Proposal for Eruption

leowt Member Posts: 45
edited December 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

So by now, I think it’s reasonable to assume that most players who genuinely care about game balance would have been convinced that Eruption is an unhealthy perk in its current state. My intention with this post is to make an original suggestion in order to make the perk healthier. That being said, I don’t want to make the perk completely lose its stopping power, which will end up robbing it of its viability.

My Proposal:

  1. Killer kicks gens to mark them for eruption
  2. Marked gens are highlighted in yellow for the killer
  3. When a survivor is put in the dying state, only the marked generator with the most progress will be erupted for 10% progress and any survivor working on it will be incapacitated for 25s
  4. 30s cooldown for eruption

Why This Makes Eruption Healthier:

  1. Eruption only affects 1 marked generator instead of all marked generators, preventing completely BS situations where survivors get hit by eruption simply from starting a generator with 0% progress
  2. Has better counter-play than before - if survivors know that a killer is running eruption, they could choose to split up on generators (so that only 1 survivor maximum could be potentially hit by eruption) or choose to commit and group up to finish a high progress generator (which is very risky and could potentially lead to multiple survivors being incapacitated)
  3. Prevents nightmare 3-gen scenarios where games can last forever

Why Eruption Would Still Be Viable:

  1. It retains its stopping power - supposing eruption procs, it’ll still buy the killer enough time to regress a crucial generator (maybe through pain res, pop or another application of eruption)
  2. 25s incapacitation on a single survivor will still be brutal
  3. It retains good synergy with other genkicking perks


  • The perk will still punch hard on solo queue survivors while potentially having no effect on swfs

This concludes my proposal for eruption. I personally think this is a reasonable compromise that will make the perk fairer and healthier for the game while still making it viable. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Heytherebigguy
    Heytherebigguy Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 226

    just delete this perk with dead hard and we're gucci.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    The problem with this is you’re underestimating the cost and risk of kicking gens. Kicking so many gens for it to only effect one is a massive nerf and a lot of wasted gen kicking time. Why not just change the incapacitated to instead just block the gen and up the regression to 15%? Now it effects solo and swf equally and still let’s survivors heal, do other gens ect as well as having less synergy with gen kick perks.

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,323

    "Most players who genuinely care about game balance"... do you mean survivor mains that can't see or don't want to acknowledge that Eruption is one of the best weapons killer have to counter the current Gen rushing + WoO meta, right? The same ones that just ask for the nerf of the perk without even considering that a nerfing of survivor perks and change on mechanics is needed to be done in tandem if you don't want to unbalance the game even more, right? Right...

    SWF are doing fine with 3 gens situations, they simply do middle gens so the last three gens aren't close to each other and use loopers with WoO to waste as much time of the killer as possible while doing the gens at max speed thanks to perks like PT, hence the use of Eruption + CoB to counter it. Fix the first, and we can talk about fixing the second.

    Also, what @Blueberry said is the way to go.

  • GensByDaylight
    GensByDaylight Member Posts: 528

    I don't see what would be wrong if eruption just blocked the gen for 25 seconds.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Just revert the incacipated duration buff it got. Or even slightly further reduce it. We did it.

  • yauniqua
    yauniqua Member Posts: 151

    it literally holds the game hostage