Let survivors 'give up' when being slugged

GloryHunter Member Posts: 33
edited December 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

I had several games in which the killer stomped on us Solo Q and let 1 or more survivors being slugged to secure a 4K.

My last game in particular was spectacular. We were down to 1 gen and all 4 of us still alive. One survivor got hooked and camped for dear life. We tried to rescue but all of us got caught one way or another which was quite stupid in hindsight. Nonetheless the last survivor (all others sacrificed at this point) was being slugged for no reason. Hatch closed, doors closed. The killer runs around the map destroying pallets and doors while he was crawling to nowhere. The killer's reasoning post-game was him getting blinded too often for his liking.

We can't change how players behave but please let survivors that are getting slugged have an option to die instantly and move on while keeping his blood points. Even if it has a timer of 30 seconds before the kill switch can be turned on, it's much more enjoyable than the current experience.

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