general buff for killers, makes swf weaker but soloq less frustrating

DudelPuma Member Posts: 329
edited December 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Gene repair duration to 100-110 sec (or higher, you have to see what the right amount is), increase standard heal speed to 20 sec, nerf items, med kits last 32 sec for a whole heal (yes, med kits are much too strong with 16 sec self-healing) and much more ...

HUH? and where please does that help the solo q? now comes the point, killers have a lot more time and are not more under high pressure just because it's a swf, so here comes an "action buff" for everyone who enters the queue alone (i.e. solo), here too you have to look and be played with the numbers, 10% faster gen speed 20% faster heal speed

that would also motivate people to play solo q again without getting frustrated, or rather look for a swf or play killer "everything but no solo q because that's the worst way to play dbd" or let it be dbd altogether , which is also understandable to leave dbd behind, because after bhvr has waited so long with any answer, a lot of people have left the solo q almost only beginners and some people who have no idea about dbd (these are most of the high mmr players at the moment )

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700
    edited December 2022

    I dont think extending the most boring part of Survivor-Gameplay (Gen sitting while watching a bar filling with toggle-mode or holding M1) will do what you want.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,604

    Making the game harder for SWF won't help the game...

    Plus it would be hard for BHVR to code

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    Yeah that sounds like a coding nightmare and I don't know why we wanna punish people for playing with their friends.

    Like if someone has 50 hours and plays with thier friend with 12 hours why do we wanna make the game miserable for them? I'm pretty sure they're not gonna be making amazing plays just because they're in a discord call.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,658

    You dont motivate people to play SoloQ by making SWF horrible to play as. If SWF is no realistic option anymore, I would just quit the game. I did not play SoloQ for months now, because I simply cannot stand the thought of having to deal with 3 Muppets running around doing nothing. I like to have at least one person who knows what they are doing.

    btw. are you a streamer by any chance?

  • versacefeng
    versacefeng Member Posts: 1,227
    edited December 2022

    This is the only community where people want playing with friends to hinder you ingame.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,367
    edited December 2022

    solo q is a wasteland full of potatoes because it no reason to play it. I went from winning 45% of my games playing with terrible teammates to winning 80% of my game playing as killer within 2 weeks. As killer you can pressure the other side whenever you want through tunneling and camping. swf can pressure using body block, flashlight and sabo plays to the point that the killer become scare to pick up. Solo q have no coordination.....and most of times killers can just get easy wins off camping and tunneling. Much rather be in a bully squad than a helpless solo q player

  • DudelPuma
    DudelPuma Member Posts: 329

    please tell me where did i say "punish for swf" ?? this is all a general buff for the killers like the last "killer buff patch" only this time less solo q suffers a lot, i know the dbd community is not the most intelligent and misunderstands a lot and only hears what they want to hear (that's why I ignore a lot of the statements) and don't address certain things because they are always misunderstood because it seems too difficult to understand, the simplest things that everyone understands is more statements like "swf broken, nurse broken, killer are broken" but if you say that the killers still need love and buffs because the killers byfar are still very much at a disadvantage and you shouldn't bury the solo q in the process, then yes, then comes "do you want to punish the swf? do you people want them punish play with friends ?" respond emotionally and not racially

    but i always think to myself "if people are too limited to understand that and misinterpret my statements completely, then it's your own fault!" again THESE ARE KILLER BUFFS only the solo q gets an actions buff so as not to go under, A GENERAL BUFF LIKE THE LAST "KILLER BUFF PATCH" simply because the killers are far too weak POINT! and btw i am a main survivor who since the change of mmr and killer buffs (i.e. since solo q is unplayable) mostly only plays swf or killer or other games, you can ignore all that and leave it as it is only then a lot of people (like me 8k+ hours) would rather switch to swf and killer than go for solo q

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Lmao this is satire right? You say this as if every group of friends is an amazing group. Majority of them are just average players having fun.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,198

    This....does not help.

  • DudelPuma
    DudelPuma Member Posts: 329

    ikik its too dificult, that is why I took a nice picture for you, maybe you will understand then :))

    sorry i can't lie to myself like you, i could play swf all day and say "oh we only do this because we want to have fun together" like the people strached res said "we only do this because it looks nicer and we also have more fps" no! main survivor who also has many friends and can play swf all day, who has experience in dbd 8k+ hours for 4 years, has experienced a lot and is now discussing with people MOST with a high probability do not even have 3k hours (inexperienced players)

    but that doesn't stop me from sweeping it under the rug and I agree with the main killers! and strengthen their backs! because you are in the right here like with Nurse, I stand behind the sruvivorn who say "nerf Nurse she is way too strong" I can also deal with the Nurse and by far 99% of my games are 4ks, I should now because I can lie to keep it that way? no! I'm always on the side of reason!

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    Making SWF do things slower than solos is punishing SWFs. I don't think you actually understand what you're advocating for.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077


    The answer is:

    • Rework maps. Right now, the difference between a victory and a crushing loss often comes down to the map.
    • Give solos those status icons and the ability to see perks in the lobby beforehand.
    • Reduce quitting behavior, which is probably the #1 thing that makes solo queue a nightmare.
  • DudelPuma
    DudelPuma Member Posts: 329

    double lmao, no i say a lot more! I say Nurse should never be nerfed, because most players are simple average players no much more if you look at the stats, so Nurse is the killer with the lowest kill rate, so Nurse should never be changed just because a few people can deal with her, This post is only about buffs for solo q and killers, but if you want it exactly for me, simple if I have my way delete nurse and delete swf because both are not good for dbd!

    but stop with the hypocritical double standards, you who get upset about Nurse all day but woe to the one who says something wrong about your beloved swf, although the same simultaneous facts exist scaringly in both Nurse and swf and how much the two are similar, but I have the feeling that swf is the dearest child and Nurse is the hated one, although both do the same thing to be too strong in the right hands and many who can't handle it falsify everything

    dbd community: "Nurse is bad, tunneling is bad, camping is bad (most nod their heads and say "Yes!")

    Killer mains: if you don't play Nurse, Blight, Spirit and match against swf, that playing coordinated doing gens well and just drop every pallet then you almost lose, then main killers say "nerf swf are way too strong you can't keep up" they bring ideas such as action debuff, then you great people come out with big eyes "what?? do you want that you are punished when you play with your friends?"

    you're the first to cry when it's a nurse who tunneld and camped to do 4ks, you're the first to the nurse, blight, spirit debate but forget about all the other killers suffering from swf so don't give me those excuses! if swf stays the same then the nurse who tunnels stays the same!

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    People used to say that killers would have more time and power after 6.1 and that surely it would make them play fairer, right ?

    Cue early 3v1 slowdown meta.

    I don't think the power role should get more power to appeal to the good in their heart to play fairer. People who already play fair won't change, and people who play optimally will have a field day as tunneling would have even less counters and essentially guarantee the win.

    Not to touch on how you're essentially punishing people, including very casual players, for being with friends.

    It's sad to say, but in DbD's case if you want people to play fairer you need to enforce it through game mechanics and not just try to incentive.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210
    edited December 2022

    And still ppl don't get it because BHVR is too scared to communicate it the right way, for whatever reason.

    All surv changes, buffs or nerfs will ALWAYS effect ALL survivors, not just solos or SWFs. The game doesn't make a difference here, never has and never will do. Because since crossplay, the system can't even tell 100% who's playing with friends. Or why do you think we don't even have SWFs icons in the endgame screen for a better understandment? Because the system can't track it 100%.

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352

    That is not just true, if you can have a friend list across multiple platforms you can have a way to know who are in a SFW and who not. It has nothing to do with "the system can't track it", they just didn't implemented it for any reason.

    Something have to be done with full SWF doing genrush, yes... but what you are suggesting is just nuts.

    I think BHVR have started to do the right thing, equalize the level of comunication a SWF team have as that is the main advantage of a squad (even tho, in-game voice chat would be a better option that status icons and would really put SoloQ at the same level of SWF, but whatever) and then start balancing against SWF as nobody can say "But what about SoLo PlAyErS?" then, as they aren't in a "coordination disadvantage" anymore.