Hopes that new killers aren't headed in this direction

I hope for future killers, the ideas they come up with do not "break" the rules of the game Like Legion and Nurse. We wont even talk about Nurse, as we all know she was DbDs biggest mistake for a killer. While a great concept, not well thought out. Now we have Legion. While I am not saying he is overpowered, I am saying they need to stop making abilities that allow killers to bypass survivors only way of escaping...windows and pallets.
There is one that that is true....If Legion wants you dead, you are dead. You don't even have to be a skilled killer. The devs took out pallets, windows, and cut out parts of jungle gyms for the sole purpose of adding some mind games. It also added more thought to evading the killer instead of simply running from pallet to pallet, leaving the killer helpless. I have no problem with these things as killers really did need some love, even though on some maps, there are some pretty barren areas. Now, however, they are taking away what is left by adding these abilities that ignore the things survivors need to get away. I thought they would have learned from the Nurse, but apparently not.

PS, They can get rid of decisive strike too, that's another terribly thought out ability.


  • alivebydeadight
    alivebydeadight Member Posts: 1,559
    edited December 2018

    OMG I may have found the saltiest thread in history

    A.Nurse is the current best killer in the game
    B.Legion is the current worst to many but not that strong, his ability to vault pallets is weak without iridescent button to help
    C.another post about a 1 time use perk I am not surprised DS is a one time use perk that when playing legion or spirit can be countered fast when mixed with blood hound or enduring

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    edited December 2018
    Yes, let them keep creating killers who can be looped all game. We all know which side that will be fun for.

    The game absolutely BLOWS at high rank outside of a few select killers. Running around pallets is just so boring and tedious.

    I hooe they create more killers like Nurse, legion ,spirit, hag etc who can cut that ######### out entirely.
  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    This thread is awful.... here I thought it was going to be a thread about hoping killers powers being tied to survivors perks because that's just poor design... but more is just another survivor getting outplayed by a skilled nurse and not wanting any more killers like her... even though she requires a good amount of play time to be skilled with her and rewards the player for putting in the time and effort... yup lets not make killers that do that 🙄  FFS
  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

  • Tzeentchling9
    Tzeentchling9 Member Posts: 1,796
    Such a tragedy that the LOL button was removed.
  • Unnamed_Freak
    Unnamed_Freak Member Posts: 570

    @Master where is the lol button?

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340
    You guys always fall for bait threads 😂 
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Unnamed_Freak said:
    @Master where is the lol button?

    You guys need to bookmark it..... we cant let it die :lol:

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    @Spyte said:
    I hope for future killers, the ideas they come up with do not "break" the rules of the game Like Legion and Nurse. We wont even talk about Nurse, as we all know she was DbDs biggest mistake for a killer. While a great concept, not well thought out. Now we have Legion. While I am not saying he is overpowered, I am saying they need to stop making abilities that allow killers to bypass survivors only way of escaping...windows and pallets.
    There is one that that is true....If Legion wants you dead, you are dead. You don't even have to be a skilled killer. The devs took out pallets, windows, and cut out parts of jungle gyms for the sole purpose of adding some mind games. It also added more thought to evading the killer instead of simply running from pallet to pallet, leaving the killer helpless. I have no problem with these things as killers really did need some love, even though on some maps, there are some pretty barren areas. Now, however, they are taking away what is left by adding these abilities that ignore the things survivors need to get away. I thought they would have learned from the Nurse, but apparently not.

    PS, They can get rid of decisive strike too, that's another terribly thought out ability.

    How bad of a survivor do you have to be to complain about this stuff? Legion and Nurse break "the rules"? Since when are pallets a "rule"? Nurse is a counter to most survivor strategies? Yes, she was designed that way, but have you played her? Do you know how hard it is to play as her? The Legion can vault pallets? Yes. But can they down you right after vaulting? Absolutely not, my boy. If you are at least a decent survivor you hardly need pallets to win a chase anyway.

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    legion is so bad it doesn't even matter lol

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,271

    yeah, breaking rules, one "cant see survivors" or"cant see scratchmarks", "cannot apply effects with normal attacks" "doesnt get Bloodlust" or "additional weakness to flashlights", killers should be affected by all the basic mechanics, right?

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    edited December 2018
    @peanits threads like this one scream for the lol button!
    Please, we need it back!

    Oh and legion is the weakest killer we have. Yeah, he can down you after hitting you 4 times with his rubber spoon.  
  • Global
    Global Member Posts: 770

    @Spyte said:
    We wont even talk about Nurse, as we all know she was DbDs biggest mistake for a killer.

    Oh no a killer who cant be looped and can bypass survivors bullshit. Get over yourself kid.

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    @Unicorn said:
    You guys always fall for bait threads 😂 

    Bait is tasty, hard to resist.

  • ItsYourBoyGuzma
    ItsYourBoyGuzma Member Posts: 797