Question regarding scoring / ranking up

Quick question for anyone out there that has more knowledge about this stuff than I do. I’m still relatively new to the game as I started playing regularly back in late July or Early August. Each month, I’ve hit iri 1 in rank without much hassle until now.
I hit iri 4 a few days ago, and hit a wall. I spent seven hours online today, and couldnt manage to gain any pips towards iri 3 at all. I’m not doing anything different than I have been each match; gens, unhooks with heals, totems, chases etc. Yet, it seems like I can’t progress forward regardless of what I do. Example, I had a match earlier where I had at least 7k in 3 of the 4 categories at the end. I didnt escape, and somehow managed to barely hit the safety pip.
Am I doing something wrong? Is there some sort of general guideline you guys go by for each match when you are trying to rank up? I haven’t ran into this issue yet since I started playing. So I’m not sure how to go about correcting it.
This is the extremely detailed wiki page
I will give some of the notes here
At Iri rank you need 9 emblem points for saftey pip, 12 points for a single pip, and 15 to double pip.
Bronze is 1 point, silver is 2 points, gold is 3 points, Iridescent is 4 points.
So you need gold for all 4 emblems to single pip and for each Iridescent you can get away with a silver and 2 Iridescent can even cover 1 bronze if your 4th is gold.
Lightbringer Emblem 190 points for Gold
5 points/gen completed for everyone
15 points/gate
20 for dull totem
50 for hex totem
1/second of repair time 100 max/gen
33/gen of other players progress
Some passive points when things happen while you are in chase like someone else cleansing a totem
If you never touch a gen and all 5 get done you will still earn gold on this emblem
If you repair 2 full gens gold is guarenteed as well
Unbroken Emblem
Very simple escape for gold, dont get downed for Iridescent. Silver is surviving 9 min, bronze is surviving 5 min.
Benevolent Emblem 75 points for gold starts at 35 points.
-30 for unsafe unhooks, almost impossible with basekit BT
-10 points per hook but not when you get hooked
+10 points per unhook by anyone
10 points for a heal, not self heal
10 points for taking a Protection Hit while the Killer is carrying another Survivor
10 points for for causing a Survivor to wiggle free because of sabotaging a Hook within 10 metres of the Killer
20 for a safe unhook
30 for causing the killer to drop survivor
Basically 2 safe unhooks will get you gold if no one dies
Each death on hook is a permanent -10 because you cant unhook them
Evader Emblem 560 points for gold
Lotta math on this one but basically win chases, long chases more points.
-10 / hit you take
50 / pallet stun
1/second in the terror radius, modifier for how close you are
Up to 250 points/ second per chase
60+ sec long 250 points/second
45-59 sec gives 125 points/second
30-44 sec gives 60 points/second
15-29 sec gives 30 points/second
This is also modified by killer proximity, and doubled for winning chase and cut in half for losing chase.
Hooe this helps.