivion like ruin.
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Surely there's such a thing as too much.
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Deadlock doesn't really synergize with Eruption. And Deadlock / DMS can be countered.
The real problem is Eruption in solo queue.
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Shrug. 'Possibly' is not a good way to balance stuff, I think.
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Probably 🤣
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Deadlock is kinda an issue in the sense of it being a completely passive slowdown perk. It requires nothing from the killer and even rewards them for losing gens
But eruption is the much bigger issue here
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Deadlock is a completely fine perk tho for me I'm not a huge fan of it as a killer main. Mostly because for me it's hard to tell if Deadlock is having any meaningful impact on the match at all. Sometimes when I'm running it by itself on some killers gen still feel like they are done super fast and it didn't do anything at all. It may feel like that to me bc it's so passive of a perk that I forget Im running it sometimes. Either way, Deadlock is a fine perk imo.
Eruption on the other hand does have problems and needs a change. I just want the devs to change it in a way so it stays decently powerful and not go down the road they went with Thana(nerfing it to the point it's not worth running anymore).
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Get injured you got deadhard.
Get injured you got longer sprint with overcome.