The second worst daily ever conceived
Seriously, who in their right mind would create a daily like this? Worse than this only Nemesis original daily.
First, I don't know if the devs overestimate the Knight's guards too much, but this mission isn't realistic to the way he plays. Most of the time, on a hunt, the guards simply push the survivor towards you so you can get the hit. They are not smart nor fast enough to catch survivors by themselves, so they normally just serve as support to zone them. Knight's achievement recognizes this problem and makes something simpler.
Second of all... Why 5 times!? The only killers who require you to do something 5 times for their daily are Demo and Deathslinger, and they don't depend on an AI to do it.
Please devs, change this daily so it is something like "Injure survivors while they are being hunted by a guard 4 times", or just reduce the number of times a guard has to injure a survivor to 2 or 3 times.
The four Pyramidhead cages was pretty bad.
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Yeah, this is a pretty bad daily.
The one about having X survivors step in your traps as Trapper is also annoying for the same reasons (albeit a bit less so) -- it challenges you to accomplish something that is squarely on the survivors' shoulders to accomplish for you. There's no amount of good play that's going to make a good team of survivors step into a single trap on Eryie. You just have to play the numbers game across multiple matches and hope you get lucky.