spaghetti gen-repair times

I think it's fair to assume that at this point everyone knows about the stacked gen regression vs stacked gen progression meta and the vast majority of people will agree that it's incredibly unhealthy for the game and leads to incredibly boring matches.
Based on this, I do wonder: what if there was much less variability to how long repairing a gen can take - in both directions?
At the moment it's anything between 30 seconds and indefinitely. And both sides have to assume the other side aims for the respective extreme end of the spectrum. But what if gens would require a minimum amount of, say, 70 sec - and a maximum of 3mins (provided they get stopped from regressing)? [Just throwing some numbers in] What if it became much more about in which manner you slow down/regress gens on the killer side, and in which manner you progress/secure progression on gens on the survivor side?
I think a more rigid frame in terms of match time would allow for more variety and flexibility on both sides.
What do you think? Would it make a difference if the minimum and maximum times a gen can take to be repaired are much closer to each other than they are atm?
[note: I am aware that ther eare killers that are so strong - if played somewhat well - that they don't need slowdown as is and genrush is the only "counter" --- but the issue are those killers and not the potential removal of genrush. Same goes for map design. I am aware there are maps where gens are impossible to defend if the killer is not high-mobility or has "remote gen regression"/can nuke critical gens. Again, the problem with that are the maps, not the potential removal of regression/slowdown stacking. --- Alas, those two issues are whole different cans of worms. For the sake of the "argument" let's pretend maps "got fixed" and "problematic killers" reworked/tweaked --- whatever that means exactly; let's assume maps and killers are in a state of "not ideal but all in all alright" or better.]
I don’t see a particular problem in the reduction of the generator rollback from cob and overcharge, it’s 125 seconds for the generator rollback, 125 seconds is quite a lot, given that it’s enough for the survivor to press m1 once,
another thing is that survivors with toolboxes can start all generators in less than 2 minutes, while shift w chase takes 30 seconds, 80% of killers are m1 and they physically won’t have time to oppose something to this, by the way, that’s why the killer so often camping or playing only as a nurse
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I think that the Gen progression perks are being used cause the Gens now 90 charges (seconds)
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Toolboxes, BNP, and medkits should have at least double the charges, but only provide at most an 8-10% speed increase. That fixes most of the variance on the survivor side.
Someone also mentioned that BNP could be consumed to 'lock in' gen progress. So, as long as the gen is above 50%, using a BNP prevents the gen from regressing below 50%. That would be a decent use for the item imo.
Slowdown is mostly fine, and the exceptions to that have little too do with regression speeds tbh.
I'd say the only 'problematic' gen slowdowns are eruption and stacking speed debuff perks. Eruption has problems with the lack of counter play and insane incapacitation time, the regression and gen damage are fine.
The only other change would be to cap speed debuffs in general. While less 'meta' after the patch, stacking Thana, Pentimento, Dying Light, etc on legion or plague can still lead to 160+ seconds per generator, which is ridiculous.
Ideally, speed increases and decreases across the board should have caps, and avoid situations where survivors can self heal in a boon in like 5 seconds with the right perk and medkit.