The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Chapter Concept: Heads up, Eyes forward.

ItsDigDuck Member Posts: 44
edited February 20 in Creations


Post edited by ItsDigDuck on


  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,700

    To be entirely honest, this killer feels like a noobstomper, but wouldn't be able to be viable at all against more experienced players. Also, having your power gauge be filled by survivor's mistakes and nothing else sounds really unengaging from the killer side. There's no power to master here, you just kinda play the match and hope survivors screw up enough to give you your power, which they can only succumb to once? Killer powers should always be something that the killer is using something actively, that they have control over. Additionally, addons should always be related to the power in some way instead of just creating miscellaneous effects. Also, standard killer movement speed is 4.6 m/s. For a killer to go any lower than that, their power needs to noticeably change the flow of chases (ie. huntress's ranged attacks, spirit robs survs of visual info, nurse straight up ignores obstacles), and this power does not do that.

    As far as killer perks go, them doing more passive things is more acceptable, but the more passive they are, the more appropriate it would be that they're tied to a hex totem, so survivors have some sort of way to counter them, especially if it's something that happens often throughout the map, like encountering skill checks.

    At their core I think they're pretty decent perks that could use a little alteration.

    For Attention, I think it would be good if the consecutive skill check had no great skill check zone, so that it doesnt have the potential to accidentally help survivors do gens faster. Also if its going to apply to every single skill check, it should also probably be a hex perk.

    Slap on The Wrist I think should also be a hex perk, but besides that I like that one a lot actually.

    For No Child Left Behind, that whole "if you hook a survivor that you already hooked in the last two hook states" is way too harsh of a condition. In most matches you'll find yourself whether you meant to or not, and while not tunneling a survivor. I see what you're trying to do there though, and I'd like to suggest the following alternative: "When a survivor dies by any means, this perk loses 3 tokens". That would discourage tunneling a survivor out of the match without being overly punishing, and you lose all the effort you put into that one survivor instead of all of your progress. The "dying by any means" would also account for the powers of Pig, Sadako and Pyramidhead, who can kill survivors without hooking them under certain circumstances.

    Now the survivor perks

    Blackmail is honestly a really interesting idea for a perk. Making failures harsher, but giving you some intel out of them. I like the core idea there. Although it should probably apply only to the user. You might be fine with losing a little extra progress, but your teammates might get frustrated with you if their penalties become harsher because someone else is running a certain perk. Also the aura reveal time could definitely stand to be a little longer, somewhere between 4-6 seconds is typically reasonable for an aura revealing perk.

    Cover-Up sort of exists already in Off the Record, Zarina's perk. Although Off The Record applies to the person running it, instead of giving the effect to someone else. Although that difference alone might be enough to make Cover Up distinguishable from Off The Record. I'm a little unsure to be entirely honest.

    Snitch, I also like at it's core, but can use a small change. Instead of having it show the killer's aura, have it show their location. Hiding the killer's aura is kind of a major part of how undetectable works. Location would be fair game though. It may not give constant intel, but where the killer was when they gained undetectable can still be very valuable intel.

    Hope my feedback is helpful, keep it up with the chapter concepts! 👍️

  • ItsDigDuck
    ItsDigDuck Member Posts: 44

    Thank you for your in-depth feedback. I posted on reddit as well and have been working on re-working the killer power, Ill post when I update and tag you if you like.

    Again, thank you for taking the time to read and give a ton of great constructive feedback

  • ItsDigDuck
    ItsDigDuck Member Posts: 44

    Changes made as of 1/4/23

    Added the forgotten special ability. Widow's Song (Think Doctors Illusions mixed with the Knight's Guards. Chase and reveal but no damage)

    With the aide of redditor Goofyfoot: Adjusted the following addons

    Rusty Slide, Math Textbook, Language Textbook, Science Textbook, History Textbook, Strap and Cane, Slipper and Birch, Detention, Widower's Revenge

    With the aide of @Chordyceps Made the following Perk adjustments

    Hex: Attention : Made the perk a hex, removed the great skill check zone from the secondary skill check

    Hex: Slap on the Wrist : Made this perk a hex

    No child Left Behind : Met in the middle with what I want and Chordy's changes. Perk token gain is now gained for causing a survivor to enter a hook state that was not the last survivor hook state gained, instead of last 3. Token increase is 1.5% instead of 1%, and 8 tokens instead of 11. Deaths cause you to lose 3 tokens

    Blackmail: Changed location reveal to 4 seconds across all perk qualities, made the perk user only.

    Snitch - Changed aura to location, increased duration across all perk qualities

  • ItsDigDuck
    ItsDigDuck Member Posts: 44

    Also I was unsure about how I felt in the Widower's Song with the chase if it should be an automatic chase, or the Teacher could have to activate it, like turn and hit ctrl like hag does for her traps, and that way only one would activate at a time

  • ItsDigDuck
    ItsDigDuck Member Posts: 44

    Cleaned up the add-ons and back stories a bit. Made the concept easier to follow. Would appreciate any other constructive feedback people may have to offer