Dbd is the only non-team game I know of that penalizes leaving
If you played well enough for long enough that the Killer admits defeat outright, I'd call that a pretty complete match.
What, Killers don't lose their add-ons or offerings? They could probably have farmed at least a few more points if they had kept playing out the match as well.
If it's really that big a deal to you, the solution is to have bigger quitter bonuses, not to punish the Killer.
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DbD is asymmetrical, fundamentally and inherently unbalanced and uneven. What each player goes into a match looking to accomplish may vary wildly, and with only a few exceptions, none are any more valid than another.
Rather than debate all these particulars, let's just distill it down:
The rules are what they are, and by queueing up for a match you are tacitly accepting that the game may play out in a multitude of different ways, and under a multitude of potential configurations. Many of those might turn out to not be all that fun for any one of the players involved. It is what it is. If you're not willing to accept that and play the matches out, play something else.
If the game makes you miserable often enough that being punished for DCing feels like a burden, do you even want to play DbD, really? Or do you just want it to be something it isn't?
Just don't DC, simple as.
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Nah, because the people who get the bonus will continue to play as usual while the person who ruins the match doesn't learn anything, if you punish them, maybe they will think about it two times before doing it, I like how it works but I would preffer a system like f13 or other games that when you ragequit a lot it puts you in the "salt mines", basically pairing you with equally entitled players that DC a lot, meaning those people get to ruin equally entitled player matches and they get to experience the other side of the problem, honestly props to ganes that do that.
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Most of what you said can be applied to digital CCGs like Hearthstone. Card draw RNG and not knowing what your opponent's deck is can make any given match play out in a multitude of different ways. Unwinnable matchups, per se, are almost nonexistent; even if your opponent's deck counters yours perfectly on paper and they play 100% optimally, they can draw all the wrong cards at all the wrong times and still lose.
And many of those matches might turn out to not be fun at all for one or both players involved. One player may feel cheated because they had their opponent on the ropes, until the random numbers broke in their direction long enough to turn the tide. Another may feel robbed because they queued into the one deck that absolutely annihilates theirs, and there's nothing they can do.
So... what exactly about DbD is so unique that a Concede button is justified in those games but not Dead by Daylight? People use the Concede button regularly when they feel like the match is decided or they'd rather not keep going just on the off chance they'll somehow pull victory from the jaws of defeat, and most notably, nobody cares. In fact, you'll find many members of the community who ardently defend the Concede button, saying that, and I quote, "It’s everyone’s right to concede whenever they want". It's just a normal part of the game, because admitting defeat is as much a part of games as anything else.
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In DbD there is no one, clearly defined win condition. Some people want that escape or 4K, some people want to get their daily or complete that tome challenge, and everyone should be afforded the chance to do it, and not have the game artificially cut short because one of the five wasn't "having fun".
People will cite games where they are being trolled or bullied, but those are outliers, really. No one is entitled to the game being fun all the time in a game like this, but they should be entitled to a full game each time they queue up.
Now things have been suggested that seem to make good sense (like boosting the quitter/abandoned bonus), but that would likely increase the rate of DCs, and creates more issues than it solves. And yes, the killer DCing is in many ways less of a slight to other other players than survs DCing, but it's not harmless.
But again, at the end of the day DbD is what it is, and there are defensible reasons to keep it that way. If you want to play games like the ones you keep citing, play one of them.
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If dailies and tome challenges are that big a deal to you (Notably, Hearthstone has similar dailies and challenges but you don't hear them complaining about concedes), then just replace the Killer with a bot. Problem solved.
I dunno who you're queueing into, but matches where I don't get teabagged at the exit gates if all 4 survivors escaped are the exception and not the rule. If I refuse to go to the exit gates as I have no desire to watch helplessly as the survivors escape, I can expect them to wait an agonizing minute or more before they finally decide to leave. It's common for the survivors to trash talk me in post-game chat as well, especially if I tried something desperate to make up the difference as the game was slipping away.
Here I am saying, "We should improve this game somewhat" and your response is "And yet you play this game. Curious!" Do I really have to explain why that's a silly argument?