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Anniversary Event is Sad.

Panda Member Posts: 4

Last year we got a hole entire week dedicated to community challenges in which the community came together to get awesome rewards. This year we got 2 giveaways and a distant bloodpoint event. The entire update feels more like a shard grind and money grab from the cosmetic shop. Flame me all you want, but this anniversary is clearly WAY worse than last years.

In the there is more to come video they acted optimistic about the future and events. I have absolutely no reason to play for the next 2 weeks. Having a cosmetic grind that you can get doesn't make me wanna play. Events bring people back, the bloodpoint event reduces the grind but it doesn't add anything fun to work towards besides store cosmetics and leveling up the other half of the roster that I dont have prestiged

Peace out,


  • Cetren
    Cetren Member Posts: 985
    I will repeat my opinion from a thread I made at the end of last year's anniversary event.

    They SHOULD NOT have let so much stuff remain from the anniversary event, because it means LESS STUFF returning at the next anniversary. It would've been easy to drop off the anniversary offerings and a couple of the challenges and include them in next year's so that the anniversary keep some fun and exciting elements to them. That opinion clearly wasn't the one to influence them and they left all the stuff in, so of course they don't have anything new to give you, you still have all of the stuff they introduced for the anniversary last year.
  • Panda
    Panda Member Posts: 4
    edited June 2018

    @Cetren said:
    I will repeat my opinion from a thread I made at the end of last year's anniversary event.

    They SHOULD NOT have let so much stuff remain from the anniversary event, because it means LESS STUFF returning at the next anniversary. It would've been easy to drop off the anniversary offerings and a couple of the challenges and include them in next year's so that the anniversary keep some fun and exciting elements to them. That opinion clearly wasn't the one to influence them and they left all the stuff in, so of course they don't have anything new to give you, you still have all of the stuff they introduced for the anniversary last year.

    True, they made last years anniversary so good that it left everybody wondering if it would get better. It ending up turning into a patch ever 1 1/2 months with dlc 1 1/2 months after that with all they have to show for this anniversary are giveaways

  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010
    I missed the first anniversary event because  I didn’t know much about this game at the time. I was really excited for this one so I’m kinda sad about it personally 
  • Panda
    Panda Member Posts: 4

    @ThePloopz said:
    I missed the first anniversary event because  I didn’t know much about this game at the time. I was really excited for this one so I’m kinda sad about it personally 

    I didn't miss the last one but I'm even more disappointed comparing them. I know for a fact I wont win 20$ worth of auric cells or the huntress mask so there goes most of the event

  • Might_Oakk
    Might_Oakk Member Posts: 1,243

    In alot of games when they go heavy on micro transactions other aspects of the game suffer.