How to counter the legion?

Everyone thinks that its easy to win chases against him, but I always get tunneled when I face them. I lm not bothered by tunneling when I know how to counter a killer, so it really frustrates me as I'm going to be downed fast . How do you guys counter the legion?

Best Answers


  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    Just genrush and don't bother healing. He's barely got any counterplay at all.

  • C00lkid909
    C00lkid909 Member Posts: 17

    If I frequently get tunnelend by Legion, there are 2 things I usually do:

    Try to make them lose sight of me while they are in Frenzy (He can’t see scratch marks, works especially well in the cornfields)


    Force them to lunge through a pallet: They will hit me, but I will throw the pallet down, which they will have to destroy considering their Frenzy is immediately gone, thanks to them getting stunned by the pallet. This will greatly discourage them from chasing you.

    Perks that completely destroy Legion:


    No Mither + Iron Will (No blood trails to follow in Frenzy)

    Spine Chill/Premonition

    Urban Evasion

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    Have everyone disconect against them and go to the forums to whine and cry until they nerf them. It seems to work just fine.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Wait about three weeks and the Legion issue will sort itself out. Morbid jokes aside Legion preys on people who waste time with more complex strategies of looping. We don't respect loops, but if you run in a straight line and keep putting things in the way. mainly vaults you can get away. One thing to remember is that Legion can't vault forever we will eventually be forced to stopped. Pallet stuns are high risk, but they work really well against us. You can try juking around objects like tires and trees as well. Avoid working in groups and if you are hit with frenzy try to run as far away from you friends as possible as it keeps us from increasing the time we can spend in frenzy.

    Mend as soon as you can as the less time your wounded the more difficult you are to killer. If we're really sticking to you then draw the chase out as possible. If the chase breaks start mending at that moment rather than waste wound time trying to find a spot to hide.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    Honestly the best perk for countering Legion is Spine Chill. You see, it takes Legion a while to actually get close enough to stab you with Feral Frenzy unless they are smart and start it near you.

    So, use Spine Chill as your lookout since it triggers when the killer is looking at you within a 36 meter radius. If the perk lights up for more than two seconds start running in a straight line and build distance. Just stay aware and run away the second you see them. This wastes their time and forces them to either slowly catch up with their 4.4m/s movement speed or waste their Frenzy trying to catch up to you.

    If you can't run away from Legion then by all means do what @C00lkid909 suggested and go for stuns. Stuns drain the full power bar and completely freeze them while the stun animation plays. Furthermore, if they stand still at the pallet it means they are planning a vault with Frenzy. Just bait them into a missed swing and they'll have to wait until the Fenzy cooldown stun ends before they can hope to try to vault again which gives you even more time.

    Finally, there's a simple way to counter the braindead Frenzy spam Legions: flashlights, Iron Will, and stuns.

    Step 1: - Stun Legion at a pallet to completely deny them the Frenzy vault ability.

    Step 2: - Blind them while they can't vault to shut off their vision.

    Step 3: - Hide and evade the Legion's fov to successfully lose them. (Maybe use Quick and Quiet to vault over the pallet you stunned them with and sneak right under their noses?)

    You see, most Frenzy Spam Legions are awful at the game on levels that are simply unheard of. They are so dependent on completely ignoring obstacles and staying on your posterior like a pair of bloomers that the minute you completely lose them they are hopeless.

    As I guy who play's Legion as they were intended, I hope this helps!

  • Mystaria13
    Mystaria13 Member Posts: 495

    I had a 5 gen run against a legion yesterday and he's very weak. One strategy I probably use the most against a legion is when they go into their frenzy, I'm running to a pallet and I always try to time it where I take 1 frenzy hit and I drop the pallet which completely drains their bar. Then I loop them like they are a normal killer until they go into frenzy again then it's back for another stun or I keep vaulting to keep from getting hit. This strategy may not work for everyone but this is how I counter a moon walking legion. I go to a pallet and immediately drop it and stand on the opposite side to where they are coming and I start mending. When they come they are trying to not initiate a chase so they walk around the loop and I vault the pallet and continue mending. If the killer is smart he would just break the pallet and down me but Legion mains won't break the pallets. Using this strategy usually gets me out of the deep wound state but makes the killer mad at the same time because I didn't go down easy like everyone else. I've gotten a lot of salty messages for it and had a few of them tell me that they reported me when it was the killer who was playing slimy and using the moon walking exploit. 😂🙂

  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857

    Update coming soon! Also, moon walking legions move their camera so chase never pops up, bad moonwalkers will have the moonwalk broken. Maybe those are low rank legions you're playin. There's legions that moon walk lookin down at sloppy butcher blood. You pumped for legion change?