next meta shake up when??

shout out choy newest vib.
please gut prove thyself! Either everyone spawn in together and a gen get done immediately cause of this perk or everyone spawn in separate corners and it doesn't matter who i go for (two gens pop)
also gut eruption or COB (not both but one)
Doesn't Prove Thyself only shave off like 6 seconds?
It's really not that good of a perk. I find it makes zero difference in my games.
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Windows is fine.
PT really doesn't need a nerf but if people want to nerf it, idc. It has such little impact that it won't affect anything.
Resilence is a very risky perk. It doesn't need changes.
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i think it's only a problem at the start of the match. u shouldn't be able to finish a gen before killer could even contested it once
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It's actually way better if they all jump on one gen immediately than if they spawn on separate gens.
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It's ok and normal to have a meta. What's not ok is to have a super unfun meta. I don't think perk frequency alone should be the benchmark for a meta shake-up. CoH and Eruption are more problematic than their higher usage counterparts.
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Yeah this meta sucks. Onto the next one ASAP please
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It really isn't that big of a deal for me. It doesn't turn bad loopers into good loopers. As long as you know how to deal with good loopers, nothing changes with WoO and Resilience
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Only because perks are popular doesnt mean they need to be nerfed or changed.
For me, the best way would be to REWARD players for doing something as condition for perk X, Y and Z.
Ex: Old Pop rewarded you for a hook, new Pop is just garbage. Overcharge, CoB and Eruption is free to use, which needed go be changed.
Prove Thyself could work this way: % goes down and the killer gets notification OR you cannot use Items while its active.
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if bhvr even a bit stands by what they said before the "meta" change, then they will nerf all currently existing metas, such as selfcare is still meta I hope that the perk will be nerfed to 60sec so that finally nobody gets the perk plays (just time waist since the nerf) the perk was never too strong or even OP, as well as spine chill, iron will, they should have deactivated the perk IW only when you are exhausted then it would have been fine, but well if bhvr wanted to kill the perk gz you did it but unfortunately not with all perks like (see OPOP selfcare)
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PT and Resilience might go quite a bit faster, but for that to happen: 2 survivors have to be uninterrupted and injured on 1 generator, you not have any form of haemorrhage and spend about 28 seconds healing, uninterrupted.
In this scenario: 1. you dont really care about that generator position, so what does it matter? 2. you consider another survivor to be a more valuable target(which, is hard to believe). Or 3. you do care about that generator position somewhat, but not enough to check once every 40 seconds.
Resilience is a good perk, but it has its risks. Being injured means you cant afford working on gens that are away from loops, means you cant afford making a single mistake. Even with Windows and Dead Hard. And if a survivor is impossible to down, thats you making a lot of mistakes.
As for Windows being free, I mean, thats like calling Pain Resonance free(you literally just normally play the game and take the survivor to a tactical place, just because they have a different aura doesnt mean you do more work), they both still take up a perk slot. It has no hidden ability, it literally just tracks aura's of vault locations and droppable pallets. I also have a "hidden ability" in the main game, which is callled "look at crows" if a crow flies away, there is a killer or survivor there. If a lot of crows fly away in quick succession, odds are that there is a chase.
Thats not even considering the fact how many of those survivor perks are ran because of the killerperks+ the fact that a LOT of tunneling happens very early in the game these days.
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Again, good teams already know this. This is baseline info for SWF.
I don't see why we should take that away from Solo Q players.
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So this is just about not being good enough to deal with it.
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The nice thing about Windows is that it makes blindness actually valuable outside of slugging builds.
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Meta shake up is useless
What this game needs is a buff to aaaaaaaaaaall perks
Every single perk in the game should be strong as the meta perks, so everybody will have a plethora of choices, and the games will not be predictable anymore